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Everything posted by SeanyGlass

  1. I have recently found a mod called FutureCraft. Now, the element of this mod that allows me any reason to post it on the terrafirmacraft forums is it's cross server travel I think that such a mechanic could be applied to TFC multiplayer by making each server an island, and allowing players to exit their island using special tools and boats. Then you could make each island be home to 1-2 biomes and 3-6 types of rock, varying mineral densities, and varying soil quality. As already discussed on the FutureCraft thread at, you would have to have an admin setting the rules for all the server-islands on one multi-server-planet. I post this as an idea, and leave it at that.
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    All that's required for imprisonment in TFC is a way to take items off a player and to be able to move him forcefully. You already can't break stone with your bare hands so so long as you can take the tools off of the criminal you can imprison him. There should also be a way to move offline players, but probably not kill them so that if someone gets stuck in a trap in your house and logs off, you can still put him in jail when you log back on.Edit: I do quite like the idea. The only problem is players being offline, which is why multiplayer has to have some unrealistic protection measures, at least when players are offline.
  3. Hardcore Mode

    It seems to complex, however a better summary of it is extreme environments do "temperature damage" which can lower/raise your temperature to a point where you start receiving negative effects.Simple
  4. A gun...

    rocket powered arrows?...
  5. Enchantment system

    I loved the magic system in Eragon. It was really well developed, made allot of sense, and didn't break any of newton's laws on the side.
  6. Yes. Yes. ExtraBiomesXL style biomes... I loved that mod. PLEASE BIOXX, DO IT!!!!
  7. Hardcore Mode

    The hallucinations sound awesome... Except with something like this, you should be able to make beds easier and sleep on the ground. It wouldn't be fair to the player if they couldn't find sheep for a week of starting playing so then they started hallucinating. Edit: although there should be some incentive for sleeping in higher quality beds... Maybe more sleep restoration?
  8. Research

    >_> EternalUndeath, you know you're a smart mouth a lot, right?In TerraFirmaCraft the wiki is in no way a part of the game. In real life the wiki is definitively a part of life, and furthermore requires a material object to access and was made from the ground up by people.
  9. Research

    Um.uh. um. uh. I wasn't suggesting that you have to research stuff to use it. This might have gotten lost in there somewhere.And really, Complications are awesome.
  10. Research

    I think that instead of looking at something in a table and magically obtaining information (yes, that is in fact what you proposed), there should be some way to measure, examine and test that through a methodical process could reveal what something is used for. For example, if you want to know what metals an ore contains, you can allready melt one in a bloomery with a small amount of charcoal (I actually am only guessing this). You would then get a small amount of metal. However, if you wanted to know how MUCH metal you get per ore, you could bring it over to a researching table and use some equipment like a ceramic-mold-sized pool of water and a graduated cylinder to figure out how much metal it gave you. You could then take notes using a portion of the GUI. By a process such as this, you could then find and record all knowable information in the game without looking at the wiki or the code. Edit: an idea on the graduated cylinder I mentioned, instead of it magically having the percentage you would have to somehow have to mark them. Edit2: as additionals related ideas/examples: you should be able to use any herb in it's raw form, then be able to figure out how to extract the active ingredients for a more potent medicine. For testing things with possibly negative effects, you should be able to test on animals. Instead of making plans fixed, you should be able to make things like simple blades that would have a certain effect like the tool you're aiming for. getting closer to the correct plans gets a better result for the use it's intended for. It would work by counting the amount of spots in common and then subtracting the excess. The defect should cause larger quality problems in armor. Because this would make it hard to recognize plans-they wouldn't have a set name-you should then be able to name plans. Tool making should not be so easy. Instead of being given set rules, the rules should be less strait-forward and more subtle, although I don't know how you could do it. Any future enchanting system should be able to figured out in similar ways. Idea spout!!!!
  11. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    Applying to multi-server could and should be voluntary.Edit: Omg... you just summed up what my goal has been the whole time :{_______________]
  12. A gun...

    Well, if no guns, then there should at least be rockets and fireworks. It'd be cool to have some chemistry.
  13. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    em....No. If different islands have different resources, then one might not be able to get starting materials. Doing this wouldn't be skipping hard work, assuming the island you were trading with knew the value, you would still have to do work, just a different kind of work. In the end, I assume that your goal would be different anyway.
  14. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    There are people on this forum that really don't like the idea of research, and I agree with them to a lesser extent, unless in your case research is like the tiered anvils already in the game. Like the other people that don't like research, I don't like the idea of Steve knowing how to do things I don't know. I also REALLY don't like the idea of conquering to try to make it all one tech, and for reference, that doesn't have to happen in spore. I generally like to be economy until the end of the civilization stage, where I have enough money to afford to blow people to bits. From now on, daxx, I suggest you read up a little more before posting. That and I have no idea what post lumireaver made that your refering to, he makes alot of posts.
  15. RedPower Compatibility

    that is the fun thing about TFC, but just because that's what's good about it doesn't mean that we can't make it fun in other ways too.
  16. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Yes, but if someone posts witty comments just to raise his like count and thereby his "level", that doesn't mean that it's a quality post. There is no good way to deal with it.
  17. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    I was thinking islands originally because then you could have an ocean as a border, and as a sort of boundary for resources..I think that for large-massive amounts of people, less type of rock and biomes per square minecraft kilometer would increase the distance player would have to travel to get all the resources and thereby increase trade. Inside of the different rock layers, for even further trade, you could have areas maybe 200*200 blocks in which only 1-3 types of ore spawned, but there was allot of it. I think about 5-6 resource deposits per rock layer would suffice. Prospecting, not necessarily with the prospecting pick, would become useful, because if someone found a metal vein, they could say "Hey look guys, I found some ore, I bet there's more nearby!" In real life, this has happened several times in the form of gold rushes. All of this could be in the form of an optional world generation. Edit: I forgot to mention, each server I.P. could add an additional spawn. I can't think of specifics right now, but I'm sure there is a reason you would want that.
  18. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    The lag is caused by rendering the graphics for the moving entities. If you make the calculations before you spawn, the lag problem could be avoided.
  19. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    You can fertilize by either growing beans or adding fertilizers.
  20. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    He wasn't responding to my post, was he? As far as I can tell, he was just stating a new idea.
  21. Enchantments; The Photon Strikes Back

    Excuse me if this is what it came out as, but I was trying to tell you to post your idea here:
  22. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    Why wouldn't Steve's punch do any damage? You can kill somebody by beating them to death, and have you every heard of martial arts?
  23. Calamari and Mutton

    I updated it for 38 and there are still no cows anywhere.Edit: at least in my singleplayer world, I did see them in multiplayer.
  24. Hit Last, Hit Not Last

    The title is the core of my problems. Have you guessed what system the problem is in yet? Yes, it is the anvil. I was trying to make a bismuth chisle to be able to make a bloomery, but I got a contradiction in the working rules. Is there any way to fix this?
  25. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    what?I can see this as a good sudgestion, but why did you quote my post? O.o My post said that different islands should have different materials so they have a reason to trade, instead of being able to get everything/almost everything in even a medium sized area. Which has nothing to do which currency, except maybe it's accessibility