Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by HunterKain

  1. A seemingly simple replacement for vanilla boats to increase believeability: Alter them slightly to appear like a raft, crafted with some logs and rope.  Then, have a "stave" tool that, when clicked on a block, propels the raft away from that block, at a speed inversely proportional to the distance to that block (more power in shallow water).  Just don't push off into water too deep for the stave to reach!  Maybe the normal controls could remain as well, but very slow.


    In the mean time, has anyone created more difficult, custom recipes for the Small Boats mod?

    Crap. Sorry, I removed all the pretty pictures when the post got 3 pages behind. I can re-upload them if you like


  2. Um... because knives come in different types with different uses are all different?You don't use a filleting knife for cutting cheese, and you don't use a cheese knife for cutting your steak. you don't use carving knives for hunting and you defiantly don't use skinning knives to cut bread. Having different knife types makes sense, it's more practical, and more efficient.

    Excuse me? More practical and efficient? So they should go back and make dozens more item ID's for bone-handles tools? And a new sprite for each tool made with a different stone? A knife is a very versatile tool by itself, it doesn't need different types. The knife we have is used for refining grains, harvesting straw, and a pretty good weapon. It feels lie the knife was meant to be an all-purpose tool, doesn't it? Neolithic people didn't have fancy knives, but they dealt with it pretty well. Too much detail is bad. That's why we don't have long, broad, and bastard swords, rapiers, falchions, and all those fancy weapons.And: different bait for different animals. Pigs, sheep, and cows cal be attracted by shift-right clicking grains onto the ground.

  3. Basically it make a whole sub game to cooking making it more complex.


    Not really. A raw stone block chiseled to the thinnest is all you need for frying and cutting. A metal or ceramic pot for soups, stews, and cheeses. Ceramic molds can double as bakeware if they're coated. For you example of the cheeseburger: bake the bread in a ceramic mold in a multi-block oven, a knife and bread in the crafting grid to slice it. you can cook the meat on the stone or grill or spit, not just a skillet.


    On the topic of smoking and salting: Salt can also be made from certain woods like hickory. And resin-y woods can't be used for smoking; they have tarry smoke.


    And bread: Id love to see more diversity in grain foods. sprouted grains, grain pastes, and more. Especially that the ability to eat uncooked grain should be deleted. we can't digest it raw toasting or sprouting, at least, by soaking in a barrel of water of toasting on a flat stone. cooking dough without an oven, on a the flat stone, for example, should give flatbread, which loses nutritional value after it gets cold (it just gets unpalatable IRL). A proper oven gives the bread we're accustomed to today. and make it a multi-block structure, to allow for more bread baked at once.


  4. Why cant I...carve wood?

    Carving wood can solve the whole stick debate about whether they are branches or twigs. Properly carved scythe and tool handles, in addition to sword hilts and arrow shafts could add an element of durability like with smithing, with better carved handles giving better durability.

    Why cant I... hunt for fish ?

    Bowfishing and spearfishing are done in real life. All that's needed are some 3D models of fish mobs.

    Why can without bait?

    What fish is dumb enough to bite string? digging up some worms or using some scraps of that cow you butchered yesterday would give fish something to bite.



  5. I don't really like the idea of "levelling up", to gain experience at throwing the projectile. I think it would be better to have the javelin 'sway' in the player's hand, and have them have to release at the right time for the best results. This way, the way the player gains experience at throwing is by actually practising with the system, rather than gaining points.


    I recently played a game on Armor Games call Storm assault (Or something like that). The meat of it was shooting arrows at people, but the catch was, the farther you pulled back your bow, the shakier the aim got. it makes sense, since its easier to throw something accurately and lightly than it is to throw a rock with enough force to kill something. So the player has to sacrifice power for accuracy. That could factor into the swaying. And if woodcarving is added, the more skill in making a nice balanced shaft, the easier it would be to aim the javelin


  6. ---


    For food it would work like it already do but implementing stamina, cold, heat, poison. etc. would i think be easier and there's already 3 bar to look at.


    I think that the less you know about the system the better it is for immersion. 


    Is it really better, though? It almost seems like your suggestion would make players a little more clueless about what's happening to them. The more you know, the better you can use it. Say you tried tfcraft for the first time and you didn't know anything about thirst. you'd go have fun until suddenly you realize you're thirsty and don't have any jugs handy. Welp. got yourself in trouble there.


    Though I see what youre getting at. a bunch of bars and a HUD where there's too much happening looks cluttered and confusing (*cough* Infinite Crisis *cough*). hunger and thirst is already simplified into this: if your red is empty, you die. If your green is empty, you won't heal. If your blue is empty, you can't sprint. Your stamina is just hunger. it just needs to be tweaked for armor and weapons.


  7. It's a good idea, but what about SMP where people generally don't sleep very often?


    People won't sleep as much in SSP either, if beds don't skip nights (I'm not sure if this is implemented or planned. been playing Thaumcraft). You wouldn't need to skip the night in a bed, just rest in it for a bit.


  8. Or small bodies could evaporate dry. So it would be possible to pour seawater in shallow 'salt pans' to get salt. For salting meats and brining vegetables. I'd make a preserving post if I wasn't soooooo lazy


  9. First off, it better (and more convenient for readers) if you post multiple threads with a proper topic instead of lumping them all together. That said:

    Winter makes you lose hunger quicker, since you lose body heat. Excessive heat makes you thirsty quicker, since you get dehydrated in heat.

    Dynamic landscapes are difficult to program, I'm sure.

    I don't think the crop harvest and plant time should be tweaked; fall is generally harvest time, but the growth should be tweaked so that any crops planted in before late spring should be ripe by late fall. This wouldn't apply to multi harvest crops.

    About over hunger: obesity was in NO way a Neolithic problem. Food was hard to get, and even if you had enough, a lot of work was put into getting to it or harvesting it, or just daily activities. I'm sure you jump a lot when you play minecraft, and I'd like to see humans do that irl.

    Yes, metal armor should slow you. But have you ever touched a leather jacket in chilly weather? It's cold. Not much warmer than cloth. Armor or clothes made from sheepskin or from wool or lined with those materials should give you the cold resistance.

    And finally: jewelry and coins have been suggested before. The tone of it has mostly been 'Eh.' Metal is (or was) too precious to waste on coins. Jewelry doesn't really have much use.


  10. I would also like to see something like this, but also agree that this should either be an optional feature in case players don't want to deal with it, or developed as an add-on.

     Yes, definitely. I have the problem whenever I play Mo' Creatures. I have to turn off all the fictional mobs.


  11. So the Ultimate weapon would be a swarm of Golden Eagles

    My friend would be so happy.

    Also the players health is around 2000 so 5 damage is nothing

    I did it with vanilla health in mind. We'd just have to scale up the damage is all. so eagles would do 500 damage.


  12. well if tfc has buckets that can pick up lava. shit i think this can be added... lol

    The lava buckets are a 'believability - realistic' issue. The manganese not being added has the same reasoning as why guns won't be added into TFC. Time window issues.


  13. I get in Thaumcraft that you need to research things, but its just not necessary in TFC. The major different between this and Thaum is that Thaumcraft  needs resources. Its a mostly mid-late game mod. The researching needs tools and materials. I don't think cavemen spent time pondering if seeds grew into plants. they threw seeds into their refuse pile (most likely) and found later that they grew. It doesn't take intelligence to stick little bits into dirt and harvest them.

    If seeds were given different pictures, the distinction between things like wheat, oat, and barley very hard to distinguish. It just isn't necessary. And it matters very little what you planted just before. I always have two farm sites so the nutrients can get back into the soil. The only time it would affect the player is if he planted multiple A-circle crops year after year in the same spot. even then, the only penalty is what, slower growth? I don't think people would care that much.

    'Research' has never mattered much to early humans. It was mostly just trial and error


  14. There was a post on this a few months back. Dunk replied to it. Vanilla horses are on their way. with new pretty models. I think they have a lot planned for vanilla horses. Here's part on the model, its unfinished:


  15. The "Roman lead poisoning" thing is a myth. Deposits of calcium would build up inside the pipes, preventing any lead from seeping into the water supply.



     They did actually suffer from lead poisoning, but not from the pipes. Merchants boiled wine preservatives in lead-lined pots, then put it in the Romans' wine. When they drank it, they absorbed the lead. two common symptoms of lead poisoning are loss of appetite and a deadened sense of taste. Archaeologists have discovered an ancient Roman recipe for something called liquamen, which was an incredibly potent flavored sauce made of fermented fish, fish guts, and some other ingredients. Like a much stronger fish sauce, like the kind used in Asia. the strong taste of it coincides with the lack of taste in the higher classes of Romans. They used a lot of it too, especially for feasts. So yeah, they did suffer from lead poisoning, but the higher classes far more than the lesser ones.


  16. One word: AWESOME

    Love the models by the way, did you make them? You should try to make the models for the birds of prey.

    I use a program called Techne. I was getting to the birds of prey but its so much work. I recently missed a chunk of school and I need to catch up on my college-level math. Don't worry. They'll be out eventually. If I'm not a lazy-ass


    Weaponized raven hordes pls

    Weapons weren't the purpose of this suggestion. Its based on the art of Falconry, when people trained birds to hunt for them. Its meant to mob vs. mob, not mob vs. player. And While Ravens are intelligent, they're a little too intelligent to tame. domesticated animals actually have smaller brains than their wild counterparts


    I'm okay with falcons hunting Chickens and Pheasant. I also would think it would be cool if you could send messages to other players by Falcons.

    I wanted to make fishing a bit more fun, and it is technically possible to train Ospreys. And the fish model makes it possible to hunt fishes with javelins and fishing arrows.


  17. The sticks you get from trees are not entire branches, most tools use 1 ingot so how would you fit an entire branch into that small of a space.

    You guys know that is is a long, ongoing debate, right? There's so much wiggle room in the definition 'stick.' A proper handle carved from a log would solve the dilemma, but for now it is how it is. I sure the devs are going to reach a conclusion eventually.

  18. If not for tool handles, this could be used for arrow shafts. Those definitely need to be nice and straight. A wooden knapping system would be of more use, in the form of woodcarving and whittling for straight tool handles and curved scythe handles. Maybe whittling wooden fish hooks and whistles for wolves. Proper bows and sword hilts would be amazing. Woodcarving could have so many other uses... Maybe it needs a separate post, but I'm feeling lazy...


  19. First: why do you need bronze to make a press? It's one of the things I hated about forestry. Apiary doesn't need that much of advancement in the tech tree. A press could be made out of wood or even stone. You mentions Egyptians having apiculture. They definitely did not have bronze. The farthest they ever got was copper, and you can quote me on that; even the tools they used for chiseling stone for the pyramids and the sphinx were made of copper, a relatively soft metal.

    Second, the smoker: when I lived in India, a bees built a hive under the balcony. The guy who harvested if used nothing but heavy, oversized clothing (to protect from stings), a rickety wooden ladder, and a fire fueled with green sticks and grass. A firepit fueled with saplings under a beehive should make enough smoke.

    Third, the apiary. Bees will take any proper shelter for a hive site, even an upturned basket. No need for elaborate seed-squeezing, carpentry, and impregnating wood. The frames are a fairly new and modern addition. A specific wood type would make apiary too labor-intensive for it to be worth it. One of my recent worlds has nothing but willow trees for miles around. And while beekeeping may not be a very early discovery, third-world countries deal with wild bees, countries that don't have much metal or industrialization.

    And last: I do like the fact that beekeeping increases yields from crops, but tree growth? If anything, it should increase the yields of fruit trees, but pollinating saplings won't help they grow faster, just make them yield seeds faster. If Hickory nuts, Chestnuts, and acorns are ever added, they could help with that. Itll keep Apiary in the food section of gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I do like the suggestion. I just want to see bee-keeping done right, not like its done in Forestry.


  20. Nice suggestion, but you said yourself that this wasn't discovered until 1770. TFC's time frame, officially, has been determined to end in the 1500's, and even that date is stretching it. So sorry, I'm almost sure this will not be added


  21. New Mobs
    Ive seen mob suggestion threads elsewhere, but This is just a quick list of mobs that need to be added for my falconry suggestion. More pictures coming soon!
    *Prey animals:
    Pheasants: drop raw pheasant, males drop plumes
    Rabbits: drop fur
    Fish: drop fish (as a material mob: trout in freshwater, cod in saltwater)
    *Raptors (I want to keep it simple, so not too many types)



    Birds of prey can be seen flying around in different biomes, Eagles in mountain, jungle, and forest biomes, Ospreys near Ocean and river biomes, and falcons in all other biomes except for desert and tundra biomes. On occasion, and always at sunset, they will return to a tall, leafless tree with a nest at the top. During late spring, there will be two to three chicks in the nest. The player must then climb to the top and right-click a chick to pick it up. Keep in mind that if there is an adult bird present, it will attack the player. Falcons and Ospreys deal slashing damage, eagles deal puncture damage

     *Falcons are the smallest and weakest birds, dealing 1.5 hearts of damage. A in real life, both parents hunt, so there is very little chance that a bird will be present at the nest. Tamed falcons can hunt only small game, such as pheasants, rabbits, and chickens.

    *Ospreys are bigger than falcons, dealing 3 hearts of damage when protecting their chicks. There is a higher chance that an adult will be at the nest. Ospreys nest in trees that have water on all sides. They are specialized fish eaters, and will hunt fish only. Tamed Ospreys return fish to their owners.

    *Eagles are the biggest of the bird of prey. There is a high chance that an adult will be at the nest. Each hit does 5 hearts of damage to the player and has a 10% chance of knocking the player back. Tamed eagles can hunt small game and fish in addition to deer. Having an eagle perched on their hand makes a player move slower due to the bird's size.

    Falconry gear

    Falconry needs a lot of leather accessories to prevent harm from the bird. The first thing you need is a Falconer's Harness. To make one, you need a leather tunic, leather glove, and leather straps.

    Leather glove:

    Leather Straps (makes 2)

    Place a leather tunic, a leather glove, and one strap in the crafting grid and you get a Falconer's harness, which you can wear in the chest armor slot. Without the harness, the raptor will not respond to the player.

    Falcon accessories:

    Leather Patch (makes 4. Paper is a proxy for leather patches): Its a 3X3 square

    Hood: place one feather above a leather patch in the crafting grid. To transport the bird from one place to another by hand, and to take it inside, a hood must be equipped to the bird by right clicking while it is perched. To remove hood, right click while holding a hooded bird. A bird does not need a hood once it is inside, but only while transitioning. Trying to do it without a hood will cause the bird to fly outside. The bird must wear the hood for 2 weeks before the training process to begin. It helps them get used to humans nearby

    Padding (firework star is used as a proxy)

    Perch: Right click with bird on arm to place bird on perch.

    Lure: leather patch in the center, one fur on top, four feathers in the corners and one string at the bottom. (leather is a proxy for fur)

    Meat scraps: any raw meat and a knife in the crafting grid.

    Raptor Whistle: the interface is opened by placing a knife above a plank in the crafting grid. Yes it needs metalworking. Medieval people had steel. Its like knapping, but with wood.

    Training a Bird of Prey

    1. Retrieve raptor chick

    2. Place chick on a thatch block (right-click). The chick will keen when hungry. Right click with meat scraps in your hands to feed. If you don't feed it within a day, it will die, so you have to take care of your bird.

    3. Wait 7 minecraft days. The chick will then be ready to fledge

    4. Pick up chick and place on perch by right clicking (you must be wearing a Falconer's harness)

    5. Hold meat scraps in your hand and stay one block away from the perch until the bird hops to your hand.

    6. Repeat step 5 with increasing distance until it succeeds at 10 blocks. (At 4 + blocks, the bird will need to fly)

    7. The bird can now fly. Repeat step 5 at 10 blocks, but blow the raptor whistle before holding out meat scraps.

    8. After a while, blowing the whistle will make the bird return to your hand.

    Note: the chance of the bird responding to the whistle at first is 0%. With each successive try, the chance is raised by 1.25% until the bird responds


    Hunting Training

    1. Have bird sit on perch outside.

    2. Right click with a lure in your hand to spin it around. The bird will fly to it and knock it down.

    3. Blow the raptor whistle until the bird returns to you. (Chance of it responding is the same as step 8 of bird taming) walking close to the lure will make you pick it up.

    4. Bird now hunts for you


    Hunting with a falcon/eagle

    1. Run through tall grass to flush out pheasants, chickens, and/or rabbits with the bird in hand.

    2. When quarry is flushed, right click with an empty hand and the bird will fly out and pursue prey. Keep it in your sights

    3. When the falcon strikes, it will perch on the corpse. It will start feeding off the corpse twenty seconds after the strike

    4. If the bird eats the corpse, you will need to retrain it. (In real life, if a trained hunting bird is allowed to eat its kills, Butcher the corpse as soon as possible with a knife.

    5. Falcon will keen, so feed it a meat scrap. If you don't feed it within 30 seconds, it attacks.

    Hunting with an Osprey

    1. With the bird in hand, face an ocean or a river.

    2. Right click with an empty hand to make the bird fly out over water

    3. The bird will circle for 1-5 seconds, then plunge and fly up holding a fish. It will circle above the water until the raptor whistle is blown

    4. Blow raptor whistle and Osprey will circle over you and drop fish, then return to water to fish. Blow raptor whistle again (before it catches another fish) and it will return to your hand


    That's falconry. For more on hunting, I made a post a few weeks back about a hunting overhaul.


  22. Perhaps, instead of having the hunger bar increase when you eat, and decrease over time, their can be a hidden "fullness" bar, which, when you eat, fills up and depletes just like the hunger bar does now. When your fullness is full, your hunger bar goes up and when it is empty, it goes down, all the values in between changing gradually. This would encourage people to eat large meals instead of snacks every once and a while.

    Please. No. Have you ever tried playing with Iguanaman's hunger overhaul? That exactly what that mod does and it becomes far too obnoxious. If it was added to TFC you would have to eat meat raw because finding and killing an animal would empty your hunger bar. Each weapon stab/swing and jump takes away hunger. Heavy armor also takes up extra hunger when you move. In vanilla, I had to carry two stacks of steaks every time I went mining. Either it's the numerous ways you can lose hunger or the fullness bar, but I had to disable it in my modpack. It was really debilitating. Made it impossible to do day to day things.

  23. This is really stretching the bounds of mysticism, and Im not even sure if it counts as mysticism. Humans will go to great lengths to do something for their deities if it pleases them, and it makes their bodies capable of doing things that they would not otherwise be able to do. praying and religious acts don't affect the environment, but the individual itself. If anything, rituals and sins should buff/debuff the player. favors and blight is on the environment side. something like a sacrificial knife that would make meat fill more hunger after its been offered to the spirits because the player believes the meat to be 'blessed.' (the deities don't eat, they eat the essence, or whatever. Its used a lot in ceremonies in India) 
