Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by erian_7

  1. Server now shows as xxyrana's Minecraft Server and is for 1.7.9? EDIT: Hmm, and now it shows for v 1.3. Definitely something weird going on. Maybe unscheduled maintenance. Maybe the owner decided to do something else with this space?
  2. Hey all, I've been side-tracked from my TFC excursions and will probably remain so for a while. Is there anyway to shift the mayor role for Melinia to TangentialThreat or another active town member?
  3. Hey Beech. I'm doing some work to get things cleaned up a bit for new folks in the hopes of bringing it back to life. I cleaned up the starting point, put in some informational signs, and offered up some options to start more "hardcore" (i.e. go to /spawn 28,000 blocks from the big towns) or else contact towns to be more community/nation-building focused. tenterro is active, and I've seen a few new faces more regularly (Halloerik just started a new town a face days ago). The addition of Carpenter's Blocks offers some really nice options for builders, so I've started incorporating them into Vilhjalmur to show off what they can do. renadi and I have also talked about ways to get the Archimedes Ship parts into folks hands--at present if you build a decent port (for ships) or air base (for fliers) we can get those moving. The ships add a nice dimension to TFC in allowing better travel between settlements, but can also be avoided for folks that want to stay the hardcore course. Any other suggestions for getting things better suited for an active community are welcome. And yeah, Laketon is pretty amazing!
  4. As a general FYI, all is up and running now.
  5. Troubles Making A Server through Fragnet

    Yep, I use FragNet and it's super-easy to set up Forge (and numerous other pre-loaded types) for the server using their server management interface.
  6. renadi saw it, but apparently there's a problem on the hosting service side. He's going to get back to fixing it after he gets off work this evening.
  7. I check in from time to time, but it does indeed seem very quiet.
  8. Yep, that would work as a solution as well. Not quite as versatile as folks being able to lock their chests/doors individually like Lockette, but still enough for them to secure the things they really need to until they get a claimed chunk/assigned plot. Oh, and Random, sorry for the disappearing act last night on trying to get the trade booth--my wife yelled up from the basement that water was coming through the ceiling, which is generally not a good thing. So, I spent the rest of the night cleaning up water and trying to identify the source of the leak.
  9. So, is there any mod like Lockette that would work on here? I know you guys want to expand existing towns rather than start a ton of new ones. I'm reluctant to take on lots of new folks and have a sprawling, half-built town though. As a compromise, I had the idea of setting up a boarding house of sorts. It would occupy one chunk and provide basic housing for new folks. I'd lock the rest of town down to just specific members that have been on consistent enough to earn full town rights. New folks could work up to "full town" status at some point (perhaps by earning enough to claim a chunk) without me having to assign a single chunk to every new player. But, I'd need a way for them to secure goods. I considered that I could serve as a vault of sorts, making chests for folks to give me stuff for storage, but that's cumbersome and has problems when I'm not online. I really liked Lockette on some Bukkit servers I played in the past, so something similar would be a really good solution here. If we can get something like this worked out, I could begin work on the Melinia Youth Hostel and help take on new folks.
  10. Admin assist requested when available--my air moped (one floater block, and a ship marker) drifted back into the NW corner of desert spawn whilst I was enderman hunting. I didn't notice before I landed, so now it's stuck there with no access... Thanks!
  11. I'm not on the ship--I'm hovering over my house actually flying as a character. I think that triggers the "no flying" rule for folks trying to hack the game and so it kicks me out within seconds of logging on. Ironically, I was moving the ship away from structures so it wouldn't cause any problems...
  12. So for tomato or an admin, something odd happened with my ship and I'm now in a flying loop. There was a bit of lag, and it popped me sideways a little bit into my house. Now when I log on it has me flying over my house sans ship. Of course, flying is not allowed on the server so it immediately kicks me out...I think the ship hit the side of my place in the process and so is probably in the merged entity annoyance phase. Anyway, any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  13. Sorry, I don't use ML anymore. With the 1.6.x launcher and the Forge installer, it's pretty easy to run without a 3rd party launcher. After Forge installs, just drop mods in the Mod folder and you are done.
  14. Yep, no problem after I logged back in this morning--just had to redo some chest organization.
  15. Hmm, got kicked from the server and on re-log I was about 2.5k from my town with no items? Hopefully just a temporary glitch, although the server is now offline.
  16. Hey tenterro! Head on over, it's a fun server. If you want, you can join up with me. We've got a nice run town, with a lake, lots of good terrain, and some fabulous caves that could be made into a cool underground kingdom. It's Melinia if you are interested. Warlord is also on, along with jake.
  17. Hi tomato...I mentioned the Carpenter's Blocks mod a bit, and am hoping that this compatibility mod will make it even more likely as an addition to your server: Thanks!
  18. My thoughts on additions/mods that would enhance TFC play (reposted from a discussion on the Carpe Aurum server thread): More Uses for Cloth: I don't mean wool blocks for building--those always struck me as weird, but having tarps to use as temporary/cheap roofs, for vendor stalls, etc. would be nice (esp. if they can be dyed). Leather might similarly be used, and both could even be used for walls/wall coverings in conjunction with beams given historical uses. Hydro/Wind Power: Having the ability to construct water wheels and wind mills would be fabulous, and of course has been covered before by other mods. Both could be used to create structures like a grist mill (so we don't have the horrid quern-click-fest necessary now to grind grains) and a saw mill (higher output of logs/beams, but would require a large supply of wood as input). I'm not looking for crazy stuff like shield generators and turret guns--just historically appropriate uses of the available power sources to automate some current processes. I know the Tinkers Construct creator was looking at options in this arena, and of course there's Better Than Wolves. Water Screw: Using Red Steel to place infinite water blocks is nice, but I'd love the realism of building water screws (maybe powered by wind/water as above) that push water up blocks to then flow through aqueducts/etc. This would allow hydration of farms away from rivers/lakes/oceans in the early game when it's actually important. Could build from the sluice concept for transporting water over long distances. Gates/Drawbridges: Epic, chiseled walls, castles, and towers are so sad with little double door access points... Fertilizer: Both using some of the mineral options, as well as using processed peat. More Mineral Uses: For example, gypsum for fertilizer above, or plaster for making sculptures. For the love, something to do with all the random stuff we find. Bees/Honey: So I can have some mead! I guess the food usage could be nice, and wax for candles and such...but mead is the most important! As for some existing mods that might add to the TFC experience: All of the GrowthCraft pieces as they add more depth to foods.Aquaculture as it adds more robust fishing (need to block the crazy armor finds)Secret Rooms, as having hidden doors, torch switches, etc. would be very nice in those huge castles.
  19. renadi, some suggestions on mods... Zerren's ExtraFirma Addon is looking very nice: Mo'Creatures: I worked with the config files and it's possible to get the TFC biomes recognized. So, we can have more creatures! I'd say turn off the weird stuff and just leave animals using the Custome Mob Spawner interface. Switch things that require mobs (like the pearl to teleport) over to metal. I'd love to have that open landscape finally populated with animals... Carpenter's Block: Works great from what I can tell with all TFC materials. This would allow us to have peat-texutre roofs, two-tone steps, etc. without compromising the resource management aspects of TFC. Some config changes can ensure the TFC hammer/chisel overrides the CB one, and you can also tweak the amount of CB blocks created per crafting recipe. This is pretty much a purely aesthetic addition that gives our Builders more options.
  20. Ingame money

    A question, won't coins still just be another item for barter? Coins only have value because someone (or government) says so, and that value fluctuates based on demand. So, having coins does not eliminate the barter, it just brings in another, perhaps common, medium for the transactions. You'd still need, I think, a "value chart" showing how much any given item costs, and in that case you can just take items of a similar value (or multiple of one for a single of another) and trade directly rather than use the coins.
  21. Yep, MyTown just lets you set permissions on your town chunks--so you can set private homes, areas open to town members only, areas open to the public with limited access, etc. Once you're one, there are several of us that can help with the various commands for setting things up in your town.
  22. Ah, that's a very cool idea Zerren--another method earlier folks used for getting water where it was needed. I look forward to seeing your work.
  23. The water screw would probably be at least a 2-3 block device, with each block vertical to the last. I was thinking this one because building pipes and such is pretty advanced. Perhaps the "water power" mod includes the water screw as an early item, then the water wheel and pump are for later advancement. A reference picture of a hand-powered screw:
  24. Missed the piece about PMing these, but it's out there now (suppose I should cross-post or re-post to the Suggestions sub-forum for a wider audience). A pulley mechanic would be fabulous--I'd rather have that than redstone actually, and it could be used for mine elevators, etc. For the water, that actually works at both the surface and sub-surface level IRL. The water screw (also called Archimedes' screw) simply sits in a source of water and lifts it up as it turns, so it's not exactly a pump in the complex machine sense. The concept allowed many ancient civilzations to expand agriculturally. Probably be a stackable block that has to start in a still water block.