Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Numerous Addition/Mod Suggestions

5 posts in this topic

My thoughts on additions/mods that would enhance TFC play (reposted from a discussion on the Carpe Aurum server thread):


More Uses for Cloth: I don't mean wool blocks for building--those always struck me as weird, but having tarps to use as temporary/cheap roofs, for vendor stalls, etc. would be nice (esp. if they can be dyed). Leather might similarly be used, and both could even be used for walls/wall coverings in conjunction with beams given historical uses.


Hydro/Wind Power: Having the ability to construct water wheels and wind mills would be fabulous, and of course has been covered before by other mods. Both could be used to create structures like a grist mill (so we don't have the horrid quern-click-fest necessary now to grind grains) and a saw mill (higher output of logs/beams, but would require a large supply of wood as input). I'm not looking for crazy stuff like shield generators and turret guns--just historically appropriate uses of the available power sources to automate some current processes. I know the Tinkers Construct creator was looking at options in this arena, and of course there's Better Than Wolves.


Water Screw: Using Red Steel to place infinite water blocks is nice, but I'd love the realism of building water screws (maybe powered by wind/water as above) that push water up blocks to then flow through aqueducts/etc. This would allow hydration of farms away from rivers/lakes/oceans in the early game when it's actually important. Could build from the sluice concept for transporting water over long distances.


Gates/Drawbridges: Epic, chiseled walls, castles, and towers are so sad with little double door access points...


Fertilizer: Both using some of the mineral options, as well as using processed peat. 


More Mineral Uses: For example, gypsum for fertilizer above, or plaster for making sculptures. For the love, something to do with all the random stuff we find.


Bees/Honey: So I can have some mead! I guess the food usage could be nice, and wax for candles and such...but mead is the most important!


As for some existing mods that might add to the TFC experience:

  • All of the GrowthCraft pieces as they add more depth to foods.
  • Aquaculture as it adds more robust fishing (need to block the crazy armor finds)
  • Secret Rooms, as having hidden doors, torch switches, etc. would be very nice in those huge castles.

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Love the idea, absolutely love the bees part of it. One thing that came to mind about the bees though, how would you protect yourself from the bees when you take some of their honey? Armor is only good until the cracks that are in it for mobility, and bees can possibly squeeze through some of the cracks, letting them sting you crazy. You could possibly use wool cloth and toughen it, then make it into clothes to wear as a sort of bee-keeper outfit. Also, bees need smoke to calm them down, mainly because it makes them gorge, so you'd want to have a firepit a block or so away from the nest/ apiary when gathering honey as well to make them sleepy.


Just some thoughts, but overall I'd love to have all of this implemented!


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We've been asking for mechanical power and primitive power systems for ages now, and I think the answer has been negative every time. I'd love to know what the devs think of this now, if they think its possible, plausible, or outright never going to be a part of this mod.


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Shadufs for transporting water could also work. But I think the debs have irrigation plans anyway.

Your hydro/wind power suggestion delves a little bit into automation, and I think that is something the devs will do anything to avoid. The manual labor is what makes TFCraft challenging and interesting.

That cloth could be used for well-sewn apiarist suits, although that's a bit iffy. And brewing's been added


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There's a lot of suggestions here, so I'll go through each one separately.  


I love the cloth idea.  Cloth tents and tarps would really help flesh out clothworking and give it more of a purpose.  


I like the idea of windmills acting as a quern replacement, but I would like to avoid automation of other parts of TFC if it could be avoided.  You have to consider whether this would change TFC in fundamental ways.  


I assume you're referring to an Archimedes screw here.  It would definitely fit within the mod's scope, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a good use for it.  


Gates make sense for TFC if they require metal to make.  Drawbridges could also work, but would they be manually lowered and raised, or would they use a windmill or watermill to power them?  I'd prefer the former unless redstone was required in some way.  


I've been wondering what peat was going to be useful for now that firepits aren't used as often.  Fertilizer could work.  


I've always assumed that gypsum, selenite, and satinspar would eventually be used for plaster casts or faster healing.  But yeah, I'd like to see the "useless" minerals find a use pretty soon.  


Why is it that every sandbox game and mod has to add bees?  It's like Forge needs a "bee dictionary" to complement the ore dictionary.  I swear there must be some sort of conspiracy here.  In all seriousness, though, now that we have alcohols, mead does make sense.  


As for your food suggestions in general, I'd hold off on implementing these suggestions.  I think TFC needs to do more to encourage people to try most or all of the foods that already exist.  Wood and stone types may be largely similar, but they do have slightly different properties that give them separate uses. Food is basically interchangeable aside from meals, and meals actually discourage variety once you find that magic combination of foods that get you the effect you want.  Once food variety is encouraged throughout the game's progression, then adding new food types would make sense, but not now.  


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