Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Terex

  1. Partially Implemented Pipes?

    That's an early placeholder item. A few more major builds could be a year from now xD
  2. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    I'm glad he figured out how the anvil works or else it would have been painful to watch xD Also, 1 bronze ingot short of making a bloomery block, ouch!
  3. I don't know what to do with all this metals!

    Damn. But where is your red steel / blue steel collection? ;-)
  4. Smithing Trick

    With little effort I noted down recipes for making and refining all materials on the anvil. These recipes always use the minimum number of clicks and are never off. This takes away frustration but does add monotony. When making wrought iron from a bloom or preparing blue/red steel i wouldn't have it any other way though. It's time consuming as it is.
  5. Geography

    If I may, I'd like to make an observation from the massive map shown earlier. What is noticeable are the bands of continents going roughly east-west with huge oceans in between. I have found this pattern in many other seeds of my own. That suggests terrain generation is not quite random, far from it. What controls the alternating bands of oceans and continents?
  6. TFC is missing a goal

    Right now any metal pick can break any rock type. Maybe this could be improved without adding too much extra frustration... Some rocks may not break with inferior picks or... Rich ore can be collected with better picks, whereas poor ore can only be collected with crappy picks.
  7. Upcoming Skill Tiers in Build 79

    To be honest, the way I play I don't see any real benefit of having skills or no skills progression. Skills may give bonuses in the late game but I would not go out of my way to smith tons of pieces of armour just to get more durable armour. The other aspect of a skill system is specialization, which is kinda neat for multiplayer. For example, Honneyplay in Pakratt's livesteam loves to be the cook. Not sure if everyone would like to specialize in only 1 thing, it might get boring quickly. I will see how it develops before I make my final judgment.
  8. Upcoming Skill Tiers in Build 79

    Please no more additional grinding
  9. Should I thank the developers and forum moderators with their helpful suggestions that i 'used up' many tens, if not more than a hundred hours playing their Minecraft overhaul mod over the course of its development? Yup, i think i should. Thanks guys!!
  10. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    Thanks for the insight Kitty. I greatly enjoy Etho's (and Pakratt's livestream) weekly. The fact that Dunk plays along makes me feel confident that TFC has some superb quality assurance testing.
  11. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    I wonder how much perseverance he has when the real grind starts (smelting iron ores, etc).
  12. TFC is missing a goal

    Speaking of goals in the game, would you collect all tree types? All crop types? All rock types? And having the resources, what's so bad about building? There is 'craft' in the name Terrafirmacraft. EDIT: The only reward in the depths (caves and such) is sulphur. That will let you make tnt barrels.
  13. Pheasents Not Breeding

    Should be only 5 HP for every pluck as of the latest TFC version... I think. So some 3 plucks is still safe. I'm not sosure about bringing chickens home if you happen to be 10k away from the equator.... chickens only spawn in jungles. Good luck with that.
  14. TFC is missing a goal

    Here's a goal (or my goal): Gear up as best as possible, take what you can, and go on an expedition to the north/south pole (z >+/- 25,000). Then build a new base andtry to live there for a game year. My ideal biome is a lake at the foot of some tall mountains with permanent snow. Ideally there should be sequoia trees (the only tree that can survive there),lava pools and hot springs. And finally high precipitation (4000-8000 in debug screen) so I can observe if indeed snow can stack infinitely (as discussed in another thread).
  15. Should chiselling eat so many chisels?

    For the purpose of the slanted roof, why not use carpenters blocks mod? I know you can't get the hammer and chisel of carpenter's blocks in survival, but if you're in creative, you can just spawn them in. I'm just saying because the chisel in TFC is meant in my opinion for more for artistic, detailed stuff.
  16. Problem getting blue steel

    Can someone explain to me why I can't make weak blue steel with the ingredients below? One thing I findodd is that I see the individual ingredients for Bismuth Bronze. Is this a bug? Can I still get what I need without losing my precious metals? I worked days on this.
  17. Thanks mate. I found a bug in the release version which can be easily fixed. The png files for the red and blue steel buckets are broken. What you need to do is resize them from 33x32 to 32x32. That fixed it for me.
  18. Same here. I almost lost a double ingot of red steel. I left the inventory slot unused where I last saw it. Later when crafting the anvil, it briefly showed up and I could use it.
  19. Problem getting blue steel

    No... I first made bismuth bronze in the crucible. I took out only what I didn't need and left the remainder in (in the right proportion). Then I added the other ingredients for blue steel. It wassurprising to see that the crucible cannot deal with alloys broken down to their basic parts. I figured this crucible could not be rescued. Hence, I cheated in what I lost and redid the mixing using alloy ingots.
  20. Temperatures

    If everything else is equal, away from light sources the apparent temperature is lower. (See debug screen f3).
  21. [Solved] Howto ride a horse?!

    I find it useful to keep a fence post in my inventory when travelling with a horse.
  22. Mobs above/below ground question

    I don't quite understand how things can get more hostile at night. Will more wolves and bears spawn at night and despawn at day? Or will they be around day and night in larger numbers? What creature can attack from a distance like skeletons do? Ranged attacks freak me out the most in TFC. Finally,right nowwolves are not hostile and can be made into pets. I assume we are talking about other wolves. Would not like to lose the ability to domesticate some animal like the wolf/dog.
  23. I ran into the same problem. What I did was simply copy the mcdata file from another, working texture pack into the archive of this texture pack. In MC this texture pack hence shows up (under a different name) but seems to work just fine.
  24. Snow

    So my observation right now isthat at z= -15,000 the snow piled up a whole 3 layers in some local spots by the time winter ended. That's ... disappointing. Can we have the option to tweak the accumulation rate in a config file? I'm sure others would love that too.