Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ulfengaard

  1. Animal mating

    *points accusatory finger* MONSTER! [ontopic] The population control is rather natural in the real world: limited by resources. Perhaps the number of babbbbies could be dictated somehow by the conditions (size of pen; yeah, looking at you, anitmatter: no little crates for the maminoos) as well as by the amount of food provided? Could be an interesting method...
  2. SMP greifing

    Have a look at the Kingdoms Brainstorming thread. Your concern is a big part of the discussion there.
  3. Has this thread run its course? We're all agreed that this change is awesomesauce?
  4. But it has spice... and he who controls the spice... /derail EDIT: Ninja'd. You're quick, tac0. Real quick.
  5. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    @antimatter: It may be my inner nerdgasmic fantasy, but I think Dunk confirmed this or at least liked it a little the other day... Dunno.
  6. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Eternal... *psst* Eternal. Your brony is showing, dude. EDIT: For ditzy(? Not sure about this one, Scooter... ^_-) -ness. Thanks, Scooter. EDIT 2: For... for... somepin'... *shrug*
  7. Temperature medition

    While I don't necessarily disagree, the irony of your statements vs. your capitalization makes me alternately twitch and inwardly chuckle.
  8. Additional Chisel Functions

    I approve of this thread. *nods in satisfaction* Gratz, Scooter.
  9. [x64] Weylin's Texturepack! [WIP] V2.0 11/2/2012

    Nice. Looks like oak planks won't render on mine, though. It just x-rays the chunk.
  10. Additional Chisel Functions

    Off topic?!? WHO CARES? This looks great! I think the effusiveness of my first posts here is due to the fact that I'm new to the mod and you're making the game I always wanted to play. The nuances of each new TFC system put skill back into the hands of the player, and I think that makes for more engaging gameplay. I'm very keen on effort=reward, so the ideas here regarding customizability and expense in crafting are spot on in my book. I would like to be able to survive well in single player. So long as MP features don't take that away from me, I'm a happy gamer.
  11. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    This... is what I've been talking about... so long. Very nice. Is that what we can expect from the generator in terms of masses? In other words, will the landmasses be centrally located, or will there be 'polar' landmasses as well?
  12. Additional Chisel Functions

    I strongly endorse this. The chisel is one of the most emergent parts of TFC, and I would really like to be able to do even more decorative stuff wif it. *taps fingertips together* Also, I'm betting that woodworking is already on the collective dev mind. My viking longhouse would profit from a little more detail.
  13. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Suspension of disbelief.... shattered. XD
  14. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I hate and love that word at the same time... *wipes away drool*
  15. Rock Piles

    That being the case, will there be a more intuitive solution to the disparity between small rocks in the ground and their placed versions? Seems odd to pick up a small rock and then place it as a huge block of cobble.
  16. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    Wow... Infinus... Teach me dude. Seriously. Start a mining tutorial thread or something.
  17. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I think it's a good idea. The mountains currently look like cut-outs of the ground with equal layers of dirt on top: unnatural. Gimme craggy, rocky slopes so I can move my viking self into a log cabin and hunt some bear!
  18. frost ( small simple suggestion)

    I think temperature damage mitigated by clothing would be very helpful in immersion and 'fun' (DF-style). I'd love to see hydration as well, but I'm venturing into off-topic. I like this idea and those that followed and enhanced it. It would be great to see that temperature reading become more than just a number.
  19. Sequoia Seedlings

    They cannot.
  20. Am I Missing Something?

    The propick is workable once you understand its method. This is an aspect of the mod which really requires meta-skill: skill on the human player's part. The same goes for smithing and chiseling and so forth. I know the frustration, but it isn't all luck unless you aren't trying to improve your propick skills.
  21. If you could design a video game, what would it be?

    I would have designed Terrafirmacraft, honestly. Up until I encountered Minecraft and, eventually, this mod, I really wanted a good survival game: more of a simulation, really. I happen to like believable fantasy settings, so if I could take, say, Tamriel, and mash it together with something like Terrafirmacraft... I don't know if I'd ever leave my house.
  22. Thoughts on B47 ?

    While it's possible there's some sort of misunderstanding going on, my initial reaction is in line with Jed's: you can't even find flint or make flint tools anymore, so how is he using one? Regardless, it's not important to the thread, and I'm not ruffled about it. From the shoutbox, it looks like he figured it out, so good on him.
  23. Thoughts on B47 ?

    Yeah. Totally missed that. [/feedtroll]
  24. Thoughts on B47 ?

    Just hit a smooth stone with a hammer...
  25. Ditto. Eight logs for a single pork chop. On a brighter note, I look forward to being on a server. I've been thinking about multiplayer for a short while now since this mod really makes coop play viable (and helpful). I'll cross my fingers that 47 is out soon and fixes these issues.