Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by AllenWL

  1. T1 container: Straw basket.

    I think giving it a smaller inventory would work fine, personally without the need to go through all that
  2. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    why goats?
  3. Um, if we made the wool 'cover' a entity instead of a block, will that work(like item frames or something)? What if we make it so if you right-click a block with wool, the wool is used up and the side you right-click on gets the wool's texture? Is that possible? But I would prefer if the wool block did not have any frames, or if there was a unframed variety of wool blocks. Because sometimes, you might want to use wool but not have it covered in wooden frames crisscrossing everywhere
  4. Berry help

    I'm looking for information on berries. Basically, how to get more, when they give fruit, whether breaking and placing them prevents them from bearing fruit, where I can find them, whether there is a difference between flat berry bushes and cubic berry bushes, etc
  5. Then.. what if we could stick wool on blocks like metal sheets? If wool blocks are unbelievable, we can go with wool wallpaper, right?
  6. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    So, I got an idea for how we might have different 'power', and I'd like to see what people think of it. Ok, there should be 4 strengths of mechanical power, for convenience, lets call it weak, mild, moderate, and strong. Hand-cranks will give weak power, water and wind mills mild power, horse wheels moderate power, and steam strong power. There would be 4 types of gears and axles for each power. The four types would be wood, bronze, iron, and steel(or maybe black steel?) All axles and gears can power the same things. The difference is axles and gears cannot power other axles or gears that are weaker than it. So a steel gear/axle cannot power a bronze gear/axle. However, a axle/gear of lower tier will be able to power a gear/axle of higher tier. the higher the tier of axle/gear, the longer you can connect them, and the faster they transmit power. Wood will only be able to connect up to four axles/gears at a time, and take 4 ticks to transmit power. Bronze can connect up to eight, and takes 3 ticks Iron connects up to twelve, and takes 3 ticks, And steel connects up to sixteen, and takes 0.5 ticks If you connect too much, the axle/gear will not be powered. If you connect a low-tier axle/gear to a higher tiered one, it will break. A axle will take one gear, two jute fibers, and six planks to craft, and will connect front and back, but not at 90degree angles. A gear will be made on an anvil for 4 gears per ingot(wooden ones are crafted with sticks and planks in a + shape), and be only placeable on blocks. It will connect to axles in front of it, or other gears next to or at 90 degree angles from it.(if this is too complicated, I will post a picture of what I mean)
  7. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Ah... true... Ugh, I when overboard again, didn't I? Yea, I guess around 6 would be best. But I don't know about the severe decay bit. Just how severe are we talking about? (when I hear severe, all I can think of is a few crumbled bricks showing the vague outlines of a building half buried under dirt) I wonder, is there be a way to randomize how the structures look like, so no two structures look the same?
  8. Knowledgeable TFC Suggestions

    The rule is one thread per suggestion(but some closely related ideas can be together, I think). The paper making has been suggested here mentality has been rejected with the message :This is not "Don't Starve Also, I don't know about the random respawn and warning messages, and gloom bit. This isn't BTW, and I don't think it would very much fit with TFC After some testing, I'm 99.99%sure that the fat bar of BTW is not the saturation bar. The saturation bar is like a 'shield' for your hunger. as long as you have even a squick of saturation, your hunger bar will not decrease. The Fat bar in BTW is different from the saturation bar in that to use up the fat bar, you need to first use up your hunger. It's like a safety mechanism to protect you from starving as fast when you run out of hunger, opposed to the saturation bar which is there to prevent your hunger going down in the first place. The way you get them and the way you lose them are completely different. And if you make the 'fat' bar decrease before the hunger bar, only obtainable by overeating or snacks, and remove the saturation bar, your hunger bar will pretty much be running out 24/7(think of the speed the hunger bar deceases when you run out of saturation[when the hunger bar starts shaking in VanillaMC.] Do you really want to be losing hunger that fast?) non-stop unless you can 1: get a crapton of food and stuff your face 2: eat snacks like your life depends on it. manure, or anything that can remotely be considered 'disgusting' will never be implemented(right there at 'Do not post following suggestions') I like the bucket, movement speed, and fishing though. But for the fishing, I suggest that you can fish underground, but at low chances(maybe catch some underground fish that is not as nutritious?) And that a unbaited fishing rod can catch fish, but at a much reduced rate. Also, instead of making new items like bat wings and worms, just use items we have such as spider eye, raw meat, bread, dough, or cheese(yes, bread, dough, and cheese are used as fish bait.) The food items, when crafted with the rod, can give a baited rod and use 5oz of food.
  9. Items with building (structure) requirements

    I think he means that when your head is in smoke, you'll get those air bubble things that you get underwater, and take damage when they run out. Smoke should dissipate over some time, so we don't end up covering the entire sky with gray smoke and ashes like in some places in the industrial age. that aside, I think giving restrictions like those would be better then giving restrictions like 'forge needs to be surrounded by stone and have chimney', or 'pit kiln needs to be in a hole'. Let them learn not to make a forge without a chimney by suffering from smoky rooms, let them learn to surround a forge with stone by having blocks catch on fire(or burn fuel faster, or don't get as hot, or get destroyed), and let them learn to put a pit kiln in a pit from having it collapse and spread burning embers everywhere while not firing their pottery(or something). On the same note, people should be allowed to do not-so-smart things as a last-ditch effort, or in different applications. Why can't we let that guy who broke his last bit of armor in a cave make a quick, unventilated forge to make a armor quick, or let that person make a pit kiln that's not in a pit to make a fiery wall of embers to deter attackers?
  10. hmm, how about the recipe given makes the panel versions, and 4 panels(plus possible clay[block?]) gives a block?
  11. Instead of making it a block, what if it was a panel, like glass panes or iron bars?
  12. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Well, spawning and deciding if you want to strike out to try your luck for a ruin or if you want to play it safe and just build something yourself can be planning too. I mean, you don't start up vanilla minecraft and say "Hey, I think I'll just go look for a village and set up shop there instead of building something myself", right? I think having the same rarity as vanilla villages/temples/whatever would be fine. I think the structures should come in three states and four types. The states can be: Ruined, partially ruined, and mostly intact. A ruined structure would have very little shabby loot, or more likely no loot at all, and would be much destroyed and broken, with just enough remaining so you might guess what it was. Partially ruined structures would have some loot, not very good, but not bad, it would be somewhat destroyed, but not that destroyed, kinda like EternalUndeath's tower A mostly intact structure would be the rarest, have good loot, and it would be nearly whole, just missing windows and doors, the odd wall gone here, a staircase broken there, a hole in the floor, a crack in the roof, but otherwise intact. The chances of what states a structure would be: Ruined:common Partially ruined: uncommon/rare Mostly intact: extremely rare The types would be: Basic structures, Civilian, Military, Complex structures Basic structures would be things like wells, bridges, roads, signposts, wells, etc Mainly to set the mood, has no loot. Pretty much just aesthetics.(though I guess you can steal some blocks from it that you can't make yet, like plank blocks from bridges(if they are wooden) to make crafting benches before the copper age) Civilian structures would be smithies, farms, barns, stables, quarries, etc. They would have loot like wool, crop seeds, fruit tree saplings and berry bushes, salt, bowls, alcohol, saddles, tools, ores/ingots of the nearby ores, plans for new tools and lanterns, etc Military structures would be towers, small forts, camps, etc. They would have loot like armor, plans for new armor and weapon types, arrows, weapons, quivers, etc Complex structures would be large structures like castles and huge forts, a combination of basic, civilian, and military structures, like villages and army bases/camps, or a combination of both. they would have large amounts of loot, but also hold a huge amount of threats. The chances of structures spawning would be Basic:common Civilian:uncommon Military:rare Complex: extremely. extremely rare
  13. Items with building (structure) requirements

    I mean, for forges and fire pits and bloomeries and anvils and whatnot. Right now, you need a forge to have a 'chimney' to make one, right? But what If I can make a forge without the 'ventilation', but just have it backfire on me somehow?(say, it make a bunch of smoke that puts out the forge and/or suffocates me/whatever bad things can happen from having a forge with no ventilation). What if anvils have a chance to fall through blocks like thatch or planks(item) when updated/used/placed? What if the firepit can light flammable blocks near it on fire, or/and create smoke?
  14. Items with building (structure) requirements

    I'd personally prefer that you can place/make structures anywhere, but it can end up harming you(like how a poorly placed pit kiln can burn down your house)
  15. Wheat - to knife or not to knife?

    Can jute 'regrow' like other wild crops?
  16. Windmills and Waterwheels

    Yes, I indeed was. Well, output isn't the only thing in considering the pros and cons of power sources, but I was thinking of different power outputs. The problem we faced was the ridiculous complication in choosing the how 'strong' a power is, and how much it should travel depending on how strong it is, and so on. Speaking of which... I got an idea for how we might do power..... but should I post it on your thread, or mine?
  17. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Like, a house that's half granite, half chert with the floor 1/5 chestnut, 2/5 aspen, and 2/5 ash or something like that? That.. would be interesting.......
  18. TFC/BTW Collab?

    If I'm correct, I believe that when Flowerchild said that he won't make BTW work with forge, they attempted to steal his mod and make a forge-compatible version or something like that. I believe that he puts gameplay and balance above pretty much everything, which is why he decided to not use modloaders, and to stay at 1.5.2. I also believe that one of the reasons he gave up compatibility was that if we wanted to really add everything he wanted in BTW, it would have ended up requiring users to use a whole bunch of different API's and stuff along with BTW, which would pose whole other problems, not to mention complicate the entire installing processes. Besides, from what I hear, he's almost done with BTW, so I doubt that he'll bother to make BTW compatible with Forge, the current version of Minecraft, or anything else, really. Anyways, for a mix of BTW and TFC, I'd say it'll need a lot of work. We'll need to add, remove, and re-make tons of things to make it work nicely. For one, steel buckets will need to be removed as they make screw pumps redundant. The hunger and health system will need to be totally redone, and we'll need to add a lot(like 99.9%) of the hardcore options. Villagers will need to be put back in the game, along with the Nether, the End, all all mobs living there. We'll need nugget versions of the metals, and probably have to nerf stone and lower-tier metals to hell. Well need TFC-versions of diamond ingots(possibly) and soulforged steel(most likely). We'll need a way to add enchanting and brewing back into the game, and beacons as well. All BTW machinery would need to be added, we'll need a way to mix the TFC and BTW crucibles.... And that's not even 1/10 of what we would need to do Not to mention that we need to merge these two separate tech-trees together while making it still work as they should. That said, if someone makes a minecraft 1.5.2 version of TFC, then makes a add-on that lets it work with BTW or make a add-on for BTW that adds TFC to it or something like that, I doubt Flowerchild will be against it.(but really, who would go to all the trouble just to do this?)
  19. Plans

    I'd like the clay molds, leather, and stone knapping to have a bit more freedom. Not just being able to flip the shape, but I think you should be able to make some mistakes(say, 'cut out' a bit too much, or forget to remove a block or something), and you'll still get results, but with decreased durability or something
  20. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    I like the idea. If I understand correctly, what you want for the schematics is simply be different variations of the tools we have right now, right? I think that will be fine, as long as it's balanced, or purely aesthetics. I think the shield, if added, should be craftable like any other metal things, and we should find different shields like tower shields or bucklers or whatever instead of just the shield (I feel it needs something more that 'take quiver slot and boost blocking'). I also suggest having the material type of the buildings depend on the wood and stone around it, so if your in a area with granite and birch, the structure will be made mainly of granite and birch, if the area is claystone and chestnut, it'll be made of clatystone and chestnut, etc
  21. Windmills and Waterwheels

    In the suggestions directory, under tools, It's my idea on mechanical power, which involves windmills, waterwheels, gears, axles, mechanical bellows and grain mills, and more But it's kinda old so... meh *shrugs*
  22. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Well, that just made me think of a funny prank to play. Something like raw meat, in a fishtrap or something, with a sign saying 'free food', and left for a long time so the moment you take it out, it'll rot away and be gone. Speaking of which, what happens to food that reach a 100% decay?
  23. Bones to Lime

    Well then, I have no problems with the idea. But how will we burn the bones? I'm thinking 'cooking' bonemeal in a firepit/forge or a charcoal pit-like structure made with 'bone piles' of some sort would be nice
  24. Perhaps Nerf Baby Zombies?

    Think he meant baby zombies not burning when every other freaking zombie burns, simply because it's a baby is not believable. But I suppose we can make all undead not burn in the sun and since they'll be moving underground anyways, that would work fine I suppose to balancing out baby zombies