Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. Looked it up, reminds me somewhat of rebuild.

    I'd love to buy it, but school and the lack of money, plus time...

    I'll mull over it for a month or two or more, and if it still sounds attractive, I'll buy it


  2. That's pretty good.


    Also, in places that the player was in for a long time, he number of 'friendly' animals can decrease, while the number of hostiles increase

    (How I get that equation, is this: When people stay for a long time, killing animals and making lots of noise, the peaceful, shy animals run away, while scavengers gather for scraps and such)


  3. Human crank power probably won't be a thing though, because the point of most of this stuff is automation.


    Would make a good last resort thing, like when that elevator is halfway up, and the windmill gets ripped off in a storm or something.

    Or for simple things you want to shut on and off.


    Well, since dunk cleared steam as a potential power source. Time to start thinking about how to harness it within TFC.

    I think we should remove redstone competently, and replace all mechs with steam/axle power. Buttons and levers could be used to turn a block on or off.


    I also think we should divide stuff between steam and mill powered, so even with steam power, you don't abandon your early stuff or get rid of them.

    Like, grain mills, saw mills, and stuff can use 'mill' power, and power hammers, pistons etc can use steam power, and pumps, pulleys, and so on can use both.


    Mill power would be good for continuous, steady output, while steam can be used for powerful, but energy-consuming and limited(as in needs fuel to keep on using) power.

    Also, steam should be more stable then mill, but be  more dangerous,

    so while a windmill/axle system can break somewhat often in bad conditions(say, storms) they won't do much other then one or two axles/windmills popping off.

    On the other hand, steam engines and pipes won't break easily, but when they do, or you break them while powered, the would explode, breaking more stuff and doing a lot more damage.(so hypothetically, breaking one block in a line of pipes(all fully powered and operating) can cause a chain reaction the blows up the whole thing)


  4. It isn't being shot down because it won't be added to the game. The post is getting shot down because you created a duplicate topic, when you should have added on to an already existing one. If you were using the suggestions forum correctly and following the rules, your posts wouldn't be getting shot down.


    I know, what I meant was people kept saying 'ready posted', so no discussion was being made, but I couldn't find any topic about when I skimmed the thing myself.

    Also, the link given to me had it's last post on june, 2013

    Plus this: although necro-ing isn't exactly frowned upon, it isn't a very good idea to respond to a conversation that ended more than a few months ago.

    Made me hesitant to try and start up conversion.


    So I wanted to know if I should try to continue the conversation, or just leave it at that.


  5. Well B78 has pipes, so I believe that it is safe to assume they eventually plan to add machines of some sort in the near future.


    The only problem I see with adding machines is if they are too powerful.

    Useful machines that help out in a pinch and take care of the tedious stuff are great,

    but things that replace everything and make every tech you went by so far redundant, kinda make the game a 'rush for the end and play in creative mode with health' thing

    So I think mechanical power could be a good addition



     in a gui on the main block.  

    I think we should try to use as less GUIs as possible.

    While it makes everything easy to use and control, it makes the game less immersing and more of a 'click, click, click, done' thing.

    I think it would be much more fun and preferable to have to control most things without GUIs, using levers and such


  6. If it checks once per day, it'll mean a lag spike once per day.

    Even if it isn't done often, you get like, double chest upon double chest worth of food, plus more, quite fast.

    Checking all of that, no matter how infrequently done, will still cause lag when it happens.


  7. On burns, I learned in boyscouts that if the burn is really bad(like 3rd/4rth degree), stuff like burn lotion is actually counter-productive


    Also, lava should be a 4th degree, shouldn't it(or not, as a 4th degree requires amputation....)


  8. but this way at least you cant build and enormous castle on top of dirt. or immense overhanging structures (without support beams)


    Umm, yea, did you miss that part when I said I don't  want people unable to build giant support-less castles and physic-defying floating buildings and overhangs?

    I don't wan't collapses to be a thing you have to really plan for and build special foundation and add supports and generally just mess stuff up and limit your builds.


    I'm thinking more of a second option in demolishing buildings or something like that.

    I don't want certain structures to fall if they don't meet the 'regulations' for safe building or anything like that.

    All I want is for cave-ins to spread to blocks other then stone


  9. View it more as a balance to the chunk safety mechanic. In a town of a few people you can have a relatively large area safe due to being "lived in". If bone piles were a threat then they would at least still pose a risk to a town. 


    Cover every surface with a torch/non solid block.

    A big enough town should be able to do that with little to no problem


  10. Wait, stone beds? Am I missing something or is this your country#s tradition?


    There are stone beds, and I don't expect them to be all too uncomfortable.

    In my culture, we had stone floors with heating, and slept on them. Not uncomfortable at all stone, given you have something draped on it(and given that you aren't outside in winter)


  11. Oh I see.


    I think it would be good if biomes changes the rate of infections you can get.

    So getting cut in a swamp will have a higher chance of you being infected then say getting cut in the plains or something.

    Or getting cut in a place with man-made stuff. or something. I haven't really given much though...


  12. not a 1:1 ratio of kills/ bone piles. Maybe a 3% chance of that happening. That way a lived in area would eventually collect a decent number of bone piles, which you can grind into fertilizer or w/e.

    but it's not like bone piles spawn 1 mob per night, or does it dissapear after spawning the mob, right?

    Even if it's just 3%, I think one bone pile will be able to output 100 mobs in one or two days.

    That's about 3 extra, so 4, which would output 4 times more mobs. The number of bone piles will multiply like there's no tomorrow really fast unless you make over half the spawned mobs despawn, or make it so bonepiles only drop on player kills or something


  13. I think all wounds, except broken bones(and stuff like bruises) should have a chance of infection. cuts would have the lowest chance, but also have a chance to turn into bleeding.

    There could be light bleeding, which takes time to kill you, and usually heals before you die(although it could get effected)

    Heavy bleeding, on the other hand, will kill you if not taken care of


    I think health should still be counted in points, but also, there should be a separate thing for the wounds you have, which decide how many damage you get when something happens to you, your performance, and whether you will get debuffs or not


  14. Something like spawners, but it spawns mobs at night, huh...

    But if you can move bonepiles, it will be easy to make an area safe no matter how many bone piles there are all you would really need to do fence an area off and move all the nearest bonepiles there. You just have to take care of things near you as mobs far away from you won't be able to see you anyways(well, unless they are a zombie)


    Also, wouldn't it make mob farming ridiculously easy?


  15. you need bruises. 


    Also, since monster will be moved underground, fighting monsters should have serious setbacks in your mental health.


    Also, being unhealthy should worry steve a lot, as he needs to survive.

    Being with pets or other players should make steve less worried then if he was alone.

    Also, steve should get anxious if he is fighting and lacks proper weapons.


    Things like books, light, and sleeping should relax steve.

    Also, if steve is really nervous, he should not be able to sleep


    Wounds should be localized to different areas, but bleeding and infections should effect the body as a whole.

    Heavy bleeding would kill in a few moments, but even a simple leather armor should prevent heavy bleeding.


  16. The fact is, right now, minecraft pets are furry furniture.

    I think the reason for this is because

    1: weak: Dogs are really, really weak, and while able to kill zombies somewhat easily, will die after attempting to kill 2 or more skeletons/spiders. cave spiders especially fatal.

    2: Dumb: they are prone to falling off cliffs, walking into lava/cacti, and pushing you off ledges

    3: Limited usage: cannot attack creepers, and can only attack one mob at a time, meaning they are somewhat useless against groups of mobs(works as meat shields though)


    So if pets are to not be furry furniture, they need to be

    1: strong: you can take one hunting, and not heal it after every mob it fights. can take care of a reasonable number of mobs before needing healing

    2: smart: they should not fall off cliffs, walk into hazards, push you off ledges, and most defiantly should not kill every mob you hit

    3: multiple usage: not just a creeper deterrent or meat shields, they should be able to hunt, scavenge, scout, etc for you


    So more ideas for pet usage

    1: Scavenging. Your pets can gather seeds, fruits, mushrooms, and other thing that you normally cannot gather, much less find(say, rabbits, parrots, etc could pick up items randomly and give them to you)

    2: Searching: pets have better senses then you and you can use them to track down animals and find things you normally could have missed(wolves, dogs, pigs, etc can lead you to things like mushrooms, animals, fruit trees when near it)

    3: Retreating: Send them off to retrieve items you dropped or cannot find/retrieve for some reason.(dogs, hawks, and such can go off, gather items, and come back with it. useful if the item is somewhere unreachable[say, down a cliff, or in a field full of monsters/wild animals])

    4: Warning: Pets can detect hostiles from farther away then you, and warns you(useful when you are otherwise occupied, say, mining, farming, etc)
