Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. Unlit torches(challenge)

    smart moving(tfc terrain needs lots of jumping and block placing)

    Optifine(my computer gives an average of 10 fps)

    little maid mod(with 10 hearts, not much for fighting, but still good for cooking, guarding, healing, etc)

    flintlock weapons mod(un-op guns, fits with the theme of TFC[in my opinion], can't get till iron stage)

    custom Npc(just for the custum crafting)

    extra firma(just because)


    I'd do zombie awarness as well, but I can't find the 1.6.2 for it so...


  2. You should lure hawks with meat, not grain.


    Anyways animals should be tamable in the beginning(well, not right away, but close enough),

    and help you survive until you can be self-sustaining


    and they should be able to fight well, and not run off cliffs/into fire/cacti/push you off cliffs/etc

    And most of all, you should not need to have 50~70 of them just to insure that they don't all end up dead


  3. I don't think there's any particular need to nerf grains... It's not like other crops are that much worse. Try a field of greenbeans half a square kilometer in size - I bet they would still be eating from that as well now, and they wouldn't have had any need to even process the harvest. You get about four beans per plant after replanting, compared to about 3 grains per plant after replanting. Each bean is a 1-star meal, and each grain (after baking into bread) a 2-star meal. So within some margin of error for the rounded star values, a bean plant gives you ~4 stars of food and a grain plant gives you ~6 stars.


    Now take into account that greenbeans have a "fast" growth speed, while grains are "slow" to "very slow", and suddenly the OP grains are not looking quite as OP anymore.


    Ultimately what should be counted is the amount of food stars provided by one plant over the course of one year (assuming infinite soil nutrients). And for non-hardy plants, one year would be defined as 9-10 months because it can't grow during winter, while the hardy ones get the full 12 months. Then you need to keep in mind that infinite nutrient scenarios will overvalue plants with long growth cycles, since in actual gameplay they will run out of nutrient before finishing a growth cycle and therefore take longer than calculated to mature. As you can see, that gets very complicated to balance very quickly. And we haven't even started factoring in secondary uses/processing and tech level dependencies for products yet...


    But you have to factor in the fact that

    1. Grain can be used to breed animals


    2. time it takes to eat food.


    I can grow grain, breed a few sheep, and get more mutton than I need, and mutton fills up my hunger in 1~2 pieces.

    While green beans could get me more hunger in shorter time, I'd rather not spend half my day munching on green beans, when with meat, or bread, It takes much less time to get full


  4. Yeah, I found I could work in my open-air metal shop without much fear of mobs while on hardcore as well, so I installed Zombie Awareness :P


    How did you find zombie awareness 1.6.2? I couldn't find it


    But if you are really reckless, you can make a giant wall with 4 extrances, somewhat lit up, with towers everywhere, and put your home in the center, don't block the entrances, and fight all mobs that approach. If you have enough food/water and places to heal up at, night can be quite fun and exiting


  5. How do you know if someone is a evil character?


    They're pale, have weird eye color, and have snakes(reference to harry potter and naruto, if you don't know)


  6. (excuse my horrid spelling.)

    (herobrine is hoax, made by creepy-pasta and later re-created in minecraft via retextured painting by Brocraft streamer "Copeland" he never existed, and never will unless you install a herobrine mod)


    Because it's much easier to label something you don't understand 'evil' and make everyone hate it and get rid it than it is to try and understand it and accept it.


    When did I ever use anything even remotely like black magic?



    Omicron, on 27 Jan 2014 - 5:30 PM, said:An easy potential solution to cats: b78 includes Jungle biomes, from what I've seen. If the vanilla ocelots could spawn there, they would be tamable into pet cats with fish.

    but all the other pets......Anyways, I think pets should be more than entertainment or for looks(well, maybe the rabbit, but...)Pets should be able to fish, hunt, defend, etcI mean, it'd be cool to have a pet hawk and have it attack that zombie/player/rabbit/whatever 30 meters away,or to have a pet wolf/dog/fox/canine thing ripping your enemies to pieces.They could be purely for looks, but if so, I think lots of people will be likeHey, I got a pet, and it's cute, and I'm going to make it sit in my house for all of eternity and a day because it's more-or-less furry furniture.(the fate of many a vanilla wolf)


  8. I think elephants could be nice. they could spawn in warm plains/savanna/whatever biome TFC has that fits.

    They would be slow, but able to carry a lot more than horses, and for a much longer time.

    can trample/gore mobs, and can 'sprint' for short bursts of speed


  9. yeah, this mining charges are interesting!

    I would like more control, like bigger reach as you imput more gunpowder


    Yea, that would be nice... hmmm.

    I felt that for something that has a crafting recipe and is a only drop from creepers, gunpowder was more useless than rotten flesh(unless you like greifing and giant craters).

    The explosion of a powder keg is too big and uneven to be fully utilized, and is uncontrollable.

    yes, a bigger powder input... hmmm


  10. Hey, just saying, but if rabbits drop meat, what's to prevent players for breeding rabbits for food?


    But I'd like a pet fox :)


    Well I like it!.

    But I think pet's should be smart. Other then just sit/attack/follow, they should be able to hunt(somewhat), carry items, etc


  11. Oh yea, shields.

    At first, I thought about it, but I thought it would need duel-welding to work properly, and the main reason for a shield is to attack and defend at the same time

    And I couldn't think of a way for duel-welding to work nicely, I dropped the idea. But a armor slot for shields is a great idea.

    I think shields should protect your left side(to some degree(also, I think switching hands, like say, sword on left, shield on right could be interesting) even when not actively used.


    There should be a small shield, for cheap, light, defensive measures, it would protect less, but be good for early defense and light infantry/scouts.


    A 'normal' shield for average stats, good, all-round sheild


    A big/heavy shield, 100% damage reduction, huge durability, full protection when active(all front side protected), even wood needs some metal(to reinforce it) when crafting.

    Extremely heavy, horrible mobility when moving
