Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. If I were making a language, it will not include grammatical numbers at all. Instead, we would all communicate by using the actual objects and guessing things that cannot be said with objects.


    There is a island. You are stranded on the island. You can see the mainland, but it's too far away for anyone to see you. The island has nothing on it but a single tree, and you also have nothing but the clothes on your back, and a box full of water and dried food. You cannot swim, and the water is too deep to wade across. No ship or plane goes anywhere near the island, and you have no means of communication by device or signal. How do you escape from this island?


  2. /me says 'what the heck are you talking about' Then decides that there is no need to hear the answer so in order not to hear it, garrotes aer mole, then to hide the evidance, feeds his body to ants, then burns the bones and throws away the bone ash, garrotes, and everything that was used to kill and dispose of aer mole(and colony included) into a spaceship and sends in into a black hole


  3. Build a time machine, go back in time, and try to not drop the phone in the toilet again.

    Or buy one of those waterproofing rubber thingies(forgot what they where called) and seal the crack, Superglue might work in a pinch as well, or maybe even some electric tape.


    I accidentally lost my pet zombie werewolf in Las Vegas. How will I be able to prevent a zombie werewolf apocalypse without killing my pet?


  4. 281


    Since we're doing quizzes,

    There is a ship. On the side of the ship there is a ladder. Each rung of the ladder is a foot apart. There are 10 rungs. The water is level with the first rung.

    It's high tide, and the water level rises at 1 feet per hour. If the water level keeps on rising at the same rate, how long until the water level reaches the 10th rung?


  5. It should be noted that torches burning out were coded in a specific way to help reduce lag. Instead of being constantly ticking tile entities, which likely would be required in order to have a gradual decrease in light levels, they are simply a randomly-ticking block like grass. To help explain this a little bit better; when a torch is placed it stores a single value of the timestamp of when it was placed. Every time that the torch receives a random tick, it checks if 48 hours has passed since the original timestamp. If it has, the torch goes out. This way it isn't an exact timer counting down that makes the torch update. 48 hours have to pass, and then the block has to receive one of the random ticks that generate over random blocks in the world. Another comparison would be to saplings; they have to be planted for a certain period of time, after which point it's entirely up to a random tick to make it grow.


    Then, couldn't you make it something like the torch, after a X amount of time, if it gets a random tick-thingy it loses half its light levels, then after another X amount of time, when it gets a random tick-thingy, it burns out?


  6. Dont drag me alone into this. Bioxx and I talked about it. People commonly set up their home very far from world spawn. Its completely reasonable to need to venture away from that home and want to skip the night. Our solution is to allow you to sleep in a bed without resetting your spawn. The current idea is that shift-clicking on a bed will allow you to sleep without setting your spawn.

    That is nice, but I don't know.

    Sometimes, I want to set my spawn, but not set it at the same time(I don't want to run all the way here from my base, but I don't want to remove my spawn from my base)


    And if I accidentally forget to press shift, that would suck.

    So just wondering, but would it be hard to set up a system that remembers what beds you slept in, and when the bed you just slept in is broken, it changes your spawn not to the world spawn, but to the bed you slept on before the bed you broke



    The recipe for a plank block has to be 4 plank items (lumber) because of the limitations of the crafting grid. Starting out you only have 4 crafting grid slots available, and you have to use those 4 slots to make plank blocks to make a crafting table to get more slots.

    Hey, just a thought, but... can't you make a plank block take 9 lumber, then make 4 lumber make the crafting table?

    It does make the crafting table take 4 times less wood, but since it makes plank blocks take 2 1/4 time more wood I think it will work.


  8. I know I like some dehydrated stuff in my salad.

    Also, it works fine cut into tiny pieces and mix into stuff, or boiled to make stew/soup/broth/whatever


    And you realize that garlic is usually used to add flavor as well, right? I mean, you don't order I dunno, garlic steak, point to the few cloves of garlic, and say "Hey I'm eating my veggies!" either.


    And yes, people don't usually put jerky on meals. Doesn't mean that other dehydrated food aren't used in meals, and most certainly does not mean that you can't use it in meals.


    And also, I don't see why a drying rack has to be steel or placed over a forge. One made of wood works just as fine(it's not like you're sticking in in the fire) and sunlight works just fine for drying stuff. Or if you don't like sunlight, a wood fire/ember/whatever works perfectly fine as well


  9. Why would they only eat the brains and eggs? Even if that has the most calories, eating the whole fish would still provide more calories than only eating selective parts of it.


    I think it has to do with how much you can eat.

    Like, if you can only eat 40 grams of food eating 5 grams of something with 1000 calories(per gram) then 35 grams of something with 100 calories(per gram) will give you less calories then eating 40 grams of something with 1000 calories(again, per gram)

    [Note: all numbers above are 100% random numbers]


    But anyways, I don't think rotting food to fertilizer is a good idea. It'll basically tun crop farming into mass-producing crops, having half(or less. Or more) rot away, then used to replenish nutrients to mass-produce more crops, then having a good portion of them rot away to replenish nutrients to(basically, this repeating over and over).


    It takes away the planning and thought you'd have to put into growing your crop(mainly nutrient management) without the mass-producing fertilizer thing.


  10. So far, the idea seems to be to have a separate bar filed by the hunger bar that is used to move and do things, and if it gets depleted, you starve to death.

    However, it also seems like natural health regeneration, instead of just using the hunger bar, will use both hunger and energy, instead of just hunger.


    I think it would be nice if things worked like this:

    • Energy is needed to move around, and if it depletes, you starve. However, it does not effect your health regeneration directly, instead it effects the rate you health regenerates. At full energy, it'll regenerate fast, at 0 energy, it'll regenerate at a very very slow rate(or not regenerate, I suppose).


    • Hunger will be what regenerates health, like normal, however, having no hunger will not make you starve to death, you'll simply stop regenerating health and energy.
    • Hunger will also no longer be effected by your movements, and simply drain on it's own if health or energy is depleted in a attempt to fill up your health and energy.


    So... what do you people think?


  11. /me thinks this derailed, so makes a giant train with the wheels alone being 3 time bigger than the sun, but it derails because I put it on normal-sized rails and it crashes into earth, rips a hole in the threads of time and space and ice cream(vanilla with chocolate chips, btw), and lands us all in the world of TerraFirmaCraft. Then I proceed to pick up stones and sticks then make a knife to gather thatch as I go around searching for clay while looking out for copper ores and possibly fluxstone.
