Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Srgnoodles

  1. List of new monsters

    Dead suggestions that unfortunately will never again see the light of day...
  2. List of new monsters

    not to be rude, but have you even read any of the recent topics on these forums? Anything fantasy or the like is not going to be in TFC, they're sticking to things that could work in real life although i'd love to see some things that could be considered super-natural in TFC, i can't say that the same goes for the dev's just read up a bit more before posting things to make sure someone else hasn't said it or it doesn't fit with TFC
  3. Last comment wins

    Where is your god now?
  4. Dreams and Farewells

    DISCLAIMER:I am not trying to force change or offend anyone here, so please don't take it that way. Alright, so I've been following TerraFirmaCraft for a little over a year now, watching it grow and develop,and become the mod it is today But i feel that this mod has turned away from what we first set out to do, I don't really know why, but it just doesn't have the same feeling as it did last year, and it really makes me sad. So, I've decided that I am going to pretty much stop following development of TFC, and this also means that i will probably be leaving the forums indefinitely, maybe to pop up here and there to check the off topic section or something like that, but for the most part, I'm leaving. So, farewell everyone, I had a good run here. Until next we meet, Srgnoodles
  5. Stay real

    the hard focus on making the game entirely realistic is what caused it, as it is a great deviation from the initial goal of this mod, which was to make minecraft more believable, not realistic believable meaning, if we can implement it in a way that logically makes sense and isn't making a sword by slapping two diamonds on a stick, then it would work with this mod. but, we have sadly turned from this, and the focus has become "making this mod as exact to real life as we possibly can without making things hopelessly infuriating" that, is why i have stopped, because this isn't the same mod that i played last year.
  6. Stay real

    ^Exactly the mentality that caused me to stop playing TFC...
  7. 7 word story

    Carving a pumpkin for the holiday season
  8. Name Me!

  9. So, I started playing TFC a while ago, and i remember hearing the ever present motto "Believability over realism" and being like "yaaay this mod is awesome and stuff" To me, this meant that, even though something wasn't quite realistic, if it fit into the general feel of TFC, and we made it properly so that it made sense, it would be able to work in TFC But i was mistaken, apparently, the goal of TFC IS to be realistic as possible, and the whole Believability thing only meant that they could sliiiiightly bend the precise rules of how things actually work in real life, just to make things not mind numbingly complicated So, hope this clarifies things.
  10. Patron Spirits

    Sorry, this isn't happening. Apparently, Dunk has some unexplaned hatred of anything that isn't perfectly, exactly true to real life being in TFC. so sorry, no dreams are allowed here, only tears.
  11. 5 word story

    Oh look, it's a Necromancer!
  12. Magic or.. No magic?

    Okay everyone, just putting this here for everyone to see MAGICK ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN IN TFC not my idea, Dunk just doesn't want any form of magickal anything in TFC
  13. Last comment wins

    Draw's a division sigil on the Sda's elbow Divides by zero universe pops like an unimaginably large balloon -pop-
  14. Last comment wins

    -stuffs all the jars into one massive omnijar near the butterfly nebula-
  15. Potential use for Rotten Flesh

    I honestly am noot inclined to use human skin for leather purpouses, unless we're going to be writing the freaking Necronomicon here....
  16. Last comment wins

    absorbs energy burst into a decorative jar
  17. Last comment wins

    You monster! just wait until Sawuko hears about this!
  18. N'ah round o' whisshkyeeeeiissh

    And let the drunken revels begin!!!!
  19. Ingame money

    EXACTLY and honestly, things only have value, because people want them because they are usefull in some way or another, and that person has trouble getting said thing
  20. Last comment wins

    -pokes head back into thread through small portal in the possibly nonexistant ceiling- drops 6x1023 frogs into the thread
  21. Name Me!

    Luckily, we have a certain Noodles that is quite adept in the dark arts of Necromancy -pokes at the rock that Killster is sitting on, untill it wakes up and chomps him-
  22. I'm back and somethings missing

    Pshhh, this stuff is nothing compared to the shenanagins that we used to get up to, entire threads would go on massive multi-page even multi-thread derails on a regular basis, this is just kid stuff right here.
  23. Harsher Winter

    well for cheekens you could just scatter some grain on the floor for them to peck at
  24. Regarding Powder Kegs:

    howabout we make it so that redstone can ignite the gunpowder trails, seeing as it is (loosely) an electrical current, and that would solve the issue with traps and the like
  25. Big List of Mobs

    Correction sir, the NEther is probably getting an entirely new rework sometime in the not so distant future, so don't count it completely out yet but it is true that DUnk has said no magicks or stuff like that, and that makes me sadpanda.jpg