Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Srgnoodles

  1. Ingame money

    totally agree with you there kimbbles, coins and such are rather useless when you can just trade and barter, it just makes things more complicated than they need to be
  2. Venison

    Deer are still rather WIP, as with the other animals that TFC adds, so don't worry too much about it
  3. What is TFC to you?

    Wrong, TFC is about Believability, not realism,
  4. TFC and FTB

    Seriously, FTB and TFC are like mustard and chocolate sauce, two very great things, but they should never, never on any occasion be put together
  5. What is TFC to you?

    well i was kind of thinking about some kind of obelisk or something like that, that you would have to imbue with magicks to bind your spawn point to, but seince magicks arent happening... iunno
  6. What is TFC to you?

    i think that minecraft lost something improtant when they implemented beds and such things, they lost the fear of the night, i remember that some of my first nights in minecraft were spent cowering in a tree or a cave hoping that my luck would prevent any mobs from trying to get to me. i like these recent changes with making mobs almost impossible to fight in the early game, it kind of restores that fear of the night, the need to create a safe shelter for the night. also, this also gives a satisfaction to proceeding into later game, when you have armlour and decent weapons to fight mobs with, it's fulfilling to finally be able to take down those monstersthat you've been fleeing from and hiding from your whole life in minecraft.
  7. Uses for Gems

    oh and about the magics and potions, Dunk is rather against either of those things being in TFC, so sadface here
  8. Monopoly Card

    Kitten Barrage: >:3 Toss the nearest kitten at the player farthest from you, if it hits, they lose a turn (But gain a kitten)
  9. WTF welcoming party

    Welcome to the wonderous world of 1.6, with swarms of zombies, useless aligator-horses, and crappy launchers. Good job Jeb!
  10. Quote format

    yeah it doesnt show how many people liked posts for me at least
  11. Rambling about the mobs. (Tweak please)

    honestly, you shouldnt need to be fighting mobs on the first night, just set up your camp under an overhang or cliff, or some other sort of hollow that will keep you out of sight, and you should be fine with the occasional stray mob. but think about it, honestly, if you don't have any good weaponry or armour, you really should try and be sneaky and hide from the mobs untill you can find a good way of combating them. there is once more a reason to fear the night...
  12. Tree / Forest Improvements

    Different trees should also have different trunk sizes, a birch tree is not going to be the same diameter as a huge old oak
  13. I just pre-ordered Starbound.

    well, they said that it would be at least ready for beta release by some time in 2013, so you guys got 4 months to get yo' stuff together
  14. so, new stone type, Hard Rock. created by the gods of Rock as a pure essence of Rock. randomly replaces any other rock type in world gen. takes quite a while to mine, and inside it is found only one ore. Heavy Metal ore Heavy Metal: obviously, an extremely weighty ore placed by the Rock gods in this world as a gift to mankind so that all may know the glory that is Heavy Metal. \m/
  15. Uses for Gems

    Wrong. TFC is not trying to be realistic, it's trying to be believable, so even something like magick or potions can be implemented if we do it correctly and have it make sense
  16. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    lol, well, i wont say anything except that he says stuff like "oh how troublesome" and "what a bother" all the time forever
  17. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    lemme guess, are you supposed to be Sloth from FMA:B?
  18. Last comment wins

    -Noodles then proceeds to tear her way out of Davoval's stomach from the inside.-
  19. Bauxite (Aluminum Ore)

    you do realise that 1. this has been suggested several times in the past 2. the purification process for aluminum is waay outside our timeframe which ends around the 1500s if i'm correct, Aluminum wasnt properly discovered until around the time the Washington Monument was built.
  20. Chicken poop

    i dunno about you people, but i think this suggestion is rather -puts on sunglasses- crappy
  21. Underground Ecology

    -pauses halfway through grabbing Kain's head- what? i'm not doing anything suspicious here!
  22. well if you're just playing to build the town anyway, you could just spawn them in at night time, and say that they moved in overnight.
  23. Villager trading and zombie drops

    yeah 'cause that totally makes any kind of logical sence or fits in with TFC at all.
  24. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    My mornings always start with a cup of coffee. Remember that!