Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by landryx

  1. Supplemental Advancement to Copper

    panning only, not sluicing right ? well, could it be more rewarding that when you find copper nuggets at surface or any other ores, then you start to panning around for 7-10 nuggets per exemple. it's just to easy and random to pan anywhere for small nuggets right now.
  2. Supplemental Advancement to Copper

    the platinum is useless at the moment am i right?
  3. I'm a bit tired of looking for ore by now.

    that's it !
  4. Supplemental Advancement to Copper

    oh cool!!! that's very nice! And does it just give copper nuggets ?
  5. Supplemental Advancement to Copper

    the game must more focus on gold panning at the beginning the game rather than mining exposed ores along walls or fissures. it's just like: "oh nice gold ores down there!!!!! sweet, must remember the spot, I'll come back with my pickaxe later!!
  6. The new rocks

    alright, thank you guys for the fast responses.
  7. The new rocks

    it was okay before the new rocks appear, could it be a bug from the code?
  8. The new rocks

    fancy graphics are lagging now regardless the seed is it normal?
  9. [Solved] Severe Memory Leak in build 78.0 & 78.1

    so much stable now, thanks bioxx.
  10. Saltwater and Waterborne Diseases

    no, salt water filled as normally your thirst bar, but inflict a bad status on the player. Like the zombie effect but on your thirst bar. What you said MMC Champion, it's really cool. I'm tired to just drink water so easily. Want something more complexe like you said. Yes.
  11. B78 Pre-Release Live-Steam 04/08/14!!!

  12. Update Frequency Poll

    yeah, me too, bye bye!
  13. Canoes

    I like your perspective! but actually, the physical navigation system (by boat) is real shit!!
  14. Animals, becoming mini?

    very nice.
  15. Alternate fuels

    haha the guy who build his mine with stairs what a waste lol
  16. Casted Tools and Sharpening

    the link above Allen
  17. Better Scribing Table

    yeah yeah! blueprints.
  18. Better Scribing Table

    @GrantBrear: Actually plans can be used to duplicate a chiseled block too (like your fence model).
  19. Plank block change.

    For the crafting benches and chests, I agree with you, but I think that bioxx and dunk didn't have the times to balance this things yet since they are into more interesting stuffs right now.For the chests place problem with planks, why don't you just keep them in logs pile? and only chop them in planks when the necessity come
  20. hmm, curious too. I think that they are elements that are sync with the time year, like trees, crops, new borns of your husbandry. So regardless of the configuration, it won't have any effect on them. (I think)
  21. Casted Tools and Sharpening

  22. Thirst in the deep mines

    Is TFC designed for high nordic surviving yet?? Since you cannot advance in the game without any renewable woods supply like you said, what's the point? Or thinking of a suitable well balanced survival system for those nordic regions. Anyway, it could be a nice challenging alternative for advanced TFC players.
  23. Thirst in the deep mines

    I always found the winter not enough scary.
  24. Thirst in the deep mines

    He's saying that the first 2 meters of the Earth's crustal would follow seasonal outdoor temperature.It's not a bad idea!! However, must harden the dirt in winter by putting it more difficult to shovel
  25. Casted Tools and Sharpening

    yeah, it would fit perfectly for multiplayer server players.Those new elements could encourage the player to go back at the village to see the blacksmith (a skillfull player in those tasks) for best and effective repairing.To add deep system like those proposed by AllenWV for all professions (brewing, leather working, food preparations) could create new gameplay elements and why not creation of village organisations.