Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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fred da kiko

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Everything posted by fred da kiko

  1. Neolithic tools.

    Back to 2 hours of smelting copper because i can't find any teir 0 ore.
  2. Beasts of Burden

    I never said it had to be faster than walking. it should probably actually be slower, to balance the bigger inventory. I'd imagine that a mule carrying 5 tons of cobble isn't going to be running like a humming bird on crack.
  3. Make beds buildable rather than craftable?

    sleeping in a vanilla bed is possible at any time in the day and will bump you to either day or night, depending on what time you slept.
  4. Neolithic tools.

    couldn't it just check the hardness rating of the stone versus the chisel? Chalk stone versus granite chisel 1<10 so it works. Granite stone versus chalk chisel 10<1 so the chisel breaks and nothing happens. The numbers are purely for demonstration, as i don't know, nor do i care about the actual hardness ratings. Hangable antlers, they would would make a great mantle piece.
  5. Beasts of Burden

    i think that the steerable saddle option is pretty good.
  6. Furniture?

    I'm not a coder, nor do i know how minecraft works under the hood. i was just thinking that it would be cool to have a command or hot key that would put you into that position you are in when you're in a boat or minecart. i've seen a few mods that make it possible to right click stairs.
  7. What happened to redstone dust?

    cinnabar can be crafted into redstone /thread
  8. Religion

    Shrine of Talos?
  9. Scaffolding

    Building a plank structure outside of your building is more tedious than just standing on the building. the idea is something that can be build quickly and taken down easily.
  10. Reinventing the wheel (Cobblestone/Rock)

    i just hope that copplestone isn't going to end up being too difficult to get.
  11. why are you using a weapon mod in a mod that removes most of the vanilla resources?
  12. Stone Flakes and Arrowheads

    sling shots anyone?
  13. Believable inventory and better storage techniques

    The idea of a quick bar is not 'YOU ARE HOLDING 9 ITEMS AT THE SAME TIME' it's more of 'YOU HAVE SELECTED THESE ITEMS, PUT THEM IN ORDER FOR EFFICIENCY.' I imagine that opening my inventory every time i had to switch from pickaxe to torch, from torch to sword, from sword to axe would be a pain in the ass. I like the rest of the ideas, except the removal of the quick bar. If piles were implemented i would happily relinquish a row of inventory space, but until then the inventory is that size to keep the game reasonably playable.
  14. Chest size fix.

    Yes, and that's why we play videogames. To temporarily escape reality.
  15. Casting instead of Scribing

    they can stab at the plate male, but the fighting style that europeans used involved clashing swords, so a katana would require a quick, direct blow so that the knight or other swordsman couldn't parry. The more malleable steel blade would likely break the more rigid katana. Let's also remember that swords weren't meant for killing knights with a direct hit, there were men with axes, maces, hammers, great swords, flails, long spears . If a swordsman had to fight a knight, they would probably aim at one of the joints, not the center of the plate. Katanas were not meant for sword clashing, and were specifically made to cut through leather and other light armors, so they were rigid. Longswords were meant for clashing swords, so the metal is more malleable so it is less likely to shatter upon impact. Also, the metal armor was made to counter the sword, not the sword to counter the armor. Asian armors had more layers and included materials that could stop a katana.
  16. Improved Anvil Interface

    I think i prefer the current system, it's challenging yet rewarding.
  17. Stone Flakes and Arrowheads

    I think the rocks are going to get a model soon, considering that it's currently programmer art.
  18. Balanced recycling of tools

    Broken tool item, unusable tool with 0 damage, same thing. my point is that, even if you grind them on a rock, copper does not simply dissapear. there needs to be a way to salvage what ever is left.
  19. Spike Pit

    My idea adds a base damage of 1 to any fall on the spike pit from more than 1 block, because if you fall into a spike pit from more than one meter i'm pretty sure you're going to get hurt. the idea of the damage multiplier would continue from there, as any drop from 1 block or more would be at least 3 damage, due to the base damage of 1 being multiplied by 3.
  20. Balanced recycling of tools

    The tool breaking mechanic currently makes any spent tools literally explode in your hand. It's not an actual explosion, but an explosion animation none the less.
  21. Balanced recycling of tools

    I assume this would add a broken tool item of some sort, as metal doesn't simply explode when i bash it against something too much.
  22. Driftwood & River rock

    That would be cool. maybe the dirftwood could be like a longer version of the flint item.
  23. simple texture pack

    I'm pretty sure that having your monitor having to use less light can save some energy, that's why black themes are popular.
  24. Fishing

    i do that, but it tends to get picked off of the hook by small fish, fall off due to being too soggy, and lots of bigger fish ignore it. I've had the best luck with hotdogs, worms/worm like creatures, and meat like fish offcuts or, most recently, lamb offcuts. Like i've said before, most of the fish that you would be fishing are <35 lbs, so i'm pretty sure the pole can handle it. You aren't going deep sea fishing or fishing in the amazon, so chances are there aren't that many big guys in the little creeks we call rivers.
  25. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Magma bloomeries that work under ground would be amazing.