Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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fred da kiko

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Everything posted by fred da kiko

  1. Really simple fix for maps

    I'd like to see more positioning tools, as that was really a big part of exploring. maybe we could even make sextants. Also, what if you could hang the maps on a wall. Maybe you could create a chart out of multiple maps that you could only see by hanging on a wall, but it would by as big as a large painting.
  2. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I remember seeing a creepy thread that had a gif of this creature that walked on all fours and had a face like one of those porcelain masks. there was a terrified woman hiding from it. the creature walks up to her and slowly comes up behind her, then it looks at her revealing something resembling a plague doctor mask. The monster pulls its hand, who's fingers are all syringes, and begins to move for the woman's neck. If you could make that mob in minecraft, i think that it could carry the entire realm on its scary back.
  3. Inventory Changes

    Still, if the mobs get harder I don't want to have to choose between a normal inventory and a chest plate.
  4. Spike Pit

    I don't really see how it could be overly abused. All mobs drop only two items, not including rare drops, so having two inventory slots in a trap would be enough to be functional without acting as a sort of storage unit.
  5. Having Problems Installing Beta 2 Build 44 On A Mac

    Macs replace files instead of joining them, so you need to go into your decompressed .zip and join any files that will overwrite each other manually. On a side note, you also can't use a minecraft .jar that has been patched with MC patcher as a base.
  6. Bone Meal

    most of them have uses, it's just that they all do the same thing with a different color.
  7. Spike Pit

    yeah, i know it's for hunting, the problem is that your cactus will destroy any loot. cacti also does piss all damage to players because of their high health. Maybe spike pits could collect anything dropped onto them so you can harvest the loot from any kills.
  8. Inventory Changes

    I think there should be a special slot for the backpack, that way a person can have chest armor AND a normal sized inventory. I also think it should be equipped to work, that way we don't have the backpack mod's issue of someone filling their inventory full of backpacks and being of an industrial ware house on wheels.
  9. Furniture?

    This is where I go ahead and say minecraft needs a /sit, that way we can build furniture that doesn't require coding to sit in.
  10. Spike Pit

    cactus breaks and item that touches it, so you'd probably lose most of your loot. I remember back when i used to make water traps to collect mob drops. any mob that walks in there, not including the chicken, would eventually sink to the bottom and drown.
  11. [B2 Pre44b] Impressive hollowed Mountain!

    It's insane how many of these form in mountain biomes. i think it's something to do with the lakes spawning under the mountains.
  12. Tamable Bear Mount

    My first thought would be the bear mounts from Narnia, the second would be the polar bears from the golden compass.
  13. Chest size fix.

    I'm pretty sure that the smaller chest size is a prerequisite for the "you can now store shit everywhere" update.
  14. Tamable Bear Mount

    Because when i think TFC, I think spearmen riding bears.
  15. Dirt Roads

    The idea of a game is to enjoy your experience. If a developer goes to excessively great lengths to make sure that the game must be played exactly as intended, it removes something from the game. If i had to follow overly strict rules every time i played, i would eventually start following a routine and the mod would get old quickly.
  16. Go to hell

    I'd like to see the nether as a more dangerous place. As it stands, the nether is isn't more difficult than the overworld, it just has harsher penalties to death in regards to losing items. The most dangerous thing in the nether is other players doing stupid shit and lag.
  17. Realistic chicken drops and arrow crafting

    I think people are going to only use higher tier arrows for hunting, as opposed to combat. Perhaps higher tiered arrows could go through armor better or something like that.
  18. I'm pretty sure those slots are for ceramic moulds.
  19. Crashes when I load a world

    Did you patch the .jar with mcpatcher before installing forge?
  20. Workers

    i don't sleep, so that's a start.
  21. Generating a new world crash

    Not sure about the OP, but my problem was actually n issue with Forge, not TFC. i think it was caused by mc patcher. EDIT: yes, my crash was caused by using a patched version of minecraft as the base .jar for installing mods. Again, i'm not sure if that's the op's issue, but it's worth a shot.
  22. Dirt Roads

    This is a game, i can create unsupported grass, stone, bricks, smoothstone, wood, ect. The fact that this is a game outside the bounds of our reality means we can control the physics so that they work best. The fact that loose grass can float but not a very tightly packed dirt is silly.
  23. Making support beams with the saw

    If you've ever sawed through a log, you'll know that it's a bitch. Making planks would make sense, as you need precision that doesn't come from swinging around an axe, but you aren't going to saw down the length of a log to make some timber struts that could be done more efficiently by splitting bits off with a log.
  24. Built Minecraft.jar file download

    That would work except that mac replaces files instead of merging them. not knowing that your net file is being destroyed can be a pain in the ass, especially when you are following the step by step. Like i said, issues vary from OS to OS, model to model. Simply going 'well just drag everything and dump it in the .jar' simply doesn't work for some people.
  25. Dirt Roads

    Because it's really hard.