Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by oxxyjoe

  1. Yeah I did not have mobiuscore etc installed. I also found fastcraft 1.13 but the issue now seems to be with weather2. The error message now simply stays Mod rejections [FMLMod:Weather2 2.3.6]. I have version 2.3.7, I got it directly from the source: I also have CoroUtil version 1.1.2; I can't find 1.1.1 anywhere. EDIT: Okay whoops. I didn't unzip the weather file... inside of it are the two .jar files (weather and coroutil-1.1.1) success
  2. For some reason, I'm getting this rejection message trying to log in:Connection LostMod rejections [FMLMod:ConfigMod{v1.0}, FMLMod:ExtendedRenderer{v1.0}, FMLMod:CoroAI{v1.0}.......I'm using MultiMC and am using 1.7.10, forge and TFC mods are only TFC, weather2 and Fastcraft 1.21. (I get the same error with or without fastcraft).
  3. IGN: oxxyjoe AGE: 34 TIMEZONE: Eastern WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: Because TFC is very very cool. INFORMATION ABOUT YOU: I believe that one should live forever. No really, forever. Enough with this idea of an afterlife. Not sure if you were really expecting something like that, but anyway. How often do you find someone who says that?
  4. No i don't, i'll look into NEI. But I repeated it several times in single player and each time it simply disappears with no item drop.
  5. -----EDIT------ I reinstalled everything and it seems like it has been fixed. No idea what caused it though. Thanks for attention paid regardless! Keep up the good work. I have a suspicion that it had to do with optifine ------------ Version #:TFC-0.78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Both Suggested Name: Bloomery Not Dropping upon block removal Suggested Category: Severe Description: Removing one of the nearby chimney blocks destroys the bloomery. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No.. If yes, which mods? I might have optifine installed, I don't remember. Screenshot says it all really. In .77 the bloomery would "pop" off as a block, but just now when I removed a side block to get to the bloom (and its because I couldn't reach it, it didn't sucessfully float forward) the bloom disappeared without a trace. Edit: This bug occurs each time I repeat the experiment in my single player world, and I tried it without the resource pack just in case. p.s. I love TFC, it makes minecraft awesome
  6. Copper double ingots dissapearing and apearing

    I also encountered this problem. I have had double ingots go "invisible" in the inventory and then re-appear when I click on that place. and that is simply annoying, but this bug is worse; when I stacked the buggy dbl-ingot onto another dbl-ingot, the count stayed at 1 and so it destroyed it.I am happy to make a new thread about a bloom disappearing though. By the way I love this mod, even with its little quirks.
  7. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    IGN: oxxyjoeAge: 33Why this server?: It's likely to be active, which for this mod is pretty great.2 sentence description of yourself/interests: I never personally met this person named yourself/interests. But I think it would be great to get this going in terms of a minecraft reality, being that vanilla mc is sooo boring!
  8. This server is
  9. No one seems to respond anymore. I think this thread/server is no longer active.
  10. An Alternate Dimension

    Hear me out. Dreamland is the "more believable" place, whereas the "Nether" was pretty much hell and unbelievably easy to get to. Also, later on, (as a corrolary to this suggestion) from within Dreamland, one could open a second portal into Nightmareland, (the regular nether). But let me not detract from the actual point here. The nether had just turned in to an actually awesome game mechanic. Now you don't actually have to change it at all. If you simply re-enabled a Nether that included at least 1 or 2 new types of ore, that would totally fulfill the point here. Obviously a nether portal is not realistic. But to make this a feesible game mechanic that does not take anything away from it, make the requirement a lot steeper. Have it so that to light the portal, one has to use some weird device, which can only be made from various metal alloys. Then have this device connect to a second specialty redstone device. Think of the Nether Portal as sort of a Back-to-the-Future time machine, you know what I mean? That way, it's something extreme but it's also closely associated with end-game stuff rather than early-to-mid game.Along the lines of it being a new realm entirely like I said Dreamland, you could see how the Aether works but don't obviously base it on anything already done. Instead I suggest simply that I miss there being a Nether, and adding one to TFC would give the game one additional achievable element as well as new potential for new block types and so on.Good idea right?
  11. I am really anxious for build 78. I Do want it and I want it Now. Primarily though there are simply particular things that I really hope to get to tinker with soon. As about bugs, really there are not that many in my opinion. Granted, I don't know what-all kinds of bugs people have with this mod. But I do wish to simply state: It's A Fantastic Minecraft Mod. I can't ever play regular vanilla minecraft again. So do you guys realize, that TerraFirma is in a position of being extremely cool for a long time? We are only in the infancy right now. That's how pumped-up I am about this mod. Just putting realistic ore names in the game was a stroke of genius.I know this is cheesy as it gets, but, I can't wait till the new update has been... TERR-AFFIRMED.
  12. Unfortunately, I did not encounter this bug myself. I signed up with a server and uploaded the TFCraft files for my friends. (Unfortunately, we do not have available slots for other players, as of yet. And I am still getting a feel of how many slots a server can handle with a certain amount of ram). Today a friend was turning a 400% bloom into iron ingots. Afterward, she put the ingots on the ground in the shift-click fashion. The fourth one remained in her inventory and seemed not to go onto the ground. She continued to try to place it. Moments later, the stack was full. She decided to see how many ingots she could produce doing this. about 570, apparently. Even though I was not there, there is no reason for them to have the ability to create 500 ingots WITHOUT a bug. I mean, we JUST created a bloomery as of yesterday. I have no idea what caused this, and I also wonder if it only has the potential to happen in multiplayer or not.
  13. Placing an Ingot on the ground causing Duplication

    She tried placing the 4th ingot (from the bloom) after they had all cooled of course, on the stack that had 3 on it already. And she threw the ingot onto the ground by pressing q after all of this, and says it immediately disappeared instead of laying on the ground like any other dropped item would. Perhaps it is a server bug in vanilla MC to keep an item in inventory though placed, I'm not sure.p.s. a very minor bug, a zombie dropped a vanilla iron shovel. (it does not say wrought).
  14. First post & a slew of things!

    I agree with you that it's minor about the way it looks. I have a duplication bug to report. See the new thread.
  15. First post & a slew of things!

    Terra Firma is extremely cool so far. I think it is like MC++, the vanilla minecraft is starting to seem as if it were a dressed-up creative mode. However, there are several reasons why TFCraft is still actually not hard at all. In fact, it's simply involving a few time-sensitive events and an overall "harder to break into" ground (read: it takes longer to mine, and then to mine, and then to find good things to mine.) And this is great. Not only is it more closely a challenge than MCV ever was (mc vanilla), it has something educational about it.To move forward with my feedback on the mod, I have encountered the crashing bug and the x-ray walls bug (where a chunk is gone and so forth) but I found that lowering my view distance temporarily to short and rebooting, made it to where I could play (after it had crashed 4 times) and then I could return my graphics to optimal level. The invis-blocks I discovered go away when you place a block in that area. (You have to remove one of the invis blocks first to do this.) The really odd thing was, when I removed the same block that I had paced, ***THE REST WENT INVIS AGAIN**. That is pretty wierd to me I gotta say but none-the-less, I know it's already well-known.I want to mention that I've managed to make a bronze anvil, a full set of bronze armor and tools, and STILL have not been able to make a bed. I found one sheep early on and killed it, (wishing now I had used the knife instead). I've scouted a lot so far (going relatively from -1000x and -1000z to 500x 500z and all around my base) but have yet to find a second sheep anywhere! LOL What gives?When you use a fireplace (the 3-sticks one) to melt two partially-full ceramic molds and create a whole one, the empty one becomes a clay(uncooked) mold. Pretty funny and doesn't get in the way really, but still, it Should be a Ceramic mold.The mobs seem to be harder, especially the ranged skeletons, but this isn't actually that big of a deal at all to me. MCV mobs were simply easy.When stairs are removed let there be a chance to drop rocks. Same with rock formations.Underground rivers and flowing lava? I have yet to see any so far. Where did these go?I tried to use a forge underground, but apparently it doesn't recognize that there is *technically* air-flow. Do I have to basically make a perfectly vertical chimney to do this?Great mod and the visual effects are awesome as well with the changing seasons. Also, a bit of a pro-tip I have found is, that if you heat your ingots to the temperature you desire for working or welding and then place them in any of the 3 slots in an anvil, the temperature remains the same, allowing for less of a headache of things cooling off too soon.Superb, I look forward to each update.Oxxy
  16. 0.77.19 Chest remains open after GUI closed

    When a TFC build is based on a more recent MC build, it will already be solved. It's a cosmetic thing. I haven't done any coding with minecraft much less forge. it's a little fish really
  17. First post & a slew of things!

    Thanks a lot for the fact that this mod exists, I've found it to be genuinely awesome. I encountered just now a new anomaly that would be a feature.. I was setting up my bloomery with charcoal and forgot to replace the side-block for the chimney. The result was, that it still allowed me to fill it with ore and charcoal, but when I went down to light it, it freaked me out by dislodging the bloomery itself from its spot. I picked it up and tried to replace it, failing to realize there was a block missing from the chimney, and no matter what it just spit it back out again (also creating a graphical glitch of an additional bloomery item on the ground, but couldn't pick it up). When finally I realized the block was missing, I replaced it, then replaced the bloomery, and then lit it. ... and when it was done, the bloom looked normal, but it is a 0% bloom. Whatever I do with it, it doesn't change or disappear. So, it's just trash since I botched the process, but it's one of those, "okday, where'd all that stuff go to?" should be renamed something like, "useless lump." Also, thank you for answering my questions and in short order. By the way, been really wanting to find zinc to use up the bismuth I've found, but so far I've not found it anywhere. That pesky zinc... lol. I also had no idea really that there were different degrees of cooling down, but I had been wondering if immersion would be what you just confirmed. Though my idea of tossing it into a river is a little different than using a barrel... *cough.* Ok now, I suppose, when can we make sheet-metal housing and um... rockets? here's the bloomery-on-the-ground glitch after trying to place it without a proper chimney: I personally think an anvil should cost a total of 12 or 13 ingots, not 14. I know it's not a big difference, (And i know this isn't the suggestion forum) but an anvil Could be: single double (single or double) -------- double double double double This would also involve changing the way it looks obviously to have one side kind of thin. really minor detail. There are some trees missing a block from the base, and I found one that is missing the entire 2x2 base. (the rest is intact). There's also an odd leaf formation with these same trees. Okay, I found a huge cavern, and there's water at the bottom. But the water... hovers. lastly, I like that you can get 2 knives out of a rock