Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by guitarehero14

  1. Before you start typing, YES. I know how to USE the ProPick. The task at hand, for me, is finding out where to start prospecting if there are no scattered ores on the surface to give me an idea of location. So how in the world am I supposed to find all these important ores and minerals underground--even with the ProPick--if I have no idea where they are? For example, when you find ores floating about on the ground, you can dig down at that point and start prospecting and you're likely to find your motherlode. But how am I supposed to find ore without looking around on the surface? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. [Solved] How the heck do I find stuff to mine?

    Alrighty, I guess I'll try my best! Thanks for the advice.
  3. Animals hate me.

    I tried feeding two cows (a buck and a female) some wheat grains. But the cow kept telepathically telling me the same thing: "The animal won't let you do that." It's freaky and weird! Anyways, I can't get an animal farm going because of this! EDIT: I'm not crazy. I'm joking, BTW This is a serious question though!
  4. What do you do with excess food ?

    Don't build a wall out of your corn. I'll give you a cookie if you got that reference.
  5. No tinder?

    Thank you. I'll think of that from now on
  6. No tinder?

    Pit kilns are great.
  7. Chisel: mode slab

    I second this. Although I usually don't use the chisel POINT BLANK because of this. heheh.
  8. Grain Preservation

    YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! I went on a huge excursion in my SSP world and came back with about 360oz of rye, and 320 of rice. I dont wanna make em into bread yet. So i am putting them in a granary barrel outside to be cooled at night. Yet, this does nothing. I have way too much flour/grains!
  9. Wood/rock clubs, sharpening tool blades

    The first is Self-explanatory of course Just find fallen branches of trees or long rocks and...Voila! As of now in TFC all you need to do to make a sword is just to make the shape of the blade and fix it to a handle. Now this would be great as a blunting object, so you could keep it like that. Sounds great! You get a baseball bat! So what if you had a grindstone or sharpened it on an anvil / tempered it? Discuss? I know this would add an un-necessary difficulty. As you will prob have no way to sharpen in early Neolithic times. So you will be left with your baseball bat to fend off the skellingtons!! Also with knives/axes i suppose, although stone is already sharp because of chipped thin edges.
  10. Hardcore thirst

    It's bad
  11. I have an idea for obsidian.

    So I've been thinking. One of the most awesome blocks in this game? Obsidian. It's so badass. Pour a bucket of water over a pool of lava and you're watching two forces collide, the heat and destructiveness of lava, and the cool, extinguishing liquid that has kept us as humans alive for millions of years. When their fight is over and water over all else has dominated, you're left with a practically indestructible block of godly goodness. So while I was caught up fantasizing about obsidian I thought about something... Haven't ancient tribe settlements been using actual real obsidian as knives and arrowheads for a while? I thought a bit more, and I realized that, for quite some time, Minecraft modders have been actually putting this in to the game for a while too! Not yet in TFC though. I thought EVEN MORE, and I thought of something... something AMAZING. Most people would probably just think of using raw blocks of obsidian or "obsidian ingots" and compressing them in to tools and armor, right? Well... wouldn't that be impossible to use? Think about how long it takes to mine obsidian. It must be pretty beefy and;dr skip here My idea: What if you melted down obsidian and a bunch of other metals in a superblast furnace or something awesome,to make a workable metal-like substance that could be worked in to armor and tools? Wouldn't that just be so sweet? This is gonna be an endgame/creative thing btw. It might be kind of expensive. And of course obsidian arrow-heads and knives So if the whole obsidian-metal thing doesn't work out, you can just luckily find little obsidian shards lying near volcanic areas, and use it in the knapping interface
  12. I wish could die of thirst

    sounds like a challenge
  13. I have an idea for obsidian.

  14. Bats!

    inb4 bat guano and ebola seriously good idea though. i would like this
  15. Very small food suggestion

    In vanilla minecraft you can squish a bunch of wheat together to make... more wheat in one bundle! In TFC... hardtack recipe without salt? Here's my VERY small suggestion, hear me out. Let's keep the current bread recipe, but instead of water and flour, you can add some salt (ground-up salt rocks, probably) in there and make some biscuits to cook up. You'll make let's say around 4 or 6 biskies, and when they're all eaten they offer some less hunger saturation than a full bread loaf. So now, to make some actual bread, you need yeast of some kind. But this is where it confuses me-- where would you get yeast? It's some kind of fungi thing... I think this would add a bit more fun and believeability to the game! What do you guys think? EDIT: I realize that this would decrease the balance and increase the general difficulty of the game... so maybe just remove the salt but keep the yeast recipe?
  16. Username: guitarehero14 (incredibly ashamed, but I can't change it...) Age: 12 Location: U.S. Why do you like to play TFC? -- I love the realism and challenge it adds, it's really fun for me to fool around with making metals, baking bread, panning for gold, ETC., as opposed to the "slap some rocks in to an oven to get some shiny iron bars" technique. Why do you want to join? -- You probably wouldn't be very surprised how lonely it gets in SSP after a while. What will you add to the server? -- A lot of idiocy. I'm just a... just a really cool guy, I'm not lying, my mommy thinks so too. Oh and you know, building and stuff, I could start a general store/trading post or something. Hope to join in soon. :*
  17. Very small food suggestion

    very nice ideas!
  18. 16x16 texture pack for TFC

    Are there any good looking texture packs for this game that stay on the default resolution? My computer is pretty cheap.
  19. I can't Wait for the new Update Thread!

    Straw beds! I'm praying to the gods that stamina and energy bars get added in.
  20. Houses

    Yes, but keep in mind this stuff is just for the purpose of aesthetics. Maybe when cold and wind actually becomes an issue for health and comfort, it will be useful
  21. Houses

    Okay, so straw beds with hide on them (personally I would scrape the hairs off first but eh) have already been added in, I think. So that knocks away my sleeping bag issue... I still think the "energy" or "sleep" indicator should be added in. Anyway, you guys have some ideas for new house building? I only care about aesthetics since temperature and stuff apparently doesn't matter. My main idea comes from this video here: Wattle and daub! Thatch roof! Wait that already exists! THATCH STAIRS OMG
  22. b77.13 great seed

    I know this is an old post, but if you're still alive: exactly where did you find the ores and is there any clay on this seed?
  23. Houses

    gotta bump that thread up! NEW IDEA: COB BLOCKS (bet that looked like something else at first glance) this would be a pretty simple way of building a little hut granted you live in a certain area. basically the idea is you just mix sand, dirt, clay, straw, and water to make a cob block, which can then be constructed in to some proper walls that you can finish off with (most likely) a thatched roof. Now my concern is can you just plonk them down like that to build them? Does it have to dry or something? I definitely want some more house stuff.
  24. Houses

    But then I guess you would need some kind of whitewash..,. hm
  25. Houses

    Oh yeah, so I'm thinking the finished result would be a blocky version of this: