Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by starXephir

  1. That sir, is an insult of the highest order. (Sort of, kind of, maybe, yes)


    Does the lack of Mamoths and dinosaurs in TFC hint at something far more sinister than the player being late to the stone-age party?


  2. Doesn't sound like a Minecraft/TFC problem to me. I play dark, minimal game brightness, low screen gamma. It's perfectly fine inside torch radius. If you have Vista/7, go to the start menu and search up Calibrate Display Colour. Use that to adjust your screen brightness/contrast. You can also boost display gamma there. Then go to Color Management and set your newly created config as default. Same could work for windows 8. I would always recommend correcting your screen colours anyway. No idea about screen calibration on Macs. If you do calibrate your screen, turn the game brightness down a whole lot.


    Too might brightness gives me headaches anyway.


    Slapping a torch on a wall is fine... You could be digging it into soil, or a gap in stone/loose rock. I understand making torches out of cloth/oil for late game, but given the scarcity of animals. You may as well use that cloth for a bed and sleep at night. Giving you maximal visibility above ground!


  3. By your numbers.

    Pigs/Sheep take ~1/3 a year to birth.

    Cows take about ~4/5s a year to birth.

    Using days is just silly, because TFC years are much shorter.


    4 months should still be 1/3 of a TFC year. I'm fairly sure but not 100%.

    1/3 year seems good enough to me. Even as a place holder. Given that it takes much longer for baby animals to mature compared to vanilla.


    If this hammers on your OCD I'd hate to see what happens when you get deeper into TFC or play regular Minecraft.


  4. This isn't an RPG... I know what she wants! More feminine bone shattering falls. Petite foot steps on stone.


    @Kazahied. Hard to believe she bailed out at first resistance. Without providing a final word on the matter. If gender equality really was a concern she should act a little more mature.


    Edit: @Gopp. I'm a Master Builder. Please don't greif me you silly Kazahieds. ;)


  5. Well the floating castles would be most susceptible to being hit with the 'destablizing' charge. Which I would have figured shot up in a cone-like effect, not a giant chain reaction that kills the server. Then the non-air blocks and downards collapse (or chance based, for some cool looking rubble), starting from the bottom. So the skilled sapper would be able to aim for spots where foundations are weakest, or the construction is overly done. When the charge checks for non air blocks, it would have a max range... Placing it at the core of the world and firing it up into a city would just be rediculous, but would allow the sapper to choose an optimal depth when detonating for maximal damage.


    Keeping the construction minimal, or using well spaced out supports would be the best defence against the charge. Many supports my be blasted loose, but the further out beams will keep the damage at a minimal. Saving them from building layers and layers of stone. Sappers may require a decent knowledge of the support structure before hand, or just blast it in the courtyard and enter that way haha.


    Edit: The IC2 server thing sounds hilarious. On a full tech server you could making a fully self-sufficient shelter. Just don't forget a good supply of water chips.


  6. I liked Banished but it's too easy. The inability to micromanage somethings is a real source of furstration for me. Every winter when my farmers become laborers they go and move all the freshly mined coal into the nearby stockpile... Then straight into their house, and force me to produce iron tools. Nevermind I have 500 firewood, spread between 3 markets that cover 85% of housing. They may as well automatically make Iron tools if there is no coal avalible. You end up micromanaging the blacksmith as tool/coal levels fluctuate. Same with producing Ale, or certain other goods useful for trading. Those villagers sure love to hoard, even if their neighbour is freezing and starving. :P


    Once you get a handle on surviving winter you can bounce back from anything. My Mountain Men save got hit 3 times by tornadoes... THREE TIMES. Had an infection crop up every 4-5 years (the year before a 13x9 Peach harvest too). A few good trades keeps the people fed for 2 years, if that trader doesn't show up though... General Happiness never dipped dispite all the dead and starving. It's ontrack to get whatever that first population achivement is, but I'm not verry motivated to play Banished right now.


    I enjoy it... But Moress said, a Plains map would be cool. A major part of the game is building attractive cities, and building cities would be a lot more fun with lots of space. Being able to build on hills would make the cityscapes feel a lot grander.


    One thing I was wondering about... Does the game require you to use crop rotations? I thought I saw a boost in production after I started one, but it's hard to tell. Sometimes farmers like to "[collect] resources" instead of harvest their years work...


  7. @starXephir


    I have undercut entire towns in pvp servers. Detonated the equivalent of around 9 tons of TNT, most modern structures would not survive without significant damage. I mean i get where you are coming from, most castles will not be brought down with a single explosive. But the average house will be very vulnerable to explosives/ cave ins.

    If you're willing to spend the time Dwarfing around. It would a downer not to see the whole thing come crashing down.


    I still think a good solution would be to have a multi purpose directional explosive charge. Solves some of the mining and explosives requests, thereby additionally saving on item IDs. 'Destabalizing' the blocks above it when placed as such, config-able for non-pvp servers, you could finnally be rewarded for your dedication.


    Though I'd hate to see the negative reprecussions it may have against you... Multi-server wide most wanted. Hunted down for a price. Damned by builders everywhere. Too much fun for one man!


  8. I guess that's a good point. If one of the methods of preserving food is to dry it out, or make it otherwise inedible. Then that could be a use of a cauldron/cooking pot. That still depends on food balance and fitting into the authors' plans.


    If it creates an in-game profession for people to have corner soup shops and noodle carts. I'm all for it. Having specialisations is nice for diversifying communities.


  9. To remove the bone piles as suggested by Allen and Abregado. Lighting them up with a firestarter/flint and steel? Throw salt down first? Seems easier than shovelling bones around like vagabond snow in your driveway..

    The worst kind of bone pile I can imagine are dropped by zombies... And resurrect as skeletons as soon as the next night! Awful. The sun would be seeding the fields with skeletal birthing pods!

    Bioxx, your post might not have done the trick you were hoping. :P


  10. Wait, stone beds? Am I missing something or is this your country#s tradition?

    Well, you DO start out as a caveman. No offence if you think God placed us all here, sheep in hand. Then had his son craft us up a luxurious 4 posted bed draped with silk to avoid the night.

    Then again... Homeless people avoid sleeping on concrete. I imagine it would sap the heat right out of their bodies... Better end this tangent quick.


    Given this is a luxury gameplay mechanic. Beds shouldn't be made too easy. Not sure how straw beds are being implemented, hopefully it works out.

    With TFC being aimed at multiplayer, how often does the entire server get to sleep? That would be the main factor in making beds accessible, and guide the design for player progression.


  11. ^ that sounds awesome. Or the new player sets up in a cave only to discover it is connected to a massive bone-pile cavern. 

    Oh man, didn't really thing too much about it. There is one cavern in the UK where vikings slaughtered hundreds of women and children.

    Having stuff like this would be awesome for giving a little life to the world. Giving the impression you have been thrown into a world of madness. Opposed to a clean slate to abuse.


    The 'bonepile'/'boneyard' could be expanded into having 'dens' for bears and wild wolves (naturally agressive).

    That new player would think twice before planning a classic Minecraft 'mining trip'


    If Senor Bioxx isn't happy about these spawner ideas giving too much to the player/being unrealistic. They could always tick down like the spawn protection in reverse. Should it become fully depleted, there is a chance it will break and stop working. Allowing players to either farm it, or try and remove it (unbreakable by tools).


    Edit: Fighting until the spawner eventually breaks would also work to allow players to move on through a cave system, but also delay their progress. Or cause them to have defences/watch towers.


  12. Haha, Kazahied. I was just posting that. Blood is a good carrier of bacteria. When the body goes through trauma like a broken bone it can struggle to keep clean, as it repairs. Not to mention marrow is not normally exposed to the blood, and one of the main weapons against bacteria and infections. If breaking the bone screws the marrows ability to produce white blood cells, that's elevates the likelihood of infection alone. Forget that the bones may have shredded your flesh and muscles internally.


  13. Having mobs spawn at above ground dungeons sounds pretty funny. I can imagine a first timer settling up in a Stonehenge looking structure he found for his first night. Only to have it spew forth zombies and skeletons when the moon shone upon the altar. A 'boneyard' might be more appropriate, the elephant graveyard in Lion King has quite an atmosphere to it, no? Areas where mass death or burial might have occurred prior. A death-counter (like the protection meter) could cause the boneyard's to effectively spread, if you fight around it. Mob grinders would then spill over the boundaries you set up and become really, really dangerous. Should you slaughter too many mobs (eg farm slaughter house), or die to frequently in an area it begins to spawn hostiles. Slowing down over time. This mechanic would be okay for the current undead and maybe even player ghosts/shades...


    I would rather see wild dogs and various nocturnal scavengers incorporated. Loud howling while you're heading home late at night? Excellent foreshadowing to being swarmed by a pack of wild dogs. Other nocturnal animals that have spawned 'hide' (well, you know, despawn) during the daylight. Running away should the player approach. Headding out of spawn distance, causing them to 'hide' as normal.


    Plus I need more animals to hunt!


  14. I wouldn't worry so much about balance. It would (likely) take a few double ingots pounded into a sheets to produce a cauldron. As such, there needs to be a solid reward for players to want to spend resource on it. If a cauldron is too expensive, it could always be changed to be a metal cooking pot. A small/medium sized pot would look a bit more appropriate for the amounts going in and out of it. It could also be used like a ceramic pot (right click for an interface), which could be placed in a fire pit or forge to stew. If the rewards for using it are great enough, the player would need to tend the process, making sure it cooks long enough, but doesn't overheat and burn.


    Perhaps the goal could be producing "effect" meals. Place in your 4 ingredients and some water. You get a handful of servings (4?) which have the same fullness, effect and power, but less energy. Sort of making the cauldron a parallel to the vanilla potion brewing. Giving less fullness and keeping energy the same, lowering both, adding thirst refill are all options. Dropping all the nutrition and keeping the effect would be the best for making it a potion parallel.


    Otherwise there may not be enough benefit from increasing the amount of meals you can make from ingredients. Normally food isn't hard to come by, and you normally don't need to eat more than once in a sitting. That may change in a coming update. If it is changed for difficulty purposes, the authors might not want to undo their balance decision by making something like this. :P


  15. The 'beehive' oven isn't too different from the charcoal pits we use right now. Same with the Coke Oven.

    If you could place Coal down in a construction like a charcoal pit. Perhaps with a centre block that provides more heat/longer burning time than starting a fire pit. A stack or two of charcoal w/ fire bit on top for example.

    Coal then reduces down to lower quantities of Coke to kind of balance out it's versatility. For fuel efficiency (whatever is placed as the centre block) building larger, permanent, ovens will be necessary in the long run for a large settlement. Coal Coke shouldn't be too imballanced however. It is a limited resource, and still requires a bit of work. Evolving from foresting for charcoal to mining up natural coal as you advance in technology has a natural feel to it's progression... Provided you have access a coal seam. If you do, you may as well get a boon from it!


    If we want to keep things gamey. Charcoal could be converted into Coke the same way. Simplifying fuel storage.


  16. You would need to cave in a whole lot to make it seem feasible. The load shared along the rest of the walls/structure would account for even a fairly large gap in the wall, but I see where you're going with this.

    What if this was combined with the explosives requests. The idea is that explosives are used to break up our fictional mortar and nails.. An Underminer's Charge can be used to break "block bonds". If you dig or blow up some of the foundation under someone's walls. Placing and exploding an Underminer's Charge will destabilise the structure above (popping off supports?) and cause it to collapse, regardless if it is a physics block, as well as doing some additional damage to the foundation. This way there doesn't need to be a block physics overhaul.


    There could be a massive number of block updates though. If done to a tower (which would be amazing to see!) the block limits might approach the Sequoia Constant, and crash the server. Chests and other block/tile/whatever entities would not be effected without a lot of work.


    Edit, obviously there is a counter to the Underminer's  Charge. The defenders could build their stone walls slightly deeper to impede mining efforts. More dirt would be falling down on them as they go lower, causing the amount of work to increase rapidly the deeper the foundation. Forts build directly on the stone layer or a claystone-like biome have this benefit without any of the extra work. In-addition to providing the stone for the walls (I bunch of cliffside forts in Italy like this, you could even see the unfinished blocks half chiselled out). The defenders could also build their walls along a river other natural water sources (Like an island fortress). Water would stop the explosion doing damage to the foundation, and if possible, prevent above blocks from breaking. Water is also a massive deterrent to mining attempts. Wooden supports, if placed far enough back/up would be safe from the explosion of the Underminer's Charge and aid the walls should part of them try to collapse. Giving you that cool, somewhat organic looking walk way with out reaching support beams. It's hard on the defenders but the solutions are surprisingly realistic. If the Underminer's Charge (Which could just be a directional Miner's Charge, with an awesome side effect when placed upwards) does anything. It will limit desirable fort locations, and make people choose harder. Having a mountain top fortress or even simply building your Keep on a hill (as they did) gives you much greater defence against the Charge.


  17. Metal Splints don't need to be included. Their strength surpasses wood, but to as useful as a splint they would need to be larger than required for their strength. Too much weight could worsen a broken or fractured limb. A metal brace would work... But it would be tricky to craft in terrafirma style.


    Don't forget to include Creosote. It's not really used in modern times. But we can make a stretch to use it as an effective anti-septic. Creosote could be obtained by putting a ceramic pot under a charcoal pit. It would provide a second use of preserving meats, should that be included in the next few builds. Separating Creosote from tar could be included if it is deemed to easy to get.


    Numbing lotion (local anaesthetic) doesn't seem too useful unless it countered the effects of wounds. Like removing slowness from a broken leg (which would only cause you to worsen it). Though for that you would want a analgesic (pain killer). Not sure if the modders intend for us to start huffing morphine or buying out all the codeine down at the local town chemist. Local Anaesthetics would be good if there was something causing swelling or a need to do surgery though. Otherwise they would be somewhat counter productive.


    I was thinking of a similar system that runs using the buffs/debuffs mechanic. Example, getting slashed by a zombies sharp nails has a chance to give you a disease (whether its a fixed effect or varied) and Lacerated, which causes bleeding over its cool down. Hemmorhage could be used in it's place, but that would be useful to apply as a sub wound, like from a Puncture. Lacerated gives off a red particle effect. Once it has finished ticking down you get Wounded (Wounded I/II/III/IV) stacks for every new wound and resets the timer. Using a hemostatic (clotting agent) to staunch the wound from Lacerated to Wounded, saving you from damage (mid fight for example, if treatment takes time). Then using a bandage or antiseptic (Bandages for Wounded are made with a bandage soaked in creosote, leaving bandages as a crafting item for splints and other things) will then remove Wounded, and provide Bandaged (I/II/III/IV). Wounded could give you mining fatigue or weakness, forcing you to seek aid. You still suffer from fatigue when Bandaged, but the timer changes to be much shorter. If wounded ever times out you get Infected/Septic (I/II/III/IV) which prevents regeneration, higher levels cause damage and level IV causes Nausea. If your wounds become Septic you give off green particles. At any stage of your injuries using a Analgesic would remove non-physical related effects. Such as weakness or nausea, but not causing you to start regenerating or stop bleeding.


    That is just from slashing attacks. Falling could cause Scraped or broken bones *Note that falling is really easy to do and it would need to be a massive fall for breaking bones. Scrapes are harmless, and have a long timer but if they get infected you could be in trouble. So a rubbing anti-septic could be useful here. Depending on how far you want to go you could simulate puncture wounds, sutures, head trauma, etc.


    If you can't make custom effects and have them intra-relating then this was a waste of my time :P. The cool thing about this system and its particle effects (not all wounds give off effects), it would allow other plays to treat you visually. Using some firm knoweledge of the system they wouldn't need to know to bandage you after treating your Laceration. Down the line there could even be mystery illness which require trying different treatments, or flues from being out in the cold too long.


    Edit; Obviously armour would protect you from getting lacerations and other wounds caused by attacks. Making that hellishly expensive metal armour really really useful on saving you travelling with ten doctors bags (Which can hold some of common medical treatments, but fixed limits of each). The more protection armour provides the better at preventing wounds from that damage source. If possible.


  18. While a lot of people like to get realism from TFC, it's still a game. That cantilever of planks is fine, its chock full of nails. That ledge of smoothed stone? You want a trowel and mortar? If you raise the bar for realism in physics, there would need to be a system to keep this a game and let you build what could otherwise be 'impossible' structures. As of right now wooden supports could easily do the job of holding up any house. If they had stress limits you'd just be throwing countless calculations at the server while you build or then do a block update.


    The problem then comes to the foundation. What would define a stable foundation? Tedium? Having to dig the whole thing out and place a layer of thatch then stone? Most people would just end up building on a platform of stone. Which looks pretty cool, and you see a lot of minecraft builders do it to make a house look "Medieval" or gothic. Which comes back to what Kitty said, building awesome and pretty things is all part of the game. Why punish players by forcing them to adhere to stable or themed build style instead of expressing themselves and causing unnecessary frustration?


    Edit: I'd like to add while it seems like I may have written in an aggressive tone. I don't disagree with this idea. It just shouldn't force the player to do additional work. While other tasks require additional work in TFC vs Minecraft. These largely come in the form of time expense, or are due to your limited technology and a need for 'believability'. If house stability was linked to technological advancement I would be fine with it. But as it stands, that is already the case. Cobblestone walls with wooden support beams collapse as they should. Building it with a thatch foundation will prevent soil collapse/erosion from toppling part of the house.


  19. a better than wolves crossover to tfc would be aewsome :o

    it would fit quite well with some modification i guess =/

    The ideas presented in BTWs would suit this modification. However their crafting methods would be unfitting of TFC. Lot's of microcrafting, opposed to construction via player involvement.

    There would need to be a way of doing advanced carpentry. I suppose you could have a Carpentry Bench with tool slots (Saw, chisel/hammer, bore, etc). You place in plank blocks and your tools. Then are presented with a screen similar to knapping. Saws will slice entire rows off. Bores place holes, but take a lot of damage. Chisels can only remove blocks 2 spaces from the outside-most edge. Complex... but fittingly so of machinery. Doing things as efficiently as possible with the bigger tools saves you on durability and metal.


    A lot can be achieved with some wood and whole lot of carpentry skill. There is a guy on youtube that made a lathe from an old flywheel using mostly hand tools.


  20. Canoes? Try the Australian English setting.

    It's not quite worth adding a new method of construction just to produce one early game item. The early game moves pretty fast if you're lucky. Most players would never need to construct a primitive canoe.


    Consider perhaps a log raft. Made by combining 4 logs (same type) into the player crafting table, then 4 of those same bundles (16 logs to a raft). Making it horrendously less resource efficient compared to a boat.

    Breaking it could return you with all 16 logs, i guess. Since log rafts were used to transport logs. They would also be constructable remotely should you need to travel while exploring without a saw. This method of building the canoe might add too many item ID's, and given how easy it is to get logs. Simply using 4 logs in a crafting grid would do.


    Like Iandryx said, boats are pretty shitty. They control horribly, break at the drop of a hat, and at the same time are overpowered. Despite not having a sail on them, and probably needing the player to row. You don't get fatigued travelling by boat.


    If someone has some java skills they could make a small add-on to try this out.


  21. I said the remove part because, who puts bowls of food in a pot?

    Asian cultures, take away delivery people (though for them it's a metal construct or plastic box shaped bag really). Admittingly they seal over each meal, which we cannot do in current TFC.The problem is that what you suggest requires a lot of dicking around just to store and pour meals. Additionally, it would require a lot of programming, which makes the inclusion of this idea unlikely to happen in a reasonable time frame, due to it's low priority and complexity. Copper pots would also burn your hands and let all the of heat out of the meal. Copper is great at diffusing heat.I think it is feasible to store up to 4 bowls in a pot with a little bit of pretend. Pretend that each meal is separated for each other like in a bento or something, and that there is a cork blocking air flow. You can store 128 meters cubed of thatch in a little bowl that takes up not even 0.25 meters cubed when placed on the ground. Throwing 4 types of grain into a pot don't get mixed up leaving you with a semi useless mix of items. Unless we could make trail mix, of course, but that would still leave the grains useless for seeding or grinding.If you want to get stored meals included, try to keep it simple.


  22. I didn't vote because they should just put out releases whenever they are content with the state of the build.

    No one is obliged to use the latest build. If they wish to keep the world going it wouldn't matter if there were regular builds or not. They could just upgrade to the latest when ready for a restart, or the amount of content encourages a regen.


  23. Bibliocraft has a neat dinner plate. Which makes eating much more efficient, and frees up some inventory space! How useful it is in TFC depends on how often you need to eat uncooked meals.


    I too would like pots to keep meals hot. Not necessarily remove it from the bowl, but work like a thermos. This way you could heat up a few meals before you set of working/adventuring and keep a few warm for that day/next morning.
