Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Joey

  1. Username: JoeyTehPwnzar   (very old username)
    Age: 15
    Location: Maryland, USA
    Why do you like to play TFC?  It provides an interesting challenge.
    Why do you want to join?  I recently got back into TFC after not playing for a long time, and I'm getting a tad lonely on my single player world.

    What will you add to the server? Hospitality, building skill, and hopefully some kind of business once I get on my feet.


  2. IMO, unity is the best game engine out there to start if you know the basics of programming and the best source for learning is



    with that you should be able to build a 3D RPG from scratch.

    But it all depends on what you already know and what you want to do, if you know absolutelly nothing, has no clue, then first you should look at later you should search for a game engine, it is the platform for game develloping if you don't want to make your own, for your purpose, if you don't really want to program and just want to make a simple game then look at focused game engines like RPG Maker and the new ,and cheap, articy:draft SE (cool new engine for games focused on story telling), if you want to make a good looking FPS then use UDK or Cryengine 3 but they require more 3D modeling than any other.

    There are a lot of game engines

    I really recommend Unity since it has a huge community to help and it doesn't require that you code if you want to make simple things.

    I've learned everything so far only from youtube channels (two of them to be specific). AntiRTFM (his tutorials are called "absolute noobs spooned", that will explain everything you need to know in GREAT detail), and CodingMadeEasy (awesome channel, I've watched his videos after AntiRTFM, but if you have any kind of previous knowledge on programming you might wanna skip on to him).

    These are all tutorials on C++ by the way (very important and object oriented language - a good thing).



    EDIT: I'd also like to add that antiRTFM's tutorials are on general C++, for the very basic console programs. CME has both the general tutorials (but explained in less detail than antiRTFM's videos), and tutorials for various libraries (such as Allegro, SFML...).

    Thanks guys. Good luck with the game, leo, in the meanwhile... I hope to do me some good programming.


  3. Hello. Joey here. A good number of users here seem to be pretty technologically competent... I was wondering, what would you recommend to someone interested in programming? I've done a number of online programs and bought a couple of books on the topic, but I just wanna expand my horizons for high school. Anyone?


  4. Heyo everyone!

    My name (also IGN) is Zeayto! I've been playing TFC for a month or so after a friend of mine made me aware of it and i can't really say i find anything to not like a about it. It adds so much to both the game and the RP aspect, which is why it's even more awesome to play in multiplayer! The last couple of weeks I played with my friends on a server. But after getting back from my vacation today it seems they all started playing on this server instead, so now i find myself sitting here writing this so i can go back to playing with them again :D.

    My passion is building and I hope to bring the server lots of "eye-candy" as i get established within the community and also form some sort of town/haven. Dunno what my friends have plans for just yet but i hope to find out soon ;).

    Thx for taking your time reading this!

    Yes. Please whitelist this man. I played with him and Drex on the other server, and he's a very cool dude, and a good builder.


  5. I'm having some issues logging in, involving the Elegant Punt mod. I get this:

    Forge Mod Loader has found world ID mismatches

    ID 26457 (ModID: awfer_Punt, type awger.mods.punt.ItemPunt) is missing

    You cannot connect to this server


  6. I guess there's nothing I can really say about the "Haha, I grief you!" statement... only that I was younger, and very immature. As you can see, that post dates back to August 2011. I don't remember really anything about that server, besides it was the first or second one I joined, back in beta. I can only ask that you trust that I've matured, and am willing to cooperate on the server. I've been on the TFC forums since July 2012, and I've stuck around this long without being too bad, perhaps someone can vouch for me?

    Edit: If there's anything I could do to prove myself, please let me know. This server looks very promising, and I would hate to miss out on the chance to play. Trust me, I would give anything to meet my past self and give him a thorough ass-whooping for being such an idiot.


  7. Hello. JoeyTehPwnzar here, applying for an application. I'm an avid video game player and junior high student. When I found TFC, I instantly fell in love with it. The terrain generation, the specialization of skills, the sense of community developed on so many great servers, the whole deal. I'm fascinated with the many additional mods this server has installed, specifically the boats, as the lack of entertaining sea content on TFC was my biggest annoyance. If I am whitelisted, I can contribute to the community in a number of ways, as I enjoy helping others.

    Thank you for the consideration,


    IGN : JoeyTehPwnzar


  8. player meets new "friend" --> friend and player begin to chat --> player shows new friend pretty gem/ingot collection --> friend likes collection. friend likes collection very much. --> player turns around to tie shoe. --> player takes club to back of head --> player is unconcious --> player is dragged away to friend's secret prison --> player wakes up in prison cell bed/cot.

    Waking with no items on hand, the player has no viable way to escape a stone prison, as breaking stone blocks will not be possible with fists. The prison will not be protected with magically indestructible "claimed" blocks, but simply blocks that are unable to be broken by hand, such as stone or iron bars, and a strong door. A lock on the door keeps the player inside jail, unti he figures out a way to break/pick the lock, or friend lets the player go.


  9. Another thing to vary: Ore depth and vein size. As well as tool durability or efficiency. (Within a range of 20% of current values, of course.) This will change the value or desirability of each metal per seed, within tiers. Red steel may be better than blue on one seed, verse vica on another.


  10. This is a super cool idea, and if someone were to think of a way to implement it without lag, I would be really impressed. Let the discussion commence. Maybe this heat transfer will not take place on the small scale of blocks, but over large areas, and in 2D?


  11. woohoo, I'm excited. As a mechanic to add, how about after a minute or so of having the bobber in the water, fish that accept that type of bait will start to become visible, frequency depending on how "rare" the given fish is.
