Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by warfighter67

  1. Since when? I remember bioxx in a recent thread (that posted numbers and stats) something like "You can derail threads all you want but i will not tolerate posting of stats on these forums"
  2. [Simple] Armor Stand.

    Would be cool if you could just place armor, weapons, and tools just lying on the floor or against a wall. Would be cool to walk into your castle-like house and see tons of weaponry and armor lying on the walls in a hallway. To that point, some skulls and spider webs would do a great job making the place look abandoned and scary.
  3. Leather repairs!

    I think this should ONLY apply to leather armor. I mean, it makes more sense than repairing metal armor (which is also OP from a game perspective). Knife + string + leather (1-3 leather depending on damage and piece of armor) + armor piece = repaired armor piece. This repaired piece will never repair to full durability, meaning you can only repair so many times before you have to make a new set.
  4. I hope you know the mods here don't give a flying fuck if topics get derailed or something. This forum is very laid back except a few niche rules.
  5. Trees can´t grow

    TFC doesn't have genetically engineered trees on steroids that grow in less than a day...
  6. Clay Mechanics for the Clueless Developer

    Why can't you just accept the fact that you were unable to find clay because of misinformation and move on like the rest of us, who mostly learned by experimentation? Sure we watched a video or two about the basics of metallurgy or how the propick works, but this is not a mod for the faint of heart. Get out of your king's throne and act like one of us instead of coming off as an entitled brat by getting mad and snarky because the wiki isn't really good source of information and insulting the developers (even if you didn't intend, because apparently clueless means something else in your dictionary) My $0.02. Move along now. Nothing to see here...
  7. Stone Head Crafting Problem

  8. [Build 75] Lagspikes and Crashes

    You're using Optifine? Set Chunk Loading to default. Not smooth or multi core.
  9. A poor copy of Terrafirmacraft

    It's not a copy, but its textures are utterly horrible and the generation isn't nearly a quarter as good as TFCs.
  10. [Request] Sphax texture pack

    His pack is dated and basically recolors the stone. I may consider taking up the duty of doing this pack. Mine might be mostly recolors for things like tools, though. Nevermind, I'm not an artist.
  11. [Request] Sphax texture pack

    I support this. I hated Sphax at first but playing a 256 version (vanilla) with the 128x on FTB modpack, I grew into it. Still not a fan of the liquids, but I could easily changes those.
  12. TerraFirmaCraft Ruined Minecraft for me.....

    AntVenom is such a shit Minecraft player, it amazes me how he got popular. I watched a video of him trying to play a custom Santa map and he was failing so hard. 15 minutes to kill something that would take me 5 or 10, and his talking... omg so annoying.He's shit and doesn't deserve his popularity.
  13. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Wow, this thread got totally necro'd I ended up getting a 7950,
  14. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Me and my dad have decided to give me a nice upgrade to my machine. It won't be top of the line--it won't even be optimized for gaming, I use it more as a DAW--but it will be cheap as hell compared to the top of the line. Things I have to purchase: Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth LGA 1155 Z77 ATX Intel Motherboard Processor: Intel Core i5 3570K 3.4GHz LGA 1155 Processor Graphics: HIS H777F1G2M iCooler Radeon HD 7770 1024MB GDDR5 PCIe 3.0 x16 Video Card RAM: Corsair Vengeance Series 32GB DDR3-1600 (PC3-12800) CL 10 Quad Channel Desktop Memory Kit (Four 8GB Memory Modules) Parts I already own to be used: Soundcard: Creative Xb-Fi internal sound OR Alesis iO2 USB external sound Case and 17 inch monitor, speakers, etc 500GB WD HDD for boot drive 1TB WD HDD for data drive--partitioned 500/500 Cost: Motherboard $240 CPU $170 Video card $110 RAM $160 Total: $680 I eventually want to buy a second 500GB HDD and RAID it with my other one for faster OS booting. Also, RAID Mirroring 4 1TB HDD on my data drive for secure backups and fast data transfer. Computer specs at a high-level: Processor clock speed: 3.40GHz quad core RAM: 32GB at 1600mhz DDR3 Graphics: 1GB at 1GHz clock speed (guys, clock speed usually is better for graphics than more memory) Storage space: 1.5TB current, 5TB eventually. warfighter67, y u use so much RAM?! The other people who make music around here can probably tell you that using your machine as a DAW (digital audio workstation) especially if you use large sample libraries like me can use up A LOT of RAM. Most studio machines, even for a hobbyist like me, tend to have between 16 and 32gb of RAM, while some professional studios having 128-192gb of RAM.
  15. New Developments

    I hope bioxx comes back soon, but I trust dunk in his direction with TFC!
  16. I'm a musician

    Bump, new song: New Dawn
  17. I'm a musician

    Well, I knew this would happen sooner or later, but time for a shameless promo (although I don't sell my music--it's free). For those who don't know, I'm a big fan of metal. Especially viking/folk/symphonic metal. Bands like Turisas, Epica, Visions of Atlantis, Arkona, Ensiferum, Nightwish, etc I also enjoy classical music and mellow, melodic electronic music. I attempt to make my own music, though most of them time I'm not happy with it. I've decided to let you, the TFC community give your opinions of my music. Don't be afraid to criticize me, xD Anyways, now for links!! ^^Newest song--just made. ^^my main website for my music.
  18. Official MC Forums

    I think I hit a new record for the time it took me to get an infraction. I made a post in this thread and about 3 minutes later, got an infraction for calling the OP a copyright troll who works for Apple or the MAFIAA. I've also gotten infractions for discussing (not promoting, not linking, not talking about specific products or websites) piracy, correcting people's grammar/complaining about grammar (also contributed to topic though), etc. Got to be one of the strictest forums I've ever been on lol. Those mods over there are analogous to copyright trolls.
  19. RP2p6 Release

    Well, I must say I'm super excited after watching dw20's spotlight of it! I kind of want to wait for the rest of the FTB mods to update as I have a fairly developed SSP world in 1.4.2
  20. More chisel modes

    In light of Dunk's response to a thread about copy/pasting chiseled block layouts, I'm suggesting a different way to more quickly form chiseled blocks, in the form of new chisel modes: Horizontal line mode: This mode will remove mini-blocks in a line perpendicular to the direction you're facing, in the horizontal (east/west) plane. Vertical line mode: Same as horizontal except it cuts out a vertical section of mini-blocks. Pierce mode: This mode removes mini-blocks in a line parallel to the direction you're facing, in the horizontal (forward/backward) plane. Example: using this mode will create a 'hole' in your block. These modes are similar to slab mode except they only do one row/column at a time instead of the whole side/face.
  21. RP2p6 Release

    She had a lot of trouble porting from 1.2.5 to MC's new server engine. I personally love her new features, and as dw20 said, she has plans for adding tons of stuff in later....hopefully a new way to get power (as wind and solar are kind of set-up and forget)
  22. Moving chiseled blocks

  23. [B72] Cant make stone tools in smp

    The error is from Not Enough Items, not TFC.
  24. Big Sapling bug

    Update to build 72 and refer to my signature.
  25. Moving chiseled blocks

    Now I have the same image from Spongebob stuck in my head.