Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by warfighter67

  1. About detail mode

    This just goes to show: don't believe everything Dunk posts here about denying/accepting suggestions. Oh, and what i said is also in his sig, just worded differently and in all caps.
  2. Game fails to get past Mojang logo

    Download player API 1.2install mods in the following order: DELETE META-INF forge, DO NOT DELETE FORGE META INF, API 1.2, TFC in the mods folder.
  3. Game fails to get past Mojang logo

    Take out TFC and when MC loads to the menu, click on the "Mods" button and tell me what it shows installed. It should list the following mods: FML version whatever Forge version whatever PlayerAPI version whatever some others may be there as well. Also just looked in another post. Use Player API 1.2
  4. [Build 72] Constant game freezes SOLVED

    The dual core processor is probably the cause. It's pretty old.
  5. More chisel modes

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they removed creative mode TROLOLOL
  6. More chisel modes

    While your idea is good, I don't believe Dunk or bioxx have any plans for improving the creative mode aspect of TFC.
  7. [Build 72] Constant game freezes SOLVED

    what are your computer specs? sounds like you're maxing out on memory
  8. Graphical things that TFC could use.

    The leaves I agree with. However, the way TFC implements leaves may make this impossible.
  9. Idea for new the awesome new chisel setting you added!

    What about the propose copy/paste function? It still represents a feat/accomplishment, but it helps with larger builds where you use a similar block.
  10. This would prevent the user from setting time of year that isn't a multiple of 12. For example, to have a year that is 96 days long, you would set the month length to 8 days.
  11. Allow size of month config instead of size of year

    I had not really thought about this until just before I made the topic.In fact, the topic was kind of an impulse thing.
  12. Temperature bar

    This might also give more use for leather/leather armor. Wearing leather armor 'insulates' your heat level-causing it to change more slowly.
  13. Open a new site on the forum, "Show your creation"

    Because maybe there's a subforum to show off EVERYTHING except your creations? And do you ever think maybe ONE topic for EVERYONE's pictures might get a little cluttered? Just saying..New subforum: Creations! (under Show-off) Subforum rules: One topic per user. No bumping one's own thread except to add new images.
  14. Well, at least then you know you're getting photorealistic textures! xD though they're horrible application to MC, as opposed to Misa's
  15. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Me and my dad are considering te SSD option. However, for now I've gotten the board, chip, and RAM. Picture in OP. Also, my graphics card option is probably now an Asus Radeon 7850 2048mb VRAM because it looks like the best for its money.
  16. Add "mode" toggle to log placement

    I don't think a mode toggle will make it any less confusing. Unless logpiles are on by default.
  17. [B69] Cave generation under lakes

    I'm unable to access the page. Can you or someone post the image here?
  18. Charcoal pit -> get the charcoal

    The problem persists with several blocks within TFC. Including raw stone.
  19. Encouraging specialization

    No RPG skills. At all. Cited from Dunk himself. He'll show up soon enough to, er, 'let you know' hehe.
  20. Minecraft won't launch after installing forge

    No crash log = no help. You provided no information whatsoever. Please post things like operating system, java version, 32/64bit, etc
  21. Doors from rocks?

    Whenever you update TFC, delete your config file!
  22. Please Lock....

    Well - he DID put it in the suggestions section, so only a naive bastard would be so unwise as to take this as an actual plan for development...
  23. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Where is Dunk?!! He NEEDS to see this!! OVER 9000% support! If sincerely hope Dunk doesn't deny this idea because it's literally so good, even though it seems complicated! I mean, Dunk knows we all want to get shitfaced together on a server! Don't go mining drunk! You might regret it!
  24. Craft saplings to sticks

    Yes, the idea is a little wacky, but his problem is that he's extremely rude. He doesn't provide any constructive input or logical reasoning behind his claim.