Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Azdoine

  1. I don't like this idea. It's much more engaging to figure this kind of thing out through in-game experimentation that a magical research table.

    Try smelting your strange ore. Hitting it with a hammer. Crafting it. Etc.

    In all honesty, some parts of the game are obscure (Plans and Knapping come to mind). Maybe in that case, I would like a 'recipe book' of some sort, but nowhere else.


  2. That would be fine too, I was just coming at this from "Is there something better that could be done with the 'stone flakes' from knapping, that didn't make it feel like such a kludge?" and arrowheads were the first thing that sprang to mind, especially considering the number of arrows you tend to go through if you are doing any archery, and how expensive metal arrowheads can be in terms of materials.

    What would you do with tiny flakes of stone?

    Maybe, depending on the stone, you could get some flux from the chips, but there's not a lot else I can see you doing with a pebble.


  3. And you do this by carrying a chisel, at least 2 stacks of charcoal, Chests or wood planks, sticks, torches and bellows everywhere you go? Or do you walk back and get the materials?

    I'm sure that works wonderfully in SSP. SMP, that's just an invitation for a new player to steal everything of value like the bloomery, bricks and bellows then claim jump you for ore.

    It usually goes like this for me:

    I need some more ore, so I grab a chisel, some clay balls, food, and a bronze anvil, and head out. I find a cave, or dig one out using a few stone pickaxes (rocks are everywhere). Then, on the surface, I use the stone from the cave plus the chisel to make bricks. I chop down some nearby trees and make charcoal. Bloomery+Forge already done. I place the bronze anvil nearby, because even iron, the strongest naturally occuring metal, can be made into an ingot on a bronze anvil (and bronze is cheap). I use some wood planks to make a chest, and drop all this stuff into the chest.

    I go mining and hope to find some ore. If I do, I trek it up (by this time, my charcoal is usually done), make some clay molds, melt the metal down (If I need to, I can usually find a few cows close by to make bellows), work it into an ingot, and carry my riches back home. Done.

    Edit: Dang ninjas


  4. My thought that first travel to the nether would be expensive as hell, (no pun intended) but the nether would also contain a common material that could be used to move to and from the nether easily.

    In my mind, I had an image of a ring of 8 blocks of Hell-steel (Some sort of expensive metal requiring red/blue steel, and with gems hammered into the ingots). Throwing an Exquisite gem into the center would make a portal appear over the structure, and destroy the gem. In the nether, another portal back to the overworld would appear.

    In the actual nether, ashes or soul-sand could be collected, formed into a 8-block ring, and then a glowstone block could be sacrificed to open another portal.

    I don't like the helll-steel/gem idea all that much, but the basic concept, I do like


  5. It's now impossible to obtain flux in Build 44 as you need to use a hammer on limestone/chalk/dolomite cobblestone. Cobblestone is no longer obtainable. So you see where this is going?

    Borax, if you're desprate.

    But this is going to be fixed, already reported.


  6. I still can't figure out how this is done.

    The pedestal is one full block, surrounded by worked stone. Each piece of worked stone was hit with the chisel 9 times on the outward-facing side, and once on top. The collumn was just a hit to each side of a piece of smooth stone. Here's the 'dissasembled' pedestal, maybe that'll make more sense:

    Posted Image

    You sir, are an innovator and a genius :P

    Thanks :)


  7. I hope chests get phased out in favor of open-air storage. Why?

    1) Aesthetics. It's much cooler to build a warehouse to store your swag than putting it in a 2-meter box.

    2) Consistency. The player and the chest are about the same size. In fact, the chest is bigger, but holds less material than steves pockets.

    I think this is feasable for tough materials like stone, metal, and wood. I'm not sure how food would be handled, however. Icehouses?


  8. IGN: ChrisW98

    Age: 14 (Though I'd like to think I'm mature)

    Favorite part of TFCraft: The immersion. Every part of the game is completely believable. I feel like I'm hammering out steel to make the perfect weapon, like I'm the one exploring the rolling hills and forests.
