Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Azdoine

  1. actually you're the one who should be going into your corner, read the whole post pal

    Doesn't change the fact that he's been using a magical debug screen to get around when he plays.


  2. Why would anyone mod Minecraft in the first place, right?

    Because VMC had a problem, and a mod fixed it.

    Modding a mod, most of the time, is like filling in a pothole twice.


  3. But why in fuck do you need to mod your mod? Both BTW and TFC have more content and playability than almost all other mods out there, and are designed to be played alone. Pretty much anything you can add will probably have a shitload of overlapping functionality, and probably be game breaking.


  4. If you're not old enough to hear these words, this probably isn't the mod for you.

    You probably shouldn't be on the internet to begin with.

    (Also, attacking eternals character, and then demanding that the forum members comply to your standards? That's... No. I don't even.)


  5. I'm pretty sure it was his choice, there is so much incompatibility and even with forge having modloader inside. "putting his own game design first" he is an ass, he created and changed classes that are just way over the top with incompatibility and are needless.

    I don't think his followers are asses but if aren't able to criticise or to have a critical view over what other people do, just because you admire the work they have done you are naive at best.

    I like how 'take no bullshit' is a good thing, except online, when it's called being an ass.

    I'm going to be honest here: I think you're focusing on the sobbing preteens he offended, and not the reasoning behind his actions.

    We may disagree, but I respect him because he holds a genuinely informed opinion. Not the blind, senseless vindictive hatred that most people think he holds, and most people have for him.


  6. that's cause flowerchild is an ass, and I'm sure it rubs off on his community :/

    Thanks for calling me an ass.

    I love his mod, but he just seems like an ass. Purposely making a mod incompatible with everything just to spite some people he doesn't like seems a little over the top, at least in my opinion.

    It wasn't a choice, it was a side effect of him dropping the forge. He has never purposefully created incompatibility with another mod, ever. He just doesn't make concessions for compatibility, putting his own game design first.


  7. We need more of this shit. When Bioxx gets finished with the chisel update I'm sure you guys can come up with some awesome stuff.

    Wait, you mean the update with concave chiseling?

    This will actually be a thing?


  8. Give-a-fuck-ness meter: zero.

    Because the chemical compositions of sugars and carbohydrates have everything to do with metal nails, right?

    I wanted a FUN derail, like ponies or lisztomania, not... Science class :P


  9. I can see merit in the idea, but some extra process would have to inbetween--focusing magic into the gem, ensnaring demon souls, applying phlebotinum, whatever.

    That should probably go in the enchantment thread, however. And it has. Lurk MOAR.


  10. *sPFFFT* Docile? I challenge you to find one thread, one mother fucking thread we haven't derailed. Docile my ass!

    Riiight, thread derailing is so mean and rude and aggressive, we're a fierce tribe of derailing warriors.

    Or not. I admit, we're bad at following the rules, but we're (normally) civil to eachother.


  11. Crash, world corrupted, you don't even get to see it ._.

    I was in freakin red steel... ;-;


    Oh wait, that's not funny. That's tragic.

    That really sucks, I'm glad I learned about that now rather than later, the hard way.


  12. I made it when it actually worked. Then, Bioxx dropped vanilla biomes completely, and the nether being nothing but one vanilla biome -"hell"-, just can't be generated.

    Wait, what happens when you go there?


  13. Posted Image

    Getting a pickaxe has never been so rewarding. I was skeptical of the change at first, but my recent playthrough changed my mind :)

    Once again, I'm glad that this mod is headed by Bioxx & Dunk. I doubt the experience would be the same, if it cam from another dev.
