Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Not a coder myself, just an avid reader of everything tfc. I understood from reading the forum that tfc has an API for easy introduction of new ores. Wouldn't be easier to just add and make itbauxitework as a metal? It would be more believable, and maybe fix some of the issues you are having.
  2. Metal Tiers

    And now is going to start the cries of "NO Please I Love This or That Stone For My Buildings, Why Ohh Why Would You Do Such A Thing?" When building I take into account the color of the blocks, like I believe most people. Could I ask for you to try and maintain a color variety? Example: Schist is the only Green. Andesite is the only Blueish. Conglomerate is kind of Goldish. Chert for Reddish. And so on and so forth. Yeah I am weird like that. As much as I want the mod to be a real survival challenge, I also want to conquer that and go on to build my Castle with my favorite Stones.
  3. Crafting Table 2.0

    I wish I new how to create those. In any case I must insist on the 5 x 5, we have it for clay and leather, why not for crafting?
  4. Crafting Table 2.0

    I like the idea of a crafting grid that is 5 x 5 with some extra slots around that show the tools that are in the tool rack you have to click the tool to activate what tool you are using. If you want to be fancy you could even require multiple tools for some specific recipes. The most important aspect in my opinion is the 5 x 5, that would allow for more intuitive recipes. I still would like to have more items created by actually manipulating the environment, like placing 2 logs down horizontally and using a adze to carve a canoe.
  5. Metal Tiers

    If Islands only have one stone type all the way down to bedrock, this got me thinking that it may get harder to find a specific rock for building purposes. I love the survival aspect of the mod, but I also like to get to the point where I have freedom to actually build magnificent constructions and show off. With 21 stone types as we have right now if it is randomized it may get really hard to find a specific stone.
  6. Level Type For Server World Generation?

    Manny Multicraft host will allow for you to upload your own server jar file but only upon request. This would be the best for you as it would be possible for you to create the server on your desktop and upload the whole thing. What you need is custom jar access. then you need to point to the jar file in your server directory.
  7. Yeah, but it completely messes up the prospector pick readings, as by the time you finally start to get large sample of ore A it starts to get small sample or ore B.
  8. Crafting Table 2.0

    I'm not sure if I am agreeing with the OP, but what I really would like to see is workshop as developed as the anvil for other areas of the mod. We will always need the ability to craft recipes on the go, but not everything needs to be like that. So if you are mining and need to turn loose rocks into cobble to save inventory you should still be able to do it. A carpenters workbench should be needed to create more elaborate items, like a boat, a barrel and so on. But not just a stationary workbench, it needs to have some kind of mini game like we have for the anvil. I even envision something like This for the barrel: Where you use lumber to create a 3 D object, them you need to add metal bands to create the item. Once you done you should be able to pick up and place the barrel as normal. There are just so many possibilities to create objects using lumber. On that note we could also use a saw in a horizontal log by right clicking and some breaking animation to create lumber or planks. Like this:
  9. Metal Tiers

    Right now with the exception of looking for Garnierite most players do not dig really deep. It's possible to find all the ores on the top layer, is kind of an adventure when looking for Gabro to find Garnierite is the only time most people care about the middle and bottom layer. I think it should be interesting to have some specific metals and or mineral only spawn in the middle and bottom layer. After all the name of the game is minecraft. A reason to dig deep down would be welcome. I like the point about making the layers have different durability, because it gives one more reason to upgrade your tools and increase the benefits for high tier tools. So suppose you need a iron tool to break middle layer and a steel tool to break bottom layer. This would allow for more speed differences between a steel tool and a red/blue steel or equivalent high tier tool. Right now with the exception of looking for Garnierite most players do not dig really deep. It's possible to find all the ores on the top layer, is kind of an adventure when looking for Gabro to find Garnierite is the only time most people care about the middle and bottom layer. I think it should be interesting to have some specific metals and or mineral only spawn in the middle and bottom layer. After all the name of the game is minecraft. A reason to dig deep down would be welcome. I like the point about making the layers have different durability, because it gives one more reason to upgrade your tools and increase the benefits for high tier tools. So suppose you need an iron tool to break middle layer and a steel tool to break bottom layer. This would allow for more speed differences between a steel tool and a red/blue steel or equivalent high tier tool.
  10. Level Type For Server World Generation?

    This modpack has so many mods and config changes that actually it should work better to be install as one. I would make sure to install on your desktop following the instructions on the modpack page. Then you upload the files to your hosted server over writing the files there. I have never used this Modpack, but I noticed it has a setup server file for simple installation. It should not require anything else but double clicking on the setup and choosing a directory for the installation. If you still need more support you should ask on the Technodefirmacraf tread.
  11. Level Type For Server World Generation?

    I have no idea how this host works, so some questions: What kind of panel do they use? Do you have FTP access? What server version are you using? How did you go about installing such server? Are you sure you have Terrafirmacraft in the mods folder in a forge compatible server?
  12. Metal Tiers

    I was hopping for a more multiplayer oriented class system. One where it was not expected that each player had to developed all skills. Where as in most multiplayer adventure games we would have players with different characteristics, I did not see the smith to also be the Alchemist. Not saying it should be impossible, for the sake of single players, just impractical. Actually maybe is time for the mod to have an option for single or multiplayer. I would be fine with the mod to be totally oriented for Multiplayer. In tfc one we had the best metallurgic mod, and I was hopping for tfc2 to have the same level of attention and detail to other areas and aspects of ancient civilizations. When creating a town or just a party to adventure through the world I wanted people to have different roles. So instead of magic or alchemy being a continuation of metallurgy I wanted to be a parallel line. Even though I am able to be a good smith for a town, usually I work better as a miner/procurer I consider myself good with the prospector pick and finding ores. Off course many times I would call the other players to help dig out the ore once found. But I think specialization should be the way to go. As a last resource the game could be in such a way that if a player want to do everything by himself, even if possible it should take an unbelievable amount of time.
  13. A more complex iron age.

    That and COAL what was the base for the industrial age Empire in the British Isles.
  14. Volcanoes

    Well I have not considered metal tiered, but if blue steel is not the top it actually would be good for this idea as what would be the point in battling a Boss if you already at the top? Not really defending the possibility of a Fire boss in volcanoes as this was just a thought and not a really developed suggestion. But if we are really going to have magic and boss monsters it could work.
  15. Volcanoes

    I can think of 2 ideas: Some ore or mineral that can only be found close to volcanoes. A special Boss Monster that throes fireballs and drops some special item . The player would need to wear blue steel armor to help with the fire balls. Even the weapons would need to be blue steel.
  16. Bronze bloomeries? Iron furnaces? That ain't be believable

    I like some of the points made here, like how unbelievable it is to have bronze bloomeries. I would prefer a system based in knowledge, Trying to do something ahead of your time would just trig a game response like "You don't know how to do that". The player could be required to make a full set of tools and armor out of bronze before he can start working with iron. Since historically written language accompanied the metal age, You could also require the player to make books. If you really want to make it even better the player would need to find books with the secret to iron in dungeons underground that could only be reachable with bronze tools.
  17. [TFC 0.79.23+] Merchants Addon for TFC

    Yeah it is a complex system. The reason is because it allows for players that are not admins to be able to mint coins. So for example a town mayor or a Nation King are able to create their own coin and pay their subjects, the mod is intended for big servers, small servers have no need for coins as the small trading can do just fine with a bartering system.
  18. Encumberance Inventory system

    I really dislike decimals in a weight system. I grew up with the gram and on the daily life you never need anything smaller than that. I believe the first thing in creating a weight system is to find the lightest object and create a unit based on that. There are also practical reason as to why people always had multiple units for weight. like ounces, pounds, ton etc. Not sure if they are really needed, but if we need to have items weighting 1000's of the smaller unit then we may have to use other units. Another idea is to combine weight and stack system, so for example you cannot stack pickaxes. Not sure about that, as if we keep all the stack limitations then we are really not switching to a weight system.
  19. Coding Contest

    I have seen in several places that right now Bioxx is pretty much the only one coding for tfc2. Kitty has a lot on her plate as the chief admin for the forum and the wiki and bug hunting for tfc. As a Windows system administrator, I do some scripting, a bit of DOS, but nothing as complex as JAVA. ON the other hand I learned over the years to delegate work. It is just impossible for one person to do all the work. I have no idea how a game/software development company works, but I think it has several programmers that report to a supervisor who makes sure the code is to his expectation. I then had the idea of proposing that Bioxx created contests for coding development for tfc2. Example: All the animals that need coding to replace the monsters in the surface. Specific NPC's. And Whatever else is needed. The reward? To have your name included in the mod credits. That does not mean that the code would need to be included in it's first state. A lot of come and back would still be needed, but I think the overall development of the mod would be faster. Again I am no coder, but when I look in the addons section I see so many people there that maybe would be capable of helping and just need someone to direct them. Reading a bunch of other people code would still be hard work and many times in my profession I know that it would be just faster for me to do something myself than to try and explain what I want someone else to do. The problem is that the group is still able to do more than I could by myself. I understand that the source code is available in the github, so in theory anyone could go there and poke around, but people need direction. So if we had those open contests announced here in the forum and in other places, like tweeter and reddit. We could have a bigger turn over. I apologize in advance if I went over my boundaries, I am legitimately trying to help.
  20. Encumberance Inventory system

    That could work too, but by the time you are able to make a barrel you should also be able to make a hand cart, or more precisely a wheelbarrow. The way I see, having a barrel in your back should cause immediate slowness, unless it is empty or very light. Pushing a cart should not slow you, but should not allow you to run. A horse pulled wagon should give you same speed as a player running and a bull wagon would be the same as a player walking but with a much heavier load. When pushing a cart the player is unable to pick up items or fight, so you have to stop the cart to harvest something , load in the cart and continue your journey.
  21. Encumberance Inventory system

    One other thing that I really would like to see added to the game is specialized containers. On the start of the game the player should be able to create a simple basket that would allow to carry seeds and food. It is believable and free up the inventory for other items. Even though a barrel can hold solids it should not go on your back but need a handcart for that. Only barrels with liquids should go in the back with a weight system. It would simulate the fact that no one can lift a barrel full of rocks. So you can still use barrels for storage of solid items, they would just not go on your back. I also think ores and ingots should be heavier than stone, to justify the use of minecarts, and all sort of transportation.
  22. Encumberance Inventory system

    Any ideas on how we could handle very heavy objects? Like Anvils and sealed barrels? On that note the barrels should consider the weight of the items inside it. that would also solve the issue of empty sealed barrels. I like the way we have set now where those items need to be carried one at a time in the back. The way personal inventory works it has to allow multiple items on it, the only limitation is movement. Now an anvil has to be so heavy that it can only be carried in the back and only one at a time. My concern is how heavy will we make the anvil or a full barrel be so the player cannot carry multiples, but at the same time we can have enough of them in a cart or wagon. Maybe an idea is to have a somewhat loosed based in real life for everything but building materials. It will always be out of the believable the amount of stone blocks that a player can have in it's inventory. So if the unit of weight is one stone, and anvil will need to weight several stones to make it impossible for the player to go around with a dozen of them. Not realistic or believable, but a necessary sacrifice for gameplay. It occurs to me that we could create 2 different weight systems that somehow complement each other.On one side we could have things that right now have inventory stack limitations, like tools, large vessels, ingots, barrels and so on. On the other side it would be building materials, raw stone, smooth and cobble should all weight the same. Logs and planks should weigh somewhat less then stone. The thing is that we would need to make one pickaxe to weight the same as several stones, How many? maybe as much as one stack. Understand that I did not consider all variables, am just raising issues that will need addressing.
  23. [TFC 0.79.23+] Merchants Addon for TFC

    As in any modern society the value of money is a people agreement, something is worth that much because everyone agrees on that. The problem that we would have in allowing the coins to be melted is that we want to assign more value to the coin them it's weight. Otherwise we could just use ingots. In our server the coins are minted by a admin and are the only coins that can be used in the market for buying or selling. So is not like you are able to go mine for gold and suddenly you are rich. Gold has it's value in the game, But in the end a gold coin has more value them a gold ingot, as it is harder to get a gold coin. The coinage system just allows for the existence of a physical object that can only be obtained by trading.
  24. Encumberance Inventory system

    After all that has been said here I am not so sure of the benefits of a weighted system anymore. Right now we have a stack and inventory management system. Some items are considered too big to fit inside a chest or other containers. At first I got very excited with the prospect of a weighted system, then I realized that in the end is just about inventory management, Right now we cannot move if we have 2 anvils in our inventory, the same for 2 barrels. So if the purpose is to give an incentive to the use of different containers and methods of transportation, that could be achieved just by reducing the stack size and what can go where. Please do not get me wrong, a weighted system have it's advantages, but usually games that use it always have a level up that allows the player to increase it's capacity. In the end the player is capable to carry Tons and Tons, for me this ruins the whole thing. Another aspect that gets me thinking, is that it gives me the impression, (even though is a new code) that it would be easy to just tweak some changes in the inventory than to come up with a whole new system for weighted items. Maybe bioxx time ( And is his time and he can do whatever he wants with it) would be better used coding the new ways of transportation: Hand Cart, pack mule, horse pulled wagon, Bull wagon, maybe a basket for grains and fruits. Just saying that assigning what can go where and how it stacks may be easy to manage than a full weighted system. Specially because of the way building works in minecraft, where players have hundreds of blocks in the inventory. There are things that need fixing right now, like the possibility to fill small vessels and then put then in barrels in our backs, increasing the barrels by 4 times the original limit. I see it as a exploit, one that I use, but think it should be changed. Maybe by just not allowing small vessels inside barrels. I am not, again, I am not speaking against a weighted system, am just calling attention to some other aspects of this discussion.
  25. Saws & Sawmills

    I can see your point when we talk about efficiency, although to come to the point where you would be able to actually have thinner planks and a saw that would cut better through knots it would only be believable if it was an actual mechanized sawmill. By hand speed and durability is all you should get. This is the point where I do not envy Bioxx job. To have to decide how to balance this kind of issue must be a nightmare. Specially because no matter what there will always be unsatisfied players. I keep insisting on my preference, but the truth is he is the one that have to be happy with the end result. My notion of balance is a bit more wide. As I teach my kids, anything in excess will be bad for you. Just try drinking 10 gallons of water. On the other hand the most powerful poison can be used in a medical situation to actually save your life. So again is all about Balance.