Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. In real life, one of the most bonding social situations is the act of eating together. It's the reason for the Family and Friends Barbecue, The Dinners, The Thanksgiving Dinner. The take your date to a fancy restaurant.

    In primitive societies the meals were always communal. When the hunters came back with meat it was always a feast.

    I envision a system where the Town cook can prepare a feast and invite all players in the town for the banquet.

    On special occasions the  server could also make those and invite all players to commemorate.

    To achieve this we would need a few things:

    First a reward for the player, eating in a feast could for example double your hunger bar so it would take longer to deplete. The effect should last for a limited amount of time, lets say 10 days.

    The eating meal UI would be a nice addition too. 

    The other important aspect would be the possibility to create perfect cooked and seasoned meals without caring for personal preferences.So no matter which players show up the food will be delicious.

    The food should not be easy to make, since is a good reward, it would need special ingredients and carefully cooked to perfection.   


  2. Since the OP is about Better Forest Biomes, there it goes.

    What about having more descriptive biomes? 

    Instead of just plains, we could have frozen plains, temperate plains, tropical plains and Hot plains.

    Every single mod out there that generates animals, creatures monsters, plants, flowers and trees uses a biome system, so this would be a great advance in compatibility.

    As I have said many times, I am no coder, so no idea how much more work is involved in that.

    From the point of view of someone making a modpack it would be extremely helpful.


  3. I would say the biggest difference this time is our re-commitment to providing a non-creative gameplay experience. I started to get sidetracked with things like the chisel which had no 'intended' gameplay purposes but ended up being a huge pain to deal with because of multi-block structures and people using it as a way to exploit around the cave-in system, among other things.

    Not a creative player myself, but I have enjoyed some survival maps in the past and know that the ability to create challenging and realistic maps depends on having blocks and items available in the creative tab.

    I believe it would only add to the mod if people were able to create convincing maps.


  4. Thanks for the clarification Kitty.

    If I understand correctly, there is no way to just adapt the existing code to work in 1.8 or 1.9, so one way or another someone needs to write a new code from scratch.

    Now the tfc Developers have 2 choices:

    They can just write this new code over the same functionalities and game mechanics that make tfc what it is today. Something mechanical and boring, with no creation process.

    They can write a new code, but with new ideas and mechanics, exciting and fun.

    Now I play this mod for free and cannot in any way shape or form criticize your decision. This mod should bring as much for the Developers to make it as it bring us to play it.

    Me and I believe others just feel sad about not having tfc in 1.8. But like I said we are also excited about the new mod. So conflicting feelings. 

    Don't mind us too much, just keep up the good work and have fun doing it. If you do not enjoy what you doing, what would be the sense in doing it? This is after all a hobby. 

    We are all just very thankful to be able to play this amazing mod.


  5. I think everything is still on the table  Blazelink.  I don't recall seeing the devs indicated a leaning for any particular system, so I'd say the more ideas we get out there the better.


    That said, personally I'd prefer that ritual sacrifice should also be excluded from the game.  Personal opinion.

    I agree. Personally I would like to avoid anything that even resembles like religion. 

    Magic could follow some paths like:




  6. One way I see this to be really interesting and rewarding to the player is if by select procreation the player could acquire animals that otherwise would not be found in the wild.

    Even though man found Arouchs in the wild their cows would not give as much milk as modern cows do it.

    What if cows at first only give 1 Lt of Milk 1/5 of a bucket. As you keep breeding cows for better you would finally get to the best and would have a full bucket of milk.

    The same principle could be applied to all other animals.


  7. Agree and Agree.

    I still wished tfc1 was just converted to 1.8 or 1.9. After all how many times did we hear that tfc is in Beta development? For me is like abandoning a project that was never finished.

    I understand and agree with the argument that this conversion would be very boring without any new creation. 

    But understanding the Dev's motivation does not prevent me from feeling sad to see the end of tfc1.

    After all it was the realism of the mod that got so many players interested in it. Every time I hear about magic in tfc2 it makes me more aware of how different it will be from tfc1.

    I still remember the first time I played tfc and was amazed by the fact that you cant punch a tree, because that does not make sense.

    Is such a conflicting feeling, for one side I just cant wait to see what tfc2 will be. It looks like we finally will have enough animals.

    The Islands look beautiful ! And what about the new trees? So many new things to explore and learn.

    BTW if my post does not make sense to you is because those are contradictory feelings. I am both sad and excited. And I think that is how most of the community feels.  


  8. I am with the idea of making animal husbandry "faster". Just looking at the forum and the ideas we give, it seems like tfc will be impossible in single player. We will have to take care of magic, smithing, mining, cooking, harvesting. exploring, killing mobs, and also take care of animals once a day. If animals required to get fed so usually it would be simply impossible, so I am with the feeding station that can hold several rations. It will save time. Also, for multiplayer servers you could always make things like "sheeps fed by natural tall grass give more wool", so farmer is actually a rational job, but making such things mandatory is just too much. For what the animals may eat, I think that thatch would be a possibility but they need to eat a lot. Grains and vegetables could also be a good. As they mentioned alfalfa could be an interesting crop which provides more nutrients for animals than other grains does. Finally, I think that getting a subproduct when cooking (like fruit peelings) could also be an animal food.

    I hear all your arguments.

    Now one thing to consider is that animal husbandry is not really necessary for survival. There is plenty of food in tfc.

    So you do not really need to have animals. They are more like an upgrade to the food system.

    The truth is that there is no way to develop a game for multiplayer and expect someone in single player to do everything. And they shouldn't. And I don't see a problem with that.

    Actually what we have aimed is to have as much depth in Animal Husbandry as we have in Smithery.

    To be honest all other areas of the game could have as much depth also.

    That would not make the game impossible to be played in single player. It just would just mean that the player would have to choose paths to fallow.

    To this day there are players that never evolve past bronze. They do not like to work in the anvil and that is OK. They play the game and have fun. That's all the matter.

    The same thing would be with a well developed Animal Husbandry. 

    You do not want to raise animals? Don't do it. Just eat soy beans.

    Please. Is very hard to convey intonation on written language. I do not mean disrespect or to start a fight. Just exposing my views on the subject.

    Peace and Love.


  9. Thinking better I like the idea of a buffer time. So 5 days to fully fed and 5 days to starving.

    Now consider that 5 Minecraft days equals 100 Minutes. In a busy server, just going to sleep for 8 hours equals 480 Minutes, so any system where animals die of hunger would not work on a server.

    What about if you go on a trip in real life and cant play for a few days? That's why I suggested that animals should not die of starvation. I know is not realistic, but for servers I do not see any other solution.


  10. You can make leather in large clay vessels.  I *think* alcohol is the only thing large vessels can't do, that barrels can.  Flux can be a big stumbling block though.

    You right, I always forget about Large Vessels.


  11. One idea that I proposed was to make a system similar to the one we have now for Familiarization.

    Because of Server/Multiplayer and single player exploration, we have to take on account and make it so animals would not die of starvation.

    I think the way to go would be to tie animal production to a minimum of 5 day feeding.

    take a chicken for example: Feed a chicken for 5 days and after that it will give you an egg a day as long as you keep feeding.

    The same could hold true for other animals:

    Sheep with Wool.

    Cows with Milk.

    Any and all animals unfed would be considered too skinny to give any meat.


  12. Fun idea, but I agree with subarctic, the existing missile weapons would need rebalanced in order to make a sling attractive, if the sling has wonky usage mechanics.   Also leather should be an option for creating the sling.  I'd say just use rocks as they are.  It'll presumably have a reduced damage output vs other weapons, so they'll need a lot anyway.

    I agree, I think arrows and javelin shafts should need  steam work to make them straight, also arrows should need a head, even if it is stone it should be knapped. Bows should be carved and even if possible to do with a stone knife it should take time and with a chance of ruining the piece and having to start over.

    I do wood carving as a hobby, and is very unforgivable, one wrong chipped and you either change the design or start again.

    One of the problems I see is how at least in tfc 1 leather was put after the metal tech, and I think the sling is one of the most simple weapons and should be one of the first accessible to the player.


  13. What if when pressing the left mouse the movement starts in a circular shape and you have to release the right moment to hit your target? This way players would have to actually train to get the feel of the weapon and it would be a learned skill. One where some players would never be good and some others would excel.  


  14. Sorry for the late reply.


    What I did was spawn the special mobs ridding on the backs of TFC Zombies and then killed the Zombies ;)


    I think ive got a better trick now which I will be testing out soon!




    We actually started using "Just Another Spawner" and is working like a charm.  I love what you did in this pack is really nice.


  15. Who would go to the trouble of purifying water just so they could drink a bit less? There is water everywhere and is just not worth the trouble.I see your point, don't get me wrong, I am usually in favor of adding things that contribute to the sense of realism, but unless the Dev's decide to add diseases to the mod there is just no sense in adding Hygiene.  

    The whole system would need to be implemented at once, Like so many other suggestions to the mod, If you want to add something you also need to add a need and a use.

    The whole thing could be called Hygiene and General Health:

    It could encompass things like medicinal plants, bandages, purified water, cooking food properly, washing and bathing, anti-septic cleaning of wounds and more. All that would only make sense if the player actually got injured and took time to heal. 

    Now I ask you would you really like to play the game if it was like that?

    So you fall in a ravine, no death, but you broke an arm, it would take time to heal, lets suppose minimum a week in game time. Them if you use some bandages that would accelerate the process, It could work, but the balance would be very hard.

    For the water, you would need a chance of getting sick anytime you drink um-purified water. the sickness would give you weakness so you can't mine or fight. Them you need to prepare some medicinal teas to get better.

    As you can see is not just one thing, is a whole system.

    As far as coding goes they would need to add medicinal plants and have them generate in the world.

    A system for boiling water and making tea, with all the utensils and the mechanic of doing it.  

    The conditions for getting sick and tracking them, with a timing for how long you been sick.

    Also a Hygiene bar. 


  16. Hi

    What about water detoxification?

    Like Sand&coal Filter + Warming water?


    Sand&coal filter for heavy metal present in water and warm water at 100°C to eliminate microbiology ?

    Even though is true that water purification was done as early as 2000 BC, it was completely abandoned by the Dark Ages. Experiments in water purification did not restarted until mid 1600.

    Another issue is that to have a need for water purification we would  need to add diseases, something that the Dev's have said in the past they would not do it. They do have the right to change their minds, but I would not suggest something counting on that. 


  17. One way that this idea could work would be to first use the word offering, instead of a sacrificing. It should also give an immediate reward. Trying to change crop yielding for one player or group of players depending on some action would be extremely complicated.

    Some simpler ways:

    An offering to a god of Fire for example would give you a heat resistance armor. 

    Offering something to a water god would give you an under water breathing Helm.

    So on and so forth. You got the idea.

    Give something and get something back, but it needs to be an item. 


  18. Totally Agree with Darmo. I know it is realistic, and many times I strive for realism in the game, but this is still a game. It would be like in real life 2 centuries ago, so your Father is a butcher? You will be a butcher no choice there.

    I really do not like the idea of some random event to pre-determine what kind of Skill or Tech tree I have to fallow, or be in disadvantage compare to people who actually got the skill they are following.


  19. I get very afraid with this kind of proposition. I immediately think of the cutting decay system for food. The comparison is valid, food decays and metal oxidizes. The assumption that every day 0.0001% of food is lost for decay or the same amount of metal for oxidizing would just mean another grinding.

    What corrosion meant for people in the middle ages was that every time you use a tool you had to clean, dry and oil. As long as metal was kept dry and oiled it would last forever.

    In the same relation, grains kept in a sealed dry container last for many years.

    I would hate to see a system where we have to constantly worry about metal corrosion and have to clean and oil every single metal every day. The game does not keep track if you used that particular tool or not,
