Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EstebanLB

  1. Temperatures

    That's most probably because your head was inside the block, and inside the block is complete darkness, and 25% cooler.
  2. Pheasents Not Breeding

    do it only once, they take half the mob's health each time you pluck them and get one feather. Or just kill them for many more
  3. Stone Age Building Materials

    The addon Extrafirmacraft has adobe bricks, try it!
  4. New Skill: Mining

    +1 to this!
  5. not redstone

    Something is planned for ir, like steam
  6. See food saturation and item durability?

    Ohhhh, I didn't understand you at first, sorry. So no then, only in debug mode. It could be a nice feature if we can have it on normal mode though
  7. See food saturation and item durability?

    I meant another different thing. I wanted to know how can we enable the info for only TFC data, just 2 lines at the top with that
  8. See food saturation and item durability?

    I think I saw a screenshot somewhere with the F3 info showing only TFC data, temp and coords, I belevive. How can we do that?
  9. Melt alloy into alloy mixture

    and read befor doing that
  10. WorldSpawn

    Spawn location works different in TFC. Wait until a moderator tells you how to edit it
  11. Can't light forge

    Hm, didn't know that. Then I'm out of answers
  12. Can't light forge

    can you upload screens of your setup?
  13. Can't light forge

    hoseja is right, the curving can only be at the next block above the forge, you have 2 blocks of air, you can only have one, two can be horizontally, not vertically Edit: also take note of this: The Forge like the fire pit benefits from having air above it in a 3x2x3 area.
  14. Leather armour to metal armour.

    +1 to this too. Or some sort of another use for leather in the armor, be it leather strings or padding
  15. Chicken Cages

    +1 to the cage idea. There is no need to create a new block, just the cage item in your hand and right click with it to have a new item, CageWithChicken, right click it again and pop! the same chicken, with the same damage it had before (to avoid feather pluck exploit)
  16. Man, you are awesome, we will use this calculator forever!
  17. Fruit Tree Sapling Drops

    You said that you cut the non trunk branches FIRST, are you cutting the trunk too? Don't do that!!
  18. world gen balanced?

    Yeah, you are in the freeking desert pal
  19. Breaking ice gives ice cubes

    Why would yo want to chill the water in winter??!?!??!
  20. Better Fire model and slight fire tweaks

    But just the firepit!!! th emost common block!!
  21. BTW, dunk, are you planing on giving us some kind of feline for TFC?