Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by IHaTeD2

  1. Possible Amazing future mod combo

    Can't you at least TRY to stay at topic?
  2. Forum Problems? There is nothing you can do about this because it is a server side error (mostly due to high load).
  3. Possible Amazing future mod combo

    So ... No official word yet? Are we going to implement this into TFC or not?
  4. Rei's minimap, its out for a long time.
  5. Awesome! This is my favorite TP for a long long time and I'm happy to see it ported to my favorite Mod too. Edit: You should tell this JohnSmith so he can link this Thread under Mod Support.
  6. Possible Amazing future mod combo

    He released the Sourcecode.
  7. Charcoal Stacks

    The coal block replaces the wood blocks, tada! Both would have the same function so you would have a wary to store your coal too - the only difference should be that it is affected by gravity like gravel and dirt.
  8. Well, there could be the Watermill and the Windmill as Power Source (and maybe Lava later on but more for Forges like in DF?), the actual "Input Devices" like a Saw, a Millstone, Elevators or other Stuff (MINECARTS?!), between this there would be the Components to hook this up (like the Gearboxes and Axles in BTW but maybe a bit more authentic - "realistic" is just wrong), those Components could have a simple CAP on them so the Power Source can only travel its power through X Components until its reaches its Input while X is a Valuable we have to find out and play with to find a good one.
  9. Charcoal Stacks

    Hm? Why should you not be able to add Coal to them?
  10. bread making

    Nope, just my thoughts based on my experience.
  11. bread making

    I don't want to start with stereotypes but i think its ignorance and / or stupidity, i know not every (north) american is like that and is ashamed by Guys like this but in 90% of the time they are starting a discussion like this. Saw things like this with other types too like the metric system or how Americans spell their date (month, day, year while most other countrys using day, month year).
  12. bread making

    What British world? I don't live in England. Nearly all non English countrys teaches British English. Canada is on the American continent too btw.
  13. help!

    God ... I hope when the Mod is in a better state with all the Food stuff you will be afraid about the Winter and realize "shit, i should stay longer in the stoneage". Don;t rush to the Metals!
  14. bread making

    British Corn, not maize ... I think its grain in your little american world?
  15. bread making

    I think we should mix the Stuff together first and put this into a Furnace or in the Campfire (maybe some Basic Bread and better Bread for different States of the Game). Also Wheat -> Corn -> Flour. The Corn could be put into a Silo suggested in the Food preservation Thread.
  16. food preservation

    Thought about Granarys / Silos today. Similar System like the Bloomery: You build up some sort of Tower, build something to get the Stuff out at the Bottom and throw your wheat or later corn (extracted) into the top. Maybe not a 1x1 block small one, maybe 3x3 so you have enough Space for a good amount of Corn for the Winter and a good looking Building Type.
  17. Whats planed for minecarts and such?

    Why only for Ores? You could transport other Players with it too.
  18. Bone Meal

    When you think decorative blocks are useless, 90% of the Blocks in TFC are useless too.
  19. [B2 Pre44b] Impressive hollowed Mountain!

    You can check out the Terrain Control Plugin for Bukkit if you want to learn a bit about the Terrain Generation in Minecraft.
  20. Seed and Coordinates in the Screenshots.
  21. Upcoming changes in pre46

    Well, digging up a shaft for the Forge is a bit stupid imo - so no underground forges directly.
  22. Bone Meal

  23. Freezing the SSP Developement?

    Well, with 1.3 coming (01.08.2012) there will be no SSP anymore. Working on SSP and SMP is very time consuming and the SMP Version has still some very nasty Bugs. So why not concentrate on the SMP from now on to get a better and faster development?
  24. Flint

    *facepalm* Read the god damn Changelog! You don't need the Flint tool, you can make Stone tools now with 2 Stones and a Stick.
  25. Freezing the SSP Developement?

    Nah, its not. Playing SSP with 1.3 means the Game is starting a local Server which is pretty much the same one you are using for SMP Games (the Client is using a few differences of course). I just don't see the Reason for modding the SSP anymore knowing that it will be outdated and useless with 1.3 where we have to use the SMP Version which is much more buggy atm. We still can use a local Server for playing till 1.3.