Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by NecroMandy

  1. A question about texture making

    Personally i liked the log look Doodled a bit for you and using the image of the log pile i made this... It might need some more fiddling with but... Here it is As another idea if your changing the texture of the charcoal itself how about a go at changing the placed charcoal texture I spotted this image when looking on google for charcoal thought maybe it might be cool to have the fresh made charcoal look something like it.
  2. [Won't Fix] Ocean biomes are too big

    Maybe a config option/worldgen option could be used for scaling ocean sizes? Ginormous ocean worlds would be great with ships that can carry a majority of your belongings etc, As for people playing Terrafirmacraft without other mods oceans should stay at the size they are now its challenging like it would have been if it was real life, but without ships that can carry tons of items to and from continents. Just a suggestion for the future lol feel free to ignore it xD
  3. Age: 24 Minecraft Username:NecroMandy Why would you like to join?: I simply love TFC, and in particular its changes to fishing! I am a pretty good builder and love to spend my time building, trading and sculpting. What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I have been playing TFC for about a year on and off, as i find playing single player isnt any fun when you dont have anyone to say "OMG that is amazing!!!" when you finish a nice building xD For me TFC is a fun little break from being an operator, as no one else on the servers i run is interested in playing TFC Any additional information that would help your case: Ummmmm, do either of these help prove my skills as a builder xD The Tentacle, built in survival on a heavily modded server. EDIT: **Building in progress** The flower, humbly built using a TFC hammer and chisel in survival. Time zone, location, name(*Optional):UTC/GMT +10:30 hours, Australia
  4. [Solved][0.79.7] Debris graphical duplication

    I am getting this glitch as well with the 79.7 updateI amusing 1.7.10-Forge10.13.1.1217 and the following mods:CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- fastcraft-1.9 JourneyMap4.0.5_Unlimited_MC1.7.10NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin-1.7.10-1.0.0
  5. Version #: SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Multiplayer Server Suggested Name: Unloading dimension 1 at player login Suggested Category: Severe Description: Works well in single player, so I tried to put up a small server using forge's server (cant use bukkit or Cauldron atm) for a few friends and I to try out. Server works and players can join when its up without this mod. Once the mod is installed (world files also deleted before reopening with the mod) it opens and spawns the worlds properly and completes. A few moments later it appears to unload dimension 0, it occurs on its own or when a player attempts to join. As it runs fine without the TFC mod, it appears to be something behind the TFC mod that makes the dimension unload. I have had to break up the log file before i can put it up on Im still kind of a newby at this so i am giving you it all as i am not sure which part you specifically need. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?:No not in the logs supplied. But the error also happened with the recommended FastCraft mod installed. link of the Crash Report: Server Log Part 1 ~ Server Log Part 2 ~ Server Log Part 3 ~
  6. [B78.17] Forest Seed

    After a bit more exploring i found every animal except chickens, and a much larger sequoia forest i also found a large supply of kaolinite, heaps of copper and a lot of ores on the hills I hope i have been helpful lol
  7. [B78.17] Forest Seed

    I found one you may like, i found sequoias (may be only a small patch, but sure theres more around if needed)Trees spotted right near spawn area: AspenHickoryDouglas FirPineSycamoreBirch (not in area of screenshot but found a lot closer to spawn co-ords : 20346 153 -14278 ) ChestnutSeed:-7398507183955735578TFC Version: 78.17 Screens:
  8. I think it sounds great, it would be fabulous to write a journal sort of thing about how you woke up in the mysterious land, survived and prospered (or came to a quick ending due to hardcore mode xD). I could also see it being used for decorative purposes through dying the book covers in different colours (you could have colour organised bookshelves xD) especially if it had a custom bookshelfto it(utilising the different woods available in game) that you could fill in the order you want.
  9. hedges as a decorative feature

    Not sure at all if there is anything like this planned already but thought it may be worth a suggestion. I want to start a small server, but one thing i know is good about servers is the features and hard work put into towns especially spawn towns. I have noticed that the leave blocks when sheared and placed cannot be placed side by side, this goes for a few different plants (clay flowers).Therefor currently the only way to make decorative features for spawn is through the use of bushes (personally i love the elderberry bushes for this) sadly however as they do not grow (it would be waay to O.P if they could be duplicated) it is nearly impossible to gather enough to decorate a whole town or city.I think it would be neat to add another type of hedge plant that does not produce any edible fruits (maybe herb based would be ok) that can be used solely for a decorative feature. 3 or 4 different varieties with different colour flowers or no flowers at all depending on seasons, that grow to a maximum of 3 blocks height with a very slow growth period. These hedges could then be sheared or pruned with special pruning shears, to collect more hedges over a period of time. Special pruning shears could be made out of 2 pieces of metal ingots, worked on the anvil to each form a blade, the blades are then combined in your inventory. When crafted with two sticks a pair of pruning shears are made these could then have the same durability score as other metal tools made from 2 ingots of the same material type. Crafting pattern: Crafting pattern for pruning shears (wrought iron shown) This is just a quick idea I thought I would share with you all
  10. hedges as a decorative feature

    my thoughts were more that the pruning shears could become the replacement for vanilla shears, so not only for gathering saplings from fruit trees, and gathering new flower hedges, but also for shearing off leaf blocks, gathering wool, etc. The image i used for shears was just a suggestion and the vanilla one could be kept.
  11. hedges as a decorative feature

    i was also kinda thinking that the pruning shears could be a slighty more dependable way of getting saplings from fruit trees, if that was the case then sapling drops with axes could be reduced to something like 1/4 chance, saws 2/4 chance and pruning shears 4/5 chance. it would mean until the player hits at least copper age they will find it difficult to obtain more fruit trees and it will help push for people to learn the smithing skills. (I have only learnt to make sheets on the anvil so far, but i will get there eventually.... lol xD )
  12. [0.78.7] Weird crash on mac

    Version#:0.78.7 SuggestedName:world gen crash on my mac SuggestedCategory:unknown Description: I was playing the latest version with my mac, (had installed correctly and deleted all config files before launching minecraft) after about 5 minutes of running around my game crashed generating a report. started a new world with a different seed and it occured again with the same crash report. Just to try it, i tried deleting the config files again, generated a whole new world and ran around for 15 mins and couldnt get it to crash again... It may just be the obvious, i am playing on a mac... Haveyou deleted your config filesandare still able to reproducethisbug?:couldnt re create it a third time. link of theCrashReport:
  13. [Solved, Feature] Meal Decay can't be Removed with Knife.

    As a side note meals also have a tendency to go invisible in chests and inventory space upon returning to a server that has had time passing (ie the food has decayed away but is acting as a ghost item). Only way to get rid of it once invisible is to throw it out of your inventory, where it appears to successfully delete the item from existence.
  14. Sluices not sluicing

    Hotfix#: 0.78.3 SuggestedName:Sluices not sluicing SuggestedCategory:Not too sure Description: One of the first things I like to do is set up a sluice as soon as I can. Not too sure if its a bug or if they have new requirements... but my sluice isn't sluicing lol xD Heres a screenshot of the sluice.. Its out of freshwater in a highly seismic area... all the requirements i know of are met, (open to the sky, correct block placements etc...) its just refusing to co-operate.
  15. Sluices not sluicing

    all good I am in a high resource area I don't really need the sluice it was only for a lazy-ness factor xD I can handle not having it Just thought i would bring it up for u guys <3 this mod btw