Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kaldskryke

  1. Analysis of Spawn Protection Settings

    Unfortunately, Minecraft's lighting "engine" is not easily modded. Light propagation calculations have been a significant performance sink since Minecraft was created, and have been the focus of a lot of work for Mojang as they try to solve edge-case bugs and improve speed. Trying to meddle with that would be a small nightmare, and AFAIK the Forge API doesn't offer any access to that whatsoever. You'd have to go back to ye olde days of overwriting class files in minecraft.jar, which would break compatibility with everything, not to mention require a lot of new code for all the things Forge already did. Custom lighting code isn't going to happen. Also FYI, shader mods that add shadows are merely hiding minecraft's lighting, and rendering shadowmaps in its place. That looks great, but the light-level of blocks used for mob spawning etc is still determined the Vanilla way. I'm hoping that when/if Zombies and Skeletons are changed to be "underground only", the zombie pathing and re-inforcement mechanic won't be so annoying. Instead, you might have gameplay where zombies emerge from caves at night, which is awesome because it allows you to seek out the source of the zombies and deal with it, rather than relying on the torch forests we use currently. That sounds way more fun. I agree that it would be nice to change zombie combat behavior too, but I think moving the undead underground should be a much higher priority. IIRC the developers want to wait until they have more hostile animals so that there's still a challenge when the undead are relocated. Personally I'd be perfectly fine with increased spawn of bears and hungry wolves for the meantime.Bringing the topic back to spawn protection:I disagree with Palisight that spawn protection should be reduced. Maybe it's just because spawn protection has been buggy in the past, but I've always felt it was barely noticeable and very short-lived. I think I was just overestimating its area of effect, I had kinda assumed it would prevent mobs from spawning anywhere while I was in a protected zone. So, if anything, I'd like to see its radius increased because it's fairly likely for mobs to "wander" 16 blocks back into aggro range. Spawn protection should be obvious. And as for duration, has it ever been suggested that instead of merely residing in a chunk, you ought to kill mobs a bit to create protection? I think it should feel like I'm scaring the monsters away by slaying their brethren. Maybe that's too grindy.
  2. Tutorial site in the making!

    I replied to your post on Reddit before I saw this thread. I'm not sure why you've posted your website before it has any content so it's hard to provide any specific feedback... other than that the link at the bottom of your page is broken :PPalisight is right, though. What's the point of hosting your own webpage? If you want to write text articles, you should collaborate with Kitty so that they're hosted on the wiki. If you want to do videos, then upload them to youtube or whatever, then link to the videos on the tutorial page of the wiki. You can still create your content without needing to create a whole new website.
  3. Torch Discussion

    I think the torch changes are an exciting change, and I can't wait to experience how it affects gameplay. Oil lamps sound fastastic, but I agree it would be nice to see how things play out with just torches.
  4. Cheese OP?

    Furthermore, cheese has a fantastic decay rate, which doesn't even begin until you remove it from the barrel. And because the most efficient way to produce milk is one-bucket-per-barrel, it's very convenient to leave finished cheese in the barrel until it's needed.20 - 40 oz of cheese per cow is alotof food for a single player to consume. But then again all food in TFC is plentiful, except maybe berries and calamari. Food simply is not a challenge in TFC beyond the first day or so in SMP. In single player it's pretty laughably easy unless you're a new player. If someone wants a survival challenge in Minecraft, I'd recommend checking out the Blood n Bones modpack. It's not nearly as realistic/believable as TFC, but it's very difficult Ugh... Sorry, Kitty, but that seems pretty deceptive .At best, you've created needless confusion about how the mechanics work, and at worst you've offended some of your players by implying we can't see through it. Rather than trying to masquerade a nerf as a bonus, why not be clear? Nutrition mechanicsarea nerf compared to pre-78 TFC, but it's for the sake of fun and believability. Nerfs can be good. Players will accept that if you're upfront about why. If there are still complaints, I suspect they would be of the form of "Dairy is too rare / more rare than other nutrients" or "800 HP is not enough".
  5. Should metal sheets be smeltable?

    So I accidentally made an extra double-sheet of wrought iron. Doh! There are a few things I could make from that, but I'd rather have my iron back. So I threw it in my crucible and hoped it would melt down - but nothing happened. I hadn't even thought to check the wiki before trying it because it felt like an intuitive action. After all, you can melt down other solid metal things, such as ingots, double ingots, and anvils. I'm very glad that Anvils can now be melted in a crucible. 14 ingots is a sizeable investment and anvils become kinda obsolete once you have the next tier. Getting your metal back is much nicer than having a 'worthless' anvil taking up space. Sheets and double-sheets don't really become obsolete like an anvil, but they are also purely-metal objects so I think it would be reasonable for them to be meltable. It might also be okay to allow tools to be melted, and scale the output metal amount according to its damage... but this is probably a more controversial topic. Thoughts?
  6. I've done it! What next?

    Lurk the forums? Obsessively check the developers' twitter accounts? Check the latest commits on the git repo? Not like I'm projecting or anything...How about building a farm and stable .... at lava level!
  7. [78.17] Scenic Valley

    It's pretty, and there's gneiss nearby, my favorite metamorhpic rock. One day I'll find a seed with sheep, rock salt, gneiss, and gabbro, all in one convenient location. The very next day b79 will be released with new worldgen
  8. TFC Build 79

    I've always felt that the 1 block = 1 meter scale was a bit peculiar. Minecraft avatars look short to me, not wide. *shugs* Have you been working on any other creature models lately?
  9. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    I'm so excited to see this! Has it been decided how flavors determine if a meal tastes good? Is there still any element of randomness, or will optimum recipes will be static accross all worlds? Now for actual constructive input Rye is often made as a sourdough bread, because a lower pH inhibits rye amylases (which can prevent a pure rye bread from rising, ie pumpernickle). Thus I'd suggest a bit of sourness for rye, even though it's not a strict truth. Barley bread is often described as having a "nutty" flavor. Some extra bitterness perhaps?
  10. Blue/red steel insanely hard and time-taking to get?

    Thanks for the clarification, Bioxx
  11. Simple Backpacks

    In one of the TFC Tuesday streams, Dunk mentioned he and Bioxx had been brainstorming ideas for the back-slot, and that backpacks were one of the things being considered. Dunk didn't want to promise anything specific yet, but forewarned that if backpacks ever make it into the game there would be some considerable trade-offs. Maybe that will be a slowness debuff, or maybe your starting inventory will be reduced, who knows.
  12. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    A pretty funny ending to this one. Not going to spoil it, though.
  13. [BUG] Levels tempareraly disappear on death

    Hello, Ziat. Please use the search function prior to submitting a bug report. This issue has already been discussed.
  14. Blue/red steel insanely hard and time-taking to get?

    I've made full blue/red steel armour and tools in single-player, and I agree it takes alot of work. Right now, TFC doesn't really have a lot of end-game content that would benefit from end-game tools, so making red/blue steel is not really "worth" the time. Then again, I enjoyed the challenge of making it so it was time well spent IMO. I don't know what Bioxx and Dunk have planned for the long-term future of TFC, but I hope there's a big focus on challenge progression. I hope it includes tougher subterranean enemies and more reasons to go caving. Right now you can find every mineral - except for sulphur - in the top world layer. I'd be pleased to see garnierite spawn in more rock types, but only deep underground, which would make finding nickel less frustrating and more challenging. Perhaps that's not very realistic, but TFC is game and right now it lacks end-game fun.
  15. Cave ins very rare? (even though changed cfg?)

    I've been looking at for a little while and I can't see anything wrong with the CollapseRatio check, which happens every time you mine a "collapsable"block. (collapsible is the correct spelling ). There is some tweaking for rock type and seismic activity that might not work right due to integer casting, but if anything it would make cave-insmore likely. With your intialCollapseRatio set to 2,it looks to me like you should be seeingguaranteedcollapse in sedimentary rock, so long as you are mining blocks that are not supported. Keep in mind that 'supported' includes both crafted support and natural support. If you are digging a 1x3 tunnel, the only way you would ever see a collapse is if you mined the top block last. edit: actually that's not true. After thinking for a bit, I don't think digging a 1x3 tunnel will ever cause a collapse. Collapse propagation seems to be currently disabled. Most of the implementation is commented out.
  16. Should metal sheets be smeltable?

    It took me along time to find graphite. Hang in there, you'll find it eventually. Don't forget that it only spawns in marble, gneiss, quartzite and schist.
  17. recycle my old anvil?

    Good news! You can melt down anvils in a crucible.
  18. help with the implementation of the project

    global_as, are you using a translator? You are difficult to understand. I guess you are saying:- You are making a mod called Mine Rust - It is a Minecraft mod, but is similar to RUST - You want to use Terrafirmacraft's world style, and then add your own items. Am I correct?
  19. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    Please note that experience levels don't add "damage reduction". Experience actually increases your maximum health pool. So why is it that fall damage is still quite lethal even with lots of total health? I had to check the code to make sure, but Fall Damage is increased when you have additional health. The increase is proportional to your extra health, so You will always be able to survive the same amount of falling, regardless of experience. This is clearly intentional, so I doubt your suggestion will be accepted. However, I'm inclined to agree that minor falls are a huge nuisance. I would like to see minor falls dealing fairly little damage, but instead applying a slowness debuff.
  20. Employed :D

    Congrats, Dunk!
  21. Upcoming Skill Tiers in Build 79

    In Bioxx's latest twitter post, he previewed the new skill GUI for build79 which shows that increasing skills will unlock skill tiers (Novice, Adept, presumably more like Expert and Master). This could merely be way to add context to otherwise opaque skill numbers, but I suspect there will be gameplay aspects to achieving a new tier skill. This could be in addition to the current effect of increasing your skill points. Let's speculate on what skill tiers might do. Smithing: Perhaps it would make sense if higher-tier metals cannot be Worked without higher-tier skill. For example: Tier 0 (stone) - Novice requirements obviously, there are no recipes Tier 1 (copper) - Novice obviously, it's the first anvil you can really gain skill on Tier 2 (bronze) - Novice, since you could bypass most things with casting Tier 3 (Iron) - Adept Tier 4 (Steel) - Expert Tier 5 (Black Steel) - Expert Tier 6 (Blue/Red Steel) - Master Agriculture: Perhaps it would make sense if the advanced hoe modes were unlocked with skill. For example: Till soil - Novice Water status - Adept Growth status - Expert Nutrient status - Master Cooking: Bioxx says he's already experimenting with this. Those inclined to read github might be able to find out more... Thoughts?
  22. I love Minecraft. Vanilla, modded, TFC, it's all great... but the combat system in Minecraft is underwhelming. Understandably, combat is not the core focus of the game. Even though it has seen some improvements (Adventure update, status effects), I doubt Mojang will ever want Minecraft to be a 'fighting game' or a 'violent game' and lose its appeal to younger players. Do you know of any games that have interesting combat without sacrificing the ability to shape the world and craft all the things?
  23. More T6 Metal options?

    More colourful armor could be fun. If aethetics become a thing, maybe we can do gold and silver inlays too.
  24. slower starvation

    More interaction between hunger and nutrition would be cool, but I'm not concerned about the hunger bar depleting too fast. If anything, I think food is far too abundant in TFC. Even in the frozen north it's pretty easy to stay fed.
  25. Ideas about food preservation.

    Firstly, food preservation suggestions are already quite abundant here. I don't mean to belittle your input, but there are many other threads you could have added to. Heck, "more food preservation" is the first thing in the suggestion directory... Did you read that before posting? Agreed. Bioxx has stated several times that there are going to be more methods of preservation coming soon. Perhaps when that happens the base decay rate will be increased. Build79's barrel re-write will allow you to store both liquids and solids inside. A sealed barrel of food will likely behave a lot like your jar idea. If Jams are ever added, I think they should produce half or less of the foodweight of the input fruit, for the sake of balance. Fruit's rapid decay makes fruit somewhat challenging and I'd hate to see that challenge dissappear entirely.