Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jed1314

  1. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    Surface deposits are not literally exposed to the elements, they are buried a small depth below it. I'm not with my friend anymore, so I don't have the knowledge to debate this any further.
  2. Inventory Changes

    I am also for additional slots usually, but this is meant to be a simple suggestion that would be easy to implement.
  3. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    You are wrong. My friend actually went to mining school and worked in mines for 7 years. Ore reacts away and is carried away by the water. You may find quartz exposed but nothing more reactive. I live next to the Lead hills called that because there is literally lead in the hills and water, not on the surface.
  4. Mineshafts and mining

    Hahahaha I didn't get it for a minute there, but I caught on eventually I'll chat later though, I'm off to play with swords for a while and then head to a party
  5. Inventory Changes

    I don't think the mobs will ever get hard enough to make armour a necessity to be honest. Armour is only of use to me in PvP. Mobs are too weak to need it
  6. Spike Pit

    I really meant more for really easy mob farms
  7. Mineshafts and mining

    I'm really happy with that I'm a total medieval geek
  8. Spike Pit

    Well, in real life you would have to remove the corpse of your "prey" from the trap, but until corpses and butchery get implemented, it would probably make more sense to have to remove the trap to get any of the loot. I don't like the idea of it automatically collecting it. I can see that being abused
  9. Mineshafts and mining

    Way way too recent I think ? Zeppelins and advanced locomotives definitely, this mod is set between stone age and like 1600's right ?
  10. Inventory Changes

    I was hoping there was a way of stopping people from doing that, as that would defeat the purpose. Maybe we should put it on the chest slot specifically so people can't wear full armour and have a normal inventory. I can tell you from experience that when wearing full plate, you're not all that up for putting on a backpack full of rocks I'm really trying to avoid adding a new slot here. I know Bioxx + Co. would likely be more than happy to do it, but it's more hastle
  11. Spike Pit

    These aren't necessarily just mob traps for farms though. I want traps for a realistic hunting experience and also for smp to catch players
  12. Spike Pit

    Unfortunately, after testing I have found the trap does not work very well in practice for a couple of reasons:Grass blocks fall with a delay - You have usually cleared the block in question before it falls. This also goes for mobs. I used sheep and cows as test subjects When the grass blocks fall, they often break the cacti Sometimes, the blocks don't fall at all. Yno what would make the idea work though ? If you could craft a block out of leaves, sticks and wild grass that had the top texture of grass, but you fell through it like leaves, or it broke as soon as something heavy touched it
  13. Mineshafts and mining

    ... It seems I couldn't see the forest for the trees. Of course ! Roller coaster tracks were wooden until not all that long ago, and it would allow you to have a cart system right from be beginning (albeit a poor one).Yes, unfortunately creozote oil falls well outside the guidline 400 year time gap (but then, so does any non horse powered locomotive )
  14. UnReal World

    Agree'd ! I can't believe it has been being developed since 1992
  15. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    Exactly, but he really should have put in place all the stuff for an effective infrastructure first though, such as an early game mine cart alternative and smaller player inventories. That way, there might not have been so many people complaining
  16. Do you know something I don't ? How is that possible ?
  17. Nerfed chest size

    You need general storage space, but historically and up until this day, any large scale collection of any resource is put to open storage. If you think about the implications of keeping rotting flesh, metal ore and your bread in the same container, it's flaws become immediately apparent That said, they still make sense as a small storage method for your personal items such as armour and fishing rods etc.
  18. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I wish I could add editing rights to the op for you some way .. I would say you deserve equal credit in this suggestion :L
  19. That's not a knife...THIS is a knife!

    I suspect so, crocodile Dundee is as stereotypically Australian as the phrase "put another shrimp on the Barbie"
  20. That's not a knife...THIS is a knife!

    Crocodile Dundee quote, so the accent is appropriate :L
  21. Weather?

    You know you played too much Pokemon as a child when the first image that phrase conjours in your mind is some weird kind of Pokemon move
  22. That's not a knife...THIS is a knife!

    Well done with the edit, I saw the clouds of a shitstorm on the horizon.
  23. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    That sounds like a good plan ! Maybe I'll appear in some bronze armour to add to the period feel
  24. new passive mob AI

    I saw you mention it in another thread. It made me very happy
  25. Mineshafts and mining

    That deserves PUNishment (Ok, that joke was just inexcusably bad ) Yeah I feel the same, the wood thing is a necessity