Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jed1314

  1. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    You may like the concept for what the world is then Right now we are going on the assumption that it may well be a huge chitinous creature you are merely living on. Not visible, but interesting nonetheless I think
  2. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    With the addition of Cheese, wine and grapes, it would be possible to host a kind of middle aged party in minecraft. All we need now are in game "Grey's Anatomy" box sets, coffee tables and people to look down on :L :L :LEdit: Scrap that, just re-add tesctificates, we can be the racist kind of middle aged people. (I worked in a bar full of them, my cynicism knows no bounds )
  3. Mineshafts and mining

    That was unusually stupid of me >.<That sounds good to me ! What is the feeling on the engraved rails ? I know there has been a mixed opinion about them :S
  4. Inventory Changes

    That is just .. Inspired I think that is a solution for the problem, presuming it satisfied M_so
  5. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    That is indeed what I was thinking If you're interested, I was considering implicating quenching enchanted tools in water from the sea there as part of the top level enchanting process. (This would have to be protected or stabilised in some way, as the lore clearly sets out it is highly reactive in earth's atmosphere , Perhaps you would have to do the actual enchant IN The Wailing)
  6. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    I'd give up after 4 to be honest I haven't not found ore within the first 2 hours since this patch got released :L :L I can't understand what everyone is talking about
  7. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    I think the change was just before it's time. I actually love it BUT It really would have been better to implement the infrastructure for such changes first, and then change the ore gen.
  8. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    [ I was thinking about handling enchantment in my next post on "The Wailing", but I'm not sure if I want to, as it might pull down the quality/viability of this surprisingly popular suggestion Hence why I asked the readers if they want me to go into enchanting or not No your question makes sense You are asking if the tools would be made out of the material "nothing" or if they would be made out of anything that "nothing" can become ? (Man that sentence is confusing for me, and I am a native English speaker )I don't know, I've not thought about it that much :L
  9. Inventory Changes

    I'm not necessarily personally against it I actually really like the idea But for once, I have decided to tender a suggestion that wouldn't take Bioxx like 3 months to implement, if he had a full team of coding monkeys
  10. Modern Day Knife Forging

    Thanks for the comprehensive response ! I am very familiar with metal treatment theory, grain formation and the chemical and physical processes that must be applied to metals to achieve the proper material properties (That is what I study at university ), but wanted the opinion of an experienced blacksmith regarding something as specialised as armor. As I am a reenactor and I study metallurgy at university, I really felt I should know the answer but couldn't decide whether the hardness or toughness of the armor was more important You gave me easily the best answer I have ever seen to a question of that nature, and while I knew a good part of it already, it was beautifully explained, so that even the most basic of laymen could understand it. In summary, I salute you, and your full and non patronising answer
  11. Inventory Changes

    It's an interesting idea, but where would you wear/put the tool belt ? I am trying to avoid implementing any extra inventory slots, as this is meant to be a "back to basics", no frills, simple to implement suggestion.
  12. Inventory Changes

    It will not take damage (as your pack falling apart mid travel would be more than a little harsh)The pack could be worn on the chest slot, but to be honest, I was just thinking that having it on the quickbar would enable it. Why do you want the items still to scatter ? I don't see what it adds to the gameplay, and if you had a backpack it wouldn't really make sense The other factor in this is that I want backpack "blocks" because then you could have a "I'm going hunting" bag, a "woodchopping" bag etc. all prepared in an area just before you left the house The upgrades could cost that much, I think that is a community decision. I only based the upgrades on what actually made sense for a backpack
  13. Mineshafts and mining

    Sensical, and in keeping with the TFC style. I definitely like it. Would rails be crafted in 3 parts ? Spikes, Sleepers and Rail ? Or would they be crafted as one "rail" and just need to be pounded into the ground ? Also, I think the concept of engraved "rails" (which would be more appropriately referred to as tracks I think, as rail implies a raised item) and wooden carts was brought up before ? This makes some sense (compared to embossed rails made of stone anyway) and would give users a starting option for rubbish but functional rail travel (something that would be incredibly useful given the new HUGE ore veins ). You could balance them by making them only usable in a straight line and needling gratuitous maintenance. To elaborate on this engraved rail idea a bit, it would be done using the chisel in a new mode. I know pump carts were mentioned, but I'm thinking even more basic than that. Instead of pump carts, why not just push carts, like regular minecarts, made of wood and only capable of storage. It would need to have quite a big inventory to balance out against the players inventory (which is now far too large and throws out the whole balance of the game >.<).
  14. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    If I was going for just a "strange" world I would be inclined to agree, but this place is meant to represent fear in minecraft. We're talking balls to the wall, makes herobrine look like a teddy kind of uneasy, unfamiliar fear Important Edit: Should I go on to explain my new suggestion for an enchantment system, which makes use of both The Nether and The Wailing, as well as the overworld in The Wailing (2/2) ? I haven't started drafting it yet, so if you think I shouldn't, and should leave this as a "stand alone" suggestion, now is the time to tell me !
  15. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I could definitely get on board with something that would fuck your shit up if you weren't powerful enough to handle it
  16. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    There is actually water in the "Keys To The Kingdom" series (It features heavily in "Drowned Wednesday") but I understand the sentiment of this post definitely. I suspect placing "nothing" as the most powerful resource in game would be heavily contested by other forum users That said, I feel the idea and the concept have a lot of potential We'll see what other users say when they come online later
  17. Modern Day Knife Forging

    I can't blame you, there just isn't the money in traditional arms and armor, not enough for a full time smith anyway. Sorry to keep pestering you about your work but.... Do you white or black smith your armor ? I'd always heard it was better to white smith armor from low carbon steel because it is easier to repair and work hardens as you shape it, whereas black smithed pieces can be too brittle and hard.
  18. The Suggestion Thread Issue

    That actually seems like a good solution It would need to be based on "votes" though and not comments, I'd hate to see a suggestion that has been much commented for being flawed to be stickied to the front page You mean terranz's thread ? You're right, I should have put it there.
  19. The Suggestion Thread Issue

    I spent a lot of time today looking through the suggestions thread, right back from the beginning of the forum up until now. I noticed while looking through that many idea's have come up repeatedly, suggested by many people and well supported, but they slowly move down the thread as other suggestions are put forward (ironically, often suggestions which feature many of the aspects of old suggestions). Lumireaver has gone some way to alleviate the problem by creating the "Suggestion Thread Directory". I propose a second, slightly more involved step to help prevent needless repetition. Does anyone else think that there should be a kind of "community favourites" shortlist, in the directory, where the forum votes on the best suggestions to give them prominent placement at the top of the directory. This way, Bioxx can easily see what we are interested in and popular suggestions do not need to be bumped unneccessarily, so that people can still see them, or worse, not get bumped and disappear. I know this is technically a suggestion (ironically) but I posted it in discussion, as I feel it is a question to the community, more than an idea
  20. Spike Pit

    Thats actually a really interesting idea for a trap I may try this soon
  21. Go to hell

  22. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I really like the idea, but I fear Eternal is right :/Coding one extra dimension is hard already, but 7 ? They'd either all be quite poor and "empty" feeling, or it would take a big team a long time to release it as a separate mod I LOVE this idea. Am I on a planet, or just a parasite on the back of an inconceivably large creature. That could only add to the unease I will ponder this and see if I can come up with some extra details, and I'll add it to the OP I did acknowledge that at the start of the postI will never take constructive criticism the wrong way ! Thanks man That's such a shame Hopefully, this may see the light of day as a mod/addon I am excited now
  23. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    You mean all of them ?
  24. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I will alter it in the morning then I'm up for work in like 6 hours >.< Happy dining !
  25. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    Yeah, I knew where I could find a couple of pics of things crawling backwards, but I have a crippling phobia of children/girls in horror movies, so I really try to avoid that kind of stuff :L It sounds horrendously girly, and it's painfully ironic if you know me, because I'm a fairly big guy, who is scared of little girls I will alter the mob section to reflect these changes, can we try and tie it down to 5/6 mobs ?