Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Jed1314

  1. How would a greifer get late game stuff really ? They'd need to be very determined or hold a position of power, when was the last time you saw a greifer who was so determined they would manage all that ? I think tbh it'd be impressive if someone managed to gather greifing supplies to do any large scale damage :L


  2. i don't like 2 and 3 but 1 could get intersting needing more water while in hot caves or hot seasons and such we can make smoothies then :lol:

    I just made a thread for (amongst other things) thirst, please make any suggestions you feel are necessary :P


  3. Firstly, before I possibly get jumped on with "This has been suggested before" I would like to point out the aim of this thread is to consolidate several suggestions which I feel would compliment each other excellently.

    Now that that is out of the way:

    Increased Difficulty

    Basic premise: A large change which will feature several game adjustments to make this already challenging mod a kind of perversely enjoyable hell (maybe not that extreme)


    These features could be implemented as an extra difficulty level

    Features (these are all negotiable): Hunger (obviously), Thirst, Energy levels (e.g. need for sleep), illness and injury and temperature

    Hunger: Already implemented (although suggestions for overhaul would be welcome)


    Shown by a bar similar to the hunger bar on the HUD. The basic idea is that every player has a thirst bar. This will function almost identically to hunger, depleting faster during physical activity etc. Aditionally, drinks will help regulate body temperature away from overheating (as dehydration in severe cases can prevent bodily cooling functions such as sweating). Hot climates accelerate dehydration due to sweat. This introduces whole new challenges to the game, especially the desert regions.


    Shown by a bar (like hunger bar) either on the HUD or inventory interface, along with temperature. This is a hesitant suggestion at best because of the cluster f*ck that would be implementing this on a server. However, the idea is that players have limited energy and must sleep reasonably regularly to recover it. It will deplete faster when engaged in physical activity and when in cold climates (this is partially to balance the accelerated thirst in hot climes and partially because the body expends more energy in snowy and wet climates)

    Tiredness will come with several debuffs at different levels: High - Random screen black outs occasionally Really High - Hallucinations a.k.a. Seeing monsters in the edge of vision etc. Maximum - Frequent black outs, vivid hallucinations, chance to fall asleep, leaving you vulnerable to attack by mobs

    Illness and Disease: I can't explain this any better than the previous forum post by Devlin. 100% of credit for this section obviously goes to him and those who have contributed to this idea. http://terrafirmacra...edicine-system/

    If Devlin is reading this and is interested in bundling their ideas into this post, I would be honoured to add their post to this OP


    Character temperature is indicated by a thermometer like scale placed (either on the HUD or inventory UI).

    Being really hot or really cold could end on some serious damage on the health of the player.

    We could have some methods of increasing/decreasing the temperature of the character by:

    - Eating/Drinking. He could warm himself by eating hot food (or hot drinks, tea anybody ? :D:P), but could cool himself by eating hydrating/cold food such as fruits and drinking cold cool drinks

    - Shelter. We can get more hot going inside of a place with roof/walls. But as I said, the more deep you go, you should have a lower temperature, so a shelter on a cave, on the winter, on a Snow biome, is not THE perfect place to live, but since is a very cold biome, this could be good in any ways. For example, creating a snow house, like a iglu, could shelter you the same, but not very hot. You can live. ^-^

    - Water. You can swim, and cool yourself. But, hot places like the desert, could have hotter water, so you can cool down, but not a lot. And entering water on the snow biome could have you really cold, rapidly cooling and giving debuffs relating to cold

    -Exercise. Any physical activity will slightly increase the players temperature, up to a certain level ?

    -Clothing. Could have an affect on the player temp. E.g. Warm clothes for cold weather, light and airy clothes for hot weather, no clothes bad for both ?

    - The screen could have some visual changes when the player begin to the danger zones of the thermometer. The screen will shake a bit, when the player is too cold, and blur when too hot. The severity of these will increase as the distance into the danger zone increases

    - After entering the hazard zone (Stages 1 and 10 of the thermometer), the player starts to slowly lose hearts. (In a slow mood, different of hunger, maybe 2x less.) Also possibly applies debuffs such as weakness and slowing.

    The temperature of the player will change relatively slowly, meaning it takes time for the player to cool down/heat up

    Many, many thanks to Horenpa for allowing me to add this to the thread. I have paraphrased some of your post and added some features, I hope this is ok ?


    Neutral- Add aggressive wild cows and pig (aurochs and wild boar ?) which can be domesticated to cows and pigs, make wolves naturally hostile, and stronger (domesticated to dogs) OR leave them weaker and make them spawn in packs (with an alpha male ?)

    Aggresive- Zombies more likely to spawn in groups, when a zombie from the group spot you, the others will go after you even if they can't see you, Give cave spiders better poison which could, rarely, give you nausea, blindness or others side effects.(perhaps instead of damage to prevent being too op) Slimes will slowly grow to huge size. The more slimes there are together in a certain radius the faster they will grow. (maybe give slimes small DOT effect due to acidity ?) Add Magma cubes give them same size boost as slimes and also heal when in/near lava/high temperature zone

    Thanks to LordHaiv for his (awesome) assistance with the mob section :)

    User Interface:

    On the back of bsb23's excellent status bar solution, most or all of these status bars will be on another tab of your inventory window (or given their own window bound to a special key), to prevent UI clutter

    Posted ImagePosted Image

    Help me fill in the gaps !: A way to force players to utilize things like boats and minecarts, like inventory shrinking, but maybe less unpopular !

    Additionally, if anyone suggests an idea which is generally liked, I will add it to the OP to ensure it is always accurate as to the suggestions goals :)

    As before suggestions/criticism (constuctive preferably ;) ) welcome and encouraged !


  4. Wasn't trying to be mean, I was just explaining to noodles why I asked him not to spam

    It was more in reference to your earlier post than the one I quoted, but I am on my mobile so looking for it would have been a struggle to find it. I appreciate you weren't intentionally being mean, perhaps stern is the right term actually. Equally don't take my post the wrong way, you do an admirable job of moderating these forums (despite not being a mod :P)


  5. Cart Mod (With a few recipes I modded in myself to make the Wood Glue using the TFC wooden bucket of milk instead of an iron bucket

    Could you fling that my way, that sounds very appealing :o


  6. He said nearly the exact same post in almost every thread on the first page.

    Look, you're quite right ,in that he has posted a lot of similar encouraging posts. I can understand why this would annoy you. However, I feel you are being a bit harsh on him. Not everyone has something to contribute to a thread every time they post. He's still relatively new, how do you know he is just lacking the confidence to challenge other, more experienced, members posts ? This is especially relevant considering the poor guy has recently decided he doesn't want to post anymore because of the criticism he was facing. Instead of publicly decrying him could you not have, perhaps, sent him a private message as a senior member of the forum encouraging him to use the like button instead of commenting to say well done and perhaps encouraged him to contribute if he does have something to say ? You might say your post was not intended to hurt him, but the tone was distinctly negative, and some people are more sensitive than others.


    P.S. Sorry for derailing the thread, resume normal service :)


  7. From the perspective of someone who hunts, this would add to the realism factor of the world. Many animals "learn" to live with humans, as can be seen with animals in urban environments. Those that live in area's where they are hunted, on the other hand, fear people and will bolt if they catch your scent. This would make for an interesting dynamic with the AI. The biggest problem I can see is that it would be difficult to manage on a server. Also, it is a shame you mentioned the thirst dynamic for the player as an afterthought, as I am very interested in pursuing that as a topic.


  8. we don't need to open the calendar every hour. We open every now and than.

    Why not put temperature inside the inventory screen (along with wetness if you want), as it is frequently used and would not be out of place as they relate to your body, they should be placed under Steve or something ?

    I saw somewhere (magma forge thread I think) that they are implementing temperature damage/effects so this could be even more relevant.


  9. LIke i said the community supports,improves and adds idea. But bioxx has the last word.

    That is what I was saying wasn't quite true. Bioxx definitely could​ have the last word, if he so wished, but as far as I can see, he listens to the feedback from the mods users, so while these suggestions are definitely for Bioxx, don't underestimate the importance of the general opinion of the community as to whether an idea sinks or swims, so to speak. I mean, think about it, he asked if we wanted a new ore or more cassiterite (sp?) spawning conditions. The only reason he didn't implement the communities suggestion of a new ore was for logistical reasons.


  10. The mod is going in the direction of making it so you cannot carry a lot in your inventory. If I have to bring food, water AND constantly go back to base to sleep it's going to make resource collecting annoying as hell.

    I sense you are not happy about the inventory changes either ? I feel this mod really works best in a multiplayer environment. Minecraft multiplayer in general has always had a flaw in that every player is a one man mining/farming/fighting/building machine. These inventory limitations go a long way to forcing people to actually:

    A) Develop an infrastructure so that they aren't lugging around all the ore/wood by themselves. This might make boats + rails actually useful

    B ) Provides a much bigger challenge - This is a more personal thing, I feel minecraft is waaaaaaayyy to easy

    C) Adds a place for equipment like backpacks which increases the amount of tech and realism within the game

    The thirst (and possibly sleep) would add a whole new dimension to multiplayer gameplay, in that you would actually need supply trains etc. (especially if environmental factors affected things - desert caravan trains anyone :)) I can appreciate why you don't want these features implemented though, and I feel a good compromise would be a hardcore mode perhaps ?

    Teranz, I like the idea of a vote if Bioxx is pro this idea, however, I don't think there should be an "I don't care" option. Apathy really doesn't help decide the matter and people may end up with features they dislike because they didn't think about it before voting :) Just a suggestion :)


  11. To be honest its not what the community thinks... It is what Bioxx and his team think... My ideas arent for the community they are for bioxx .......

    I will be hated so much for this post... But truth hurts...

    Firstly, you are only half right in saying your suggestions are only for Bioxx. While he is the Dev and (obviously) has the final say on what is added and what isn't, he is also (from what I have seen) very community orientated. He allows the community to contribute to the direction the mod goes in. So although Bioxx could implement thaum like features, if the community wasn't happy about it, I doubt he would.

    As far as being hated goes, that is ridiculous ! I certainly don't hate you for expressing your thoughts. Especially when they are largely true. People might disagree with you, but they will hardly hate you :)


  12. I'm all for consolidating suggestion threads to give a clearer idea of the communities thoughts. However, the T word isn't welcome on this forum I think. Perhaps it's worth lurking a little to get a grip of what the community has already ruled out. Sorry if it sounds harsh, I don't mean it in an unfriendly way :)


  13. We ALL think it would add a new level to the game.

    I'm amazed ! A degree of unity on a forum related to minecraft :o It's good to see the community has reached mostly agreements instead of arguments :L

    Edit: I spoke too soon -.-


  14. Just a point of interest, but what mods do you all use/recommend with TFC ? Personally I use NEI (for the recipes), smart moving, optifine and rei's minimap :) I'm also thinking of putting together a, hardcore survival .bin to really challenge myself, by adding mods that add thirst, tiredness etc.


  15. Expanding on srgnoodle's idea, why don't you implement one "stone age" arrow, that will be a general purpose starter arrow, then more complex metal arrows with higher durability as the metals tier increases ? Something like bodkins, broadheads and cage (for flaming oil rags). That way, there is more of a reason to transition to metal from stone other than durability (if you think about it, the abundance of stone vs. comparative rarity of metal may offset any recovery bonus alone)


  16. Srg, I think he means allowing simulated progression of the world while minecraft is off (I hope), not dissimilar to the way fable 3 tracked your property earnings when the game wasn't even running. I am not a big fan of this. As others have already pointed out this would mean you would be obligated to play to stop your livestock dying and harvest your fruit. This would only really work on a server and it is rendered invalid because servers generally run 24/7. Admirable idea though, I can see what you were tyring to achieve.


  17. -starts little server with a few people-

    -begins to expand into tech-

    -gets utterly raped by another server's "civilization" when they decide to raid my server-

    sounds like a great idea!!

    I know it doesn't sound appealing on the face of it, but imagine the satisfaction as you and your fellow oppressed servers rise up and tear the conquering server to shreds in a bloody inter server civil war :D .. All the while fighting for control of precious resource nodes such as mines and farmland :D .. Surely I'm not the only one who would love that ?


  18. I am for this idea for the most part. However, I still feel the wetness "bar" is unneccesary. I like the idea of the wetness of the player affecting temperature gain/loss/status, but feel that having a whole separate bar for it is a bit excessive perhaps ? There is still a place for wetness for sure, but does the player really need to know how damp they are ?

    No harsh tone intended btw, I am a big fan of this suggestion !


  19. Ok, I'm editing my original suggestion to match yours, so that the direction is abundantly clear from the opening of the topic. I will give you credit of course ;)


  20. I am definitely for this idea ! I have been trying to think of a way to force server players to act in a more realistic way i.e. fighting over large ore "mines", trading to fulfil needs and actually needing to specialise as towns in producing certain goods. This would be a good solution as it also means people attacking other "islands" would attack in force like an invasion :D .. The possibilities are endless :o I definitely agree with the general sentiment that there is no need to protect "younger" servers. Just as in history, with this system empires will rise and fall, and if a particular faction takes over too much land, I guarantee you they will have a hard time holding it all.

    Oh man ... I'm getting too excited about this -.-


  21. A thick leather would do a reasonable job of protecting you from heat, it doesn't really need to be hardened or improved, although the heat would dry and crack the leather (a potential area for the application of limited durability perhaps ?) add a layer of insulation to that and you're (kind of) laughing. See welder's gloves and blacksmith's aprons for examples.


  22. Fine idea but I think things like that will be so low on the TFC list of "things to come" that if you spit you wont hear the sound of it.

    No offense mate :)

    No offense taken mate, I'm not the touchy sort and you're definitely right. To be honest suggestions like this are heavily geared towards one specific play style, not a hugely popular one at that, so I'd rather see other elements of the game developed to their full potential than this :)

    Platoon Sgt: That actually sounds really interesting and would add a whole new dimension of "you're screwed" to cave ins as well +1 to your suggestion !
