Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Phaedin

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  1. How do you feel about new charcoal mechanic?

    Good to note on wiki that it no longer smokes when properly built. EDIT: Also if there is anything in the DIRECT (block touching the cover or side blocks) vicinity of the pit; tree, rocks, tall grass, etc. They will light on fire. (This happened using Dacite Bricks to cover and surround the pit) Do we know if opening to check on the charcoal resets its timer? Answer: It does not.
  2. As our friend here found this seed I tested it with MCEdit and low and behold its a amazing seed still. Here's a break down of ore in a 45x45 chunk area.
  3. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    A previous seed i used in the past given to us by Truculent Seed = 'easy' or '3105794' I tested it with MCEdit and low and behold its a amazing seed still. Here's a break down of ore in a 45x45 chunk area.
  4. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    Did a 100x100 chunk. 13225 chunks (includes nether and end), 16 regions, totaling 866,713,600 blocks (includes air blocks) a total of 55 Garnierite ore in a single vein and 0 platinum. However there was a very good distribution of every ore type.
  5. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    47f Experimentation Seed: -2721876127105511424 Garnierite Deposit 149x -128z 96y
  6. assistance setting up an economy system?

    I've been doing extensive research on charcoal production and it appears to be very random. I've gotten almost 3 full stacks to as little as 1 1/2 stacks with willow wood. Sycamore netted me around 2 stacks per. I'm going to be doing further testing. Multiple runs of each type of wood.
  7. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    Exactly what we have been saying! Fixed an issue with the client and server operating off of different seeds. This was causing a whole host of issues.
  8. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    seed = easy (3105794)SMP I have dug to 77, 140 y=95 'no traces' Tried on creative single player found it no problem. I found there's 2 identical seeds only way you can tell the differences is in both you spawn in a swamp9 but one with willow trees and hickory and the other has ash and birch. The landscape is exactly the same in fact the trees spawn in the same spots just the types of trees are different and the ore location is different. The one with willow and hickory has the ore in the right spot, the other does not. Edit: Tried loading the seed in both SSP and SMP I managed to get both maps at random regardless of world name.
  9. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    SMP I have dug to 77, 140 y=95 'no traces' using seed 3105794 Edit: Tried on creative single player found it no problem. I found there's 2 identical seeds only way you can tell the differences is in one you spawn in a swamp with willow trees and hickory and the other has ash and birch. The landscape is exactly the same in fact the trees spawn in the same spots just the types of trees are different and the ore is different. The one with willow and hickory has the ore in the right spot, the other does not.
  10. Color of ores?

    I found a supervein (excavating a room all the way around it to see its size.) of Tetrahedrite and found some other smaller veins of the same Tetrahedrite that are completely different in color some are yellow+grey other is brown+green and the other is brown and orange. Edit: Just found out the some of the rock I was standing on was also Tetrahedrite looks exactly like the stone I'm mining. Also found a black and white vein. Is this normal? Shouldn't the type of ore stay the same color?
  11. Freezing the SSP Developement?

    The SSP and SMP are still separate. You will still have 'single' player and 'multi' player however the single player will be a self running server. With that change being made it means that singleplayer also becomes LAN-able because its still a server; this however increases CPU, RAM, and Hard Drive Read/Write demands on the system.
  12. Propick, how do you WORK?

    ProPic only works on large non overlapping veins. I ran into the same problem. The world I started has a massive chain of Sphalerite veins from near spawn to 1000 blocks in 2 directions and filling the area in between even crossing multiple biomes (Forest, hills, desert, mountains,etc) found at least 4 surface caves all of which have 10 or 12 very small deposits of Sphalerite. The ProPic is useless in these situations. It finds 'very large' Sphalerite but that's because the veins are in so close proximity to each other its detecting sometimes 5 or 6 veins. Going 12 blocks away (sometimes 40+ blocks) still states 'very large' Have 3 choices in this situation: strip mine, dig at random with propic as a guide, or find an efficient way of check large areas. I choose the latter Below is a diagram of how I build my mine shafts for the overlapping small veins. This gives the maximum amount of coverage with the least amount of mining for these kinds of hard to ProPic deposits. (Note: I build the supports before I make the hallways; stops cave ins) For larger veins I have no problem using the propic to find the 'edge' (where the propic no longer detects even a trace of ore) and zeroing in on the ore.
  13. Looking for a seed with a few starting ores nearby. I've tried over 100 seeds so far to no avail. With the change in ore generation fewer more sparse ore near the top. Is it a better idea to just dig a mine from the start?
  14. Stack of granite stone.

    I have a stack of granite stone in my inventory. (Stuff you get when you mine a block not a solid granite block or cobblestone) Every time I hover over it minecraft instantly saves all chunks and black screens. Fully fresh installed everything multiple times. Single Player. Any ideas? Edit: Found out it's a empty space in my inventory. I can place any block in that space and not crash but once the block is out of that space and I hover over it it crashes. Solved: I placed a block in every inventory slot then saved and quit, went back in and everything works as normal.
  15. Bears!

    Here's some bears! This one got stuck in a tree some how?