Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Two

  1. Could you please explain how me using WAILA in my single player games affects how you play the game?

    Imaginary example:Player: "Waila is the great! Can you support it more plx??"later...Dev 1: "So we finally got lanterns working. Should we put in several textures to display the fill state?"Dev 2: "Nah... Too much work, Waila shows it anyways."

  2. My protest was about that part where WAILA tends to make devs lazy (not saying that this is or will happen in any way with the TFC devs, just a statement).

    If you no longer need to think about how to properly display progress or states of objects in game because WAILA does that for you, then it will very much affect my gameplay.


  3. I am not using it and I am not criticizing the amount of time you have spent on this, I am sorry if it sounded that way. I am criticizing WAILA in general, and I think this would be the post where users would ask for even more WAILA support.


  4. In my opinion WAILA is one of the worst things that has happened to Minecraft, right after the implementation of wolves. I don't get why people need an addon to tell the the most basic things, like that they are looking at a stone or that it is raining. But for some reason it feels like today's gamers are no longer able to process even the simplest things without an app telling them what to do.

    And then WAILA supports lazy devs, because they no longer have to add visual features to the game, because WAILA tells the user everything. Let's take for example the TFC barrel, which is - beside the update bug - a well implemented block. If there is a fluid inside, then a simple look is enough to tell how much the barrel is filled up, because the block "says" so by it's visual appearance. If it contains items or is sealed, you can no longer tell what's inside, but that is perfectly reasonable, because... duh there is a cover on top! It forces the player to be a bit organized or at least use their memory, like human beings have done it for thousands of years.

    WAILA makes all that unnecessary, and you can just cramp everything everywhere, no longer need to think or plan or organize anything, WAILA will do everything for you. No longer need to dig the ground to tell the composition, WAILA tells you by just looking. No more memorization of tree types, you no longer need to know if horns means male or female cow, basically WAILA dumbs down everything to a point where it feels like playing an excel sheet with advanced graphics. And especially with TFC I don't see how this adds more challenge or believability.


  5. If you take a look in the Cthulhu myth (especially the roleplaying game) there is a form of magic that is very subtle, comes with horrible consequences, and would fit TFC in many ways as an endgame form of entertainment. The question however is why to implement such a complex system that would take month to implement for sure, just to make hand full of users happy and annoy the rest?

    I agree that if any form of magic is added, a mod would be a better idea.


  6. For me, lumber should be a sheet-like block when placed, not a stick, so if you need only part of it, you can then just chisel it

    Minecraft isn't very good in handling non-full blocks. So why that would probably look cool, it would reduce performance a lot. If you absolutely want a house to look like that, you can already use a chisel to cut it down to any form or size you like.

  7. There are many stand-alone games similar to Terrafirmacraft, for example "Stranded Deep". None of them has ever reached release, most of them die after a while and not a single one has been successful in terms of money/hour payment for the devs (or would have if they would have continued development). A stand-alone TFC would just be another stone of the beach that would be forgotten sooner or later.

    If you want to accelerate development, think about how you can get more people in your team. There are enough competent people out there that would help development for a while.


  8. However, I think it'd be interesting to try drastically increasing the decay rate of some of the foods which would force you to have a pretty decent farm to stay alive.

    Food is already decaying fast enough. Without conservation methods, it will usually be gone before the next harvest. It is currently even a good idea to not harvest until the crop begins to die, to keep your food from decaying for as long as you can.

  9. I just start jumping when I hear a cave in coming, rarely even take damage. :D

    That sound made me throw my mouse and jump dead from my chair a few times. But so far no damage either.@Kittychanley: thanks for the very detailed explanation, I do understand a lot more about cooking now and why I do get everything as "Not ...". However as there is obviously lots of confusion about it, I have a suggestion for a minor change that hopefully will help all those other players out there that didn't read your post: change the tooltip to say "tastes not sweet"Because the following would be a lot clearer to me if I'd see it: 
    BreadTastes not sweetTastes somewhat sourTastes ridiculously saltyTastes perfectly savoryTastes very bitter

  10. A not+not+not+not makes ridiculously for one flavor, while not+not+not+not makes not for another flavor.

    It is only Not+not because your cooking skill is too low.However I find it kind of disturbing as well, that after eating tons of food, Steve still can't tell which one is even the slightest sweet. Not sure if this is a new bug or intended.

  11. Version #: 79.7

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): MP

    Suggested Name: Crash when loading too many chunks at once

    Suggested Category: Severe


    Presumably when loading too many chunks at once, detailed blocks might get confused and crash the game.

    In my case I used a teleport command into an area with a few chiseled blocks.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

    If yes, which mods?

    - Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.0

    - MineTweaker 3.0.8

    Crash report:

    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1




    at net.minecraft.block.Block.func_149677_c(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_147808_b(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_147784_q(

    at com.bioxx.tfc.Render.Blocks.RenderDetailed.renderBlockDetailed(

    at com.bioxx.tfc.Handlers.Client.BlockRenderHandler.renderWorldBlock(

    at cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry.renderWorldBlock(

    at net.minecraft.src.FMLRenderAccessLibrary.renderWorldBlock(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_147805_b(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer.func_147892_a(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.func_72716_a(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(

    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(

    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(


  12. That server I mentioned has a mod running that allows you to keep your items on death, so no one is afraid of dieing. And even if you would loose your stuff, then people would just make a death-room (as someone else in that thread mentioned) and kill themselves just before they go on exploring.

    I agree with Alice that not eating at all should at some point be lethal (which would be a point in time after the major food bugs have been solved). A simple example would be to just set the minimum health you can drop to to zero.


  13. "First rule of configs: 90% of people won't see your configs. 95% of people won't change them."

    Very wise words, I had to learn that the hard way. Turns out that even experienced users ignore everything that doesn't work as they expect it right out of the box. Either because they don't know how to change it (and no documentation is read ever!) or they don't care to change it, because in the mind of a user software has to be perfect the very instant it is launched.

  14. caused by Permission denied: listen

    I think there is already a server running. I had a certain issue with TFC that it did not properly shutdown and the Java process was lingering indefinitely. If you get such a crash, could you check how many Java processes are existing? (ctrl-shift-ESC for task manager in Windows)


  15. Just so there is no misunderstanding: the purpose of this thread is to gather some feedback for the devs, nothing else.

    Sometimes you design a good idea, implement it well, and then still everyone is doing it differently. There are always many reasons, like bugs preventing people from playing properly, people simply not finding the idea as good as you (the developer) do, but maybe you can upgrade it so people enjoy it more, sometimes players just don't understand the feature and it might need to be simplified or explained better, and sometimes a feature just doesn't turn out as planned and might get removed.

    As already mentioned: my view is very limited. A server with 10 players is hardly a solid base for any statistic or a complete change of plans, but it is feedback. And your views are adding to the picture. They are neither better or worse than anyone else's view, because it's your way of playing the game, and if it suits you, then no one can argue with that. So by all means: please continue the feedback. =)
