Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by 1SDAN

  1. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this train has been derailed.
  2. More Clay and Reusable Ceramic molds

    the seed "happy" has clay in the river you spawn next to
  3. Grass

    Maybe grass could even grow seed pods when super tall, free seed without destroying grass... Next stop: Off Thee Rails!
  4. Greenhouses!

    And maybe the bigger the area inside the greenhouse the cooler it gets, but the more glass with sunlight hitting it on the outside the warmer it gets... SUPPORT!!!
  5. More Clay and Reusable Ceramic molds

    happy is a good seed i like the river
  6. Animals!

    Or maybe only when they just had a baby. (Or better yet, you could spike their feed)
  7. Soils

    Welcome to the forums, a great place to watch train wrecks and derails! What the above dude said
  8. Civilization

    Yes I do know that, it's just that I want to see how it gets derailed next...
  9. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    It's Dan, do you see a "T" in my name? lol. But really , replying to the above post, maybe the stone works like dirt does but with layers unless you put in some mortar. EDIT: Not trying to be rude...
  10. Gem Cutting

    DERAIL! DERAIL! DERAIL! all jokes aside: It would be uber cool. Well, that and wood sculpting...
  11. Challenges

    I suggest making it take longer to achieve an actual way to fell a tree or Make monsters more powerful and add a somnia-esque feature so that you cant just fall asleep outside and if you're inside, the monsters will break in. or Add rival tribes that steal from you (i know, no NPCs whatsoever it's just a what if) or Make wood be affected by gravity so cabins would be harder or make metal axes only able to chop down trees and instead have them rely on sticks, dead trees, leaves, anad other stuff for crude kindling. If you set a tree on fire there's a chance it could fall, burn, or just start a forest fire. Maybe saws could even require double ingots...
  12. Civilization

    Sorry i never read the dates lol
  13. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Maybe beehives spawn in chunks with x number fruit trees and flowers. Bees will fly around the hive as particles, bees will visit fruit trees making said fruit trees grow its fruit quicker. When the bee gets back to the hive, some honey is produced. Every x number of days, the hive makes another bee particle group. (The particles act like any bee mob would)
  14. Secondary and Tertiary Foods

    Maybe we can collect sap from trees and either eat it, or turn it into maple syrup to put on our pancakes!
  15. Civilization

    Can we PLEASE get back on track? I mean seriously, we went from a topic about civilizations to whether we like horses or cows and then to frigging DF strategies!
  16. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    Maybe when you right click with a pebble a layer or so (1/8 of a block maybe) of rocks appear. Then it can be built up and up like the charcoal by right clicking with a pebble (like log pile) or when you right click on it without a pebble, a GUI pops up akin to said log pile feature.
  17. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    lol i accidentally Quoted the wrong post XD
  18. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    Actually, I hate those derps. I mean, why do they think COD came out before Halo? It's so annoying!
  19. Tents.

    I do know ediquitte, I just forgot to take my meds and well, that's what happens when i forget to take em.
  20. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    I do know proper english. I just don't use it on forums.
  21. Weaving and Dyeing

    I said "stalker" a in "silently watching for over 3 months"
  22. New gamemechanic instead of the almighty WORKBENCH

    Um, that's 1) Kinda what I'm doing and 2) Your a day late, the conversation's over
  23. Does clay only appear in certain biomes?

    try the seed "happy" you spawn inside a sequoia forest with clay in the river next to you
  24. Gem Cutting

    I hated it when i did it too. also, the socketing would be really kool. Maybe you could, um, i forget lol