Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by chaotix14

  1. Multiplayer Ideas

    Like say, make the money out of metals, so you could smelt them back to ingots if you wanted. Something like that?
  2. Well, he kicked me in the direction of technic pack and now he kicked me to TFC. So yeah, he get a lot of poeple into everything he tries out himself.
  3. Watching direwolf20 videos is enjoyable most of the time.
  4. Landslides

    That is untill you get sandstorms there that bury your house every once in a while.
  5. What would you find in the dungeons?

    The things I'd like to find in dungeons would be rare seeds and kapok/sequoia saplings. And maybe later on currency when that is added to the game.
  6. Multiplayer Ideas

    Well I hope he adds a currency system to MP, would ease up trading as it would no longer be goods for goods
  7. ~Newside~ (DISCONTINUED | For map and whitelist, see topic!)

    IGN: chaotix14 Age: 20 Why do you want to join the server?: To have fun together and help eachother out. Where you ever banned before and why?: Never been banned and have been mod on a server(vanilla minecraft)
  8. Multiplayer Ideas

    the local chat idea, great. The locks also good, although I suspect a creative griefer would use them to lock poeple out of their chests or stuff like that. The lockpicks, only on PVP servers, otherwise they might become yet another tool for griefers to use. Another thing that might be really good for multiplayer is an economy with a trade-system, something that could work like the trade-o-mat from IC2, or an actual trading screen like in many MMORPGs. Afterall there is so much to gather in TFC that trading might work well. I mean you'll have to work together to a certain degree anyways to get the metals needed for all the alloys, and certain poeple are better at certain tasks, some can prospect better, others are better at smithing, another few are quicker at getting loads of logs, sticks and charcoal, and with the rise of agriculture the idea of SMP turning into a middle-ages society isn't that strange to think of. With the gemstones currently use-free they could serve as money, since they aren't things you can gather a lot of quickly.
  9. Gemstones

    Okay, started a new world. Dug out an 7x8x3 out of some kind of rock (doesn't show a name in the inventory, most likely granite when compared to the wiki textures) and so far I've found emerald, jade, flawed topaz and chipped opal. I've seen some TFC LPs and they never seemed to get this many of them for such a small area. (tried to get as much non cobble stone, so haven't mined all that much) So here's the point, what do you think that the gemstones are going to be used for and what do you guys hope it'll get used for? Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them get a use as walldecoration. EDIT: I guess the stone isn't granite, can't make an anvil out of it. But it has the exact same texture as granite.
  10. torches burnout

    Look, with all this cool stuff going on I and probably many others feel that creepers and zombies no longer really fit the feel of the mod, they need to change to fit in with the mod.
  11. Spotter's Guide

    Saw the guide, now I'm going off to do some quarry mining. Such a damn hassle with that prospectors pick.
  12. Sequoia Saplings?

    It's just that some poeple like the collor of the kapok wood. Personally I don't anymore after I had a small hut with a patch blanket of wood kinds as walls, featuring kapok and aspen mainly. It looked like a pile of treehugging hippie puke. After that kapoks only use in my worlds was charcoal and firepit fuel. On the side note I do care about the envoirment, but the two things that are destroying it are too big for me to take down on my own. Them being large multinationals (AKA umbrella corps) and corrupt governments. Those loggers in the rainforrest, not so much the cause, the governments that allow the cutting and the companies that fund the cutting are the cause.
  13. Sapling nursery

    No matter how much I like TFC, I just can't get over the fact that I need to strip the leaves from multiple trees to get one sapling. Maybe it's bad luck that i get so little, but it's constantly this way. Now I know the low sapling drop rates are to make things a bit harder. But when you are at the point where you are making alloys and want to build a large house with one kind of wood instead of a patch blacket of all kinds of wood dotted all around. Normally you'd do that by building a treefarm, but I did that with a few types and I saw them shrink slowly. So the only option would be to just explore around search for more trees of the right kind, which can come down to a lot of very long hauls if you want to build anything bigger than a small log cabin. let's face it, this will prevent almost everyone from building nice things with wood. Which is a shame because TFC gives wood such nice textures, so you can make nice looking stuff with wood. My solution to this would be to make an item that allows you to cut the leaves yielding cutlings (or modify the effect of the shears on leaves for it). The cutlings then can be grown to saplings in a nursery. I think the nurseries should be a greenhouse (at least a glass room) with a heater. The heaters could be something like the bloomery in their structure, but with a difrent interface block, using a metal bar as the core. Also the greenhouse should be able to be be of any size, but larger greenhouses should need more heaters (or the fuel in the heater should be used quicker) to generate enough heat. Set up like this you'll still have to deal with the problem early game, but get a bit more breathing space later on. (Not much more, because you'll have those heaters to worry about)
  14. torches burnout

    Uhh, you do realise that kid was just raging, right? And finite water is fine, as long as rain replenishes water. Actualy with salt water finite water would be pretty usefull, that way you could make salt.
  15. torches burnout

    Okay kid, no more coffee for you.
  16. Sapling nursery

    Lol, I don't really think it's OP. But that might just be my oppinion. EDIT: When I hear you all like that about getting enough saplings, I begin to wonder what kind of trees do you guys use?
  17. Persistent block damage.

    Never said it was bad that it was punishing for LPers, actually I would love to see them derp a couple of times and by accident destroy extremely valuable blocks. To be honest I never really got why it wasn't in vanilla minecraft.
  18. Tanning Racks

    Well I think you might be suprised about how many uses pee had in history.
  19. Persistent block damage.

    I wouldn't mind seeing this either. Though this would be so punishing for some minecraft LP youtubers, because they hit things to bring the crowds attention to the thing.
  20. torches burnout

    Then it wouldn't be a point of issue, as long as mobs don't spawn inside buildings I am completly fine with it.
  21. tree chopping

    Yeah, asside from the nerved durability and speed of the stone axe it's going to take as long as in vanilla minecraft. Once you get to the stone axe. Remember you need to collect 4 pieces of wood using flint tools first. It's going to hurt the time you have to prepare for nightfall significantly on the first day. Also I remember seeing massive trees with a 2x2 base, just imagine the lagspike you'd get felling that one. What about when the terrain isn't flat I can imagine a tree falling off a cliff, or it falling up the side of a mountain. All not that nice prospects, but it's not the worst. However those 2x2 trees I mentioned earlier, fell one of those and it would kill you if it falls your way.
  22. Sapling nursery

    Well, if it's the tree type thats annoying because I kinda like the look of aspen wood for flooring. (which is what I used for the treefarm) Had it with a few other kinds too though. Asside from solving my and phoenixes problem it would be a nice build to supplement your sapling needs and a cool structure just to have.
  23. Sapling nursery

    Yeah, well... I had some trouble getting saplings, knowcking the leaves from 6 trees and getting 1 sapling is worse than suboptimal. It means if you have a treefarm it'll shrink fom 30 to 5 in one round and may leave you with 0 after that.
  24. Casting instead of Scribing

    Well actually, most metal tools you'd find your toolbox are cast. Chisels, hammers, axes, screwdrivers, cylinder blocks, gun barrels and a whole lot more. Almost anything that is made from metal and can't be made from sheet metal or metal wire, is cast. Because is is so much cheaper and faster than other methods for such things. However, in the old days cast metal often contained flaws, making it more brittle compared to worked metals. So it could be implemented quite fairly, you can go the easy road, but you'll lose durability for it. Meaning poeple taking the easy road, will burn through their tools quicker. Also with casting you can make things which you can't with smithing, because some thing are just plainly too big for that. (afterall, you can't smith what you can't lift) Cannons are a nice example and I think those would be really cool to have, especially in SMP. I think casting would open up nice opportunities. It would probably need a foundry, with a bloomery connected to a funnel that leads the molten metal into the mould.
  25. tree chopping

    True, but wouldn't it be more sensible to want to have the leaves drop down to the ground after the cut without you having to cut the rest of the tree or making the leaves drop their drops when you chop the tree. Compared to making collecting wood, which is already more timeconsuming than anything else in the game even more timeconsuming.