Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. 47b working metal on stone anvil smp

    no i mean, it was workable at hot****, and when I hit it with the hammer my friends all insta-null-packet and the bar was-for me at least, showing @ warming * instantly
  2. 47b working metal on stone anvil smp

    my friends were crashing when i tried to work an ingot, and the ingot dropped temp to unworkable temp instantly
  3. Period Appropriate Transport + Logistics

    Reston is suspected to have contributed to some circulatory issues in some of the people exposed, but nothing on the scale that the zaire strain does.I recall reading in a book about Ebola that the humans exposed during the incident that occurred in the primate facility in Reston virginia had a somewhat higher incidence of clotting related diseases, like heart attacks and strokes later on. Its possible the virus tried to replicate but simply couldn't grab a hold the way the primary strains can. Maybe whatever mutations allowed it to spread via the air from monkey to monkey prevented it from being able to effectively infect human cells.
  4. Tool repair

    doubtful, the ID limit has been raised, we're currently only limited by blockIDs and even that will be raised with the next vanilla update if I am remembering correctly.
  5. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    not only were pistons not his idea, he didnt even fully implement them, the original pistons had a piston with the ability to launch things into the air.
  6. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    I know how to do it, but i'm fucking tired of it, especially when I run like 7-10 mods at the same time, and like 5 or 6 require installation into the jar
  7. 47b working metal on stone anvil smp

    wasn't completely reproducible though, only seemed to happen every so often
  8. please dont bring it up anymore, I can't help myself.
  9. bread making

    IF you want corn, request that they add teostine and implement a plant domestication process.
  10. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    what does holding f5 do?, walking on crops doesnt trample them anymore only jumping on them does
  11. Period Appropriate Transport + Logistics

    just wait until you take a microbio lab, the things people do after touching potentially pathogenic cultures.....
  12. Change breeding of chickens

    Read somewhere that chicken eggs incubate roughly 21 days before hatching. Also, chickens don't give live birth, so the way things currently work doesn't make sense. I propose this: mate male->female chicken reduce pregnancy time to 1-2 days, during this time, the chicken should not lay food-eggs. instead of giving birth to a baby chicken, have the mother spawn a FERTILE EGG (give it a brown tint to differentiate it from the food-eggs). alternatively, you can set a temporary "fertilized" flag, so that ALL eggs that would normally spawn are fertilized Give us some kind of incubator system. (at first it could be a nest, and you can give the chicken AI the impulse to stay seated on the nest when there is a fertile egg in it.) 21 days later it hatches. baby chicken skin (feathers) should be yellow at first.
  13. bread making

    maybe you should add PROPER grass as a plantable and harvestable crop, in the sense that you can plant it or somehow treat an area of grass blocks to induce the grass to grow tall? Or environmental rules that dictate where grass blocks can grow tall grass
  14. Your chisel creations!!

    did you forget to update to the latest test version?
  15. help!

    did you check the side inventory of the firepit? (the 4 spaces to the right?)
  16. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    People with inventory editors like NEI or TMI will justify cheating them in with 'they cant be obtained legit, so I have to', and the message will be lost. Sequoia/Kapok wood blocks and leaves are already available in creative. Build the trees, if you want them. this doesnt work if you're in smp and NOT op
  17. Things That Are Too Easy

    well theres that and modern looking doors need metal tools to shape properly anyway
  18. dunno if opiate is the right way to put it, it doesn't calm us down and keep us complacent. but you're right about the camps that go after each other.
  19. bread making

    i know, but its not overly complex to make a grindstone for the stone age, it kind of breaks immersion to make huge volumes of flour with a tiny cup and stone stick.
  20. uber glitchy support beams on SMP

    please stop spamming this everywhere and make a topic in support. it means you didnt fill the mold yet
  21. help!

    also take note there is no longer any diamond armor or tools, as vanilla crafting is disabled by default, now, the stronger armor and tools are only made from strong alloys of metals. It has also become considerably more difficult to FIND diamonds, as they only come from 1 specific type of rock, and if you haven't turned on vanilla crafting in the configs, you can't use them for anything yet anyway. Please read the wiki. eventually you'll have to combine several rocks to make 1 block of cobblestone, but they haven't implemented that yet, so the rock=cobblestone feature is a temporary holdover.
  22. Things That Are Too Easy

    you shouldn't even be able to make wooden doors until the metal age (hinges)
  23. bread making

    of course it was hard, did you think living in the stone and bronze ages was easy? from wikipedia: Neolithic and Upper Paleolithic people used millstone to grind grains, nuts, rhizomes and other vegetable food products for consumption.[3] These implements are often called grinding stones. They used either saddlestones or rotary querns turned by hand. Such devices were also used to grind pigments and metal ores prior to smelting. They didnt use a mortar and pestle because they didnt have enough capacity to grind the amount of grain/nuts that would be needed to produce enough material to make anything useful. Also mortar and pestle tend to be ceramics, not made of base rock. (not that you couldn't make one, but it isn't easy without metal tools)
  24. I know, because most people have no interest in learning how their computer ACTUALLY works, they'd rather use the features made readily available and hand fed to them. That and most people are severely intellectually lazy. Not to mention, microsoft is fully within its rights to do this, but dominating the market to the point that OTHER developers have no choice but to develop things for windows AND do not even BOTHER to develop software that works on other platforms should NOT be allowed. That is the embodiment of anti-competitive monopoly. I have yet to run into a problem on any modern unix that could not be solved, or at least answered, with a diligent search in the right areas. (Sometimes the hardware is simply not supported because it is old or the manufacturers refuse to cooperate for driver programming) There is a reason they have the acronym RTFM. Package managers and public repositories solved the serious dependency problems that used to plague intermediate to novice level unix users. Don't have a required library? yum search or aptitude search will ordinarily locate it, and if not you can generally find the source or even a 3rd party repository to enable install of the missing software. It sounds complicated, but it isn't, it usually comes down to 1 or 2 console commands or inputs into the package manager GUI MAX. It has a tendency of just working the way they want rather than the way YOU want, due to lack of ability to configure and control the system in certain ways. Many times, it just breaks, silently. You have to actually look in the error logs to realize that hardware is failing sometimes because the drivers often report the hardware is functioning properly when it ISN'T. On unix, when something breaks, it generally fucks off and you get a message to STDERR to say so. Windows is written to be fault-tolerant to the extreme, so when something finally dies, it seems like the computer suddenly broke, when in fact its been sick for quite some time. Nothing wrong with directx per se, but its relatively simple to put that layer of control behind an API and allow the user to swap which graphics control software they want the program to use, from the code's perspective you call the same API commands, and the other end plugs in to either opengl or directx or some other video library. The point is it is usually BAD design to design software to be stuck on ONE platform, unless you are the company that markets said platform.
  25. Change breeding of chickens

    also, its not that unbalanced because a chicken would give only 1 meat, where if you do it as I think you're planning the other animals will be giving us quite a bit more meat per head than in vanilla. Chickens are far more useful in a large # for their eggs on an ongoing basis than for meat anyway until you've got enough of them to breed replacements for the ones you kill. Cocks should be able to mate at will, while hens should have a limit, you only really need 1 rooster for a pen of hens (actually, it would be interesting make roosters hostile to other roosters to enforce this as this behavior is natural.)