Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by achartran

  1. Happy New Year!

    It could have very well been an unfortunate smelting accident.
  2. Wow, it sounds really cold over there in Finland! D: It doesn't get too cold here (ok, it gets cold, but rarely goes below -5 fahrenheit, but that's rare. It usually hovers around 20 fahrenheit), but my car always dies every year in the beginning of winter. It just stops running, usually while I'm driving somewhere. >.< Luckily, this year it died on the hill that leads down towards my driveway, so gravity allowed me to park it. The sad part is, that was 2 weeks ago, still in the shop, and they say it may need a new alternator (whatever that is, but apparently its a really expensive fix). So yeah, not exactly freezing related, but my car is allergic to the cold, I guess. Hopefully I'll have it back soon. :/ For those interested, my car is a 1992 Green Volvo Station Wagon either a 240 or 270 (not sure which). But it looks like this: Not my car exactly, but mine looks like this just slightly more green and with a bunch of dents. Most of the dents are due to a Black Locust tree branch the size of a small tree falling right on top of it while it was parked in my driveway. I took the money from insurance and put it towards College, so the dents are still there, and the car is economically totalled. (My house is right in the middle of a really old grove of Black Locusts (80+ years old, that's old for Black Locust, some of them are dying :/), they are beautiful, but somewhat dangerous) EDIT: Lol, just realized you are probably talking celsuis, doh. Anyways yeah, here it usually hovers around -10 celsuis I'd say, but it can get to -20+ on cloudless, windy days. It sucks, but as a New Englander, I'm used to it and the snow it brings.
  3. The Hades Code

    Ugh, this thread makes my head hurt. Why do I even try to figure these things out? Anyways, I have one of my own. 2551809200191851121225511925019152381200 Enjoy
  4. Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year! And yeah, here in 'Merica we like to lower a big glass ball full of LEDs slowly down a big pole in Times Square during the last 10 seconds of the year. Now, I don't rightly now why, but dog gonnit we do it! Yee HAW! (Don't really know why I threw in the cowboy thing, but whatever. )
  5. Animals!

    Could rats try to avoid being seen? That would be the most accurate, I think. I have mice every winter in my house that come in from the surrounding fields, and they stay in the walls and rarely venture out in the open, and when you spot one, they bolt. Could rats in TFC have a similar behavior? And yeah, if there's food, rodents WILL get to it if it is even remotely possible (Even if humans are in the other room, or in the room). So it is not unthinkable to wake up one morning to find a dead rat in your chest, when it wasn't there the night before. (Rodents like to get trapped trying to get to some morsel of food only realizing they can't get out after they are stuck, and then they starve/die of thirst. It's sad, really. )
  6. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    "tites fall down" works too
  7. Board Games: How much would you pay?

    That sounds amazing, I would so buy that and play it. If I could find anyone to play it with. Sadly, most of my friends and family are nowhere near as much of a nerd as I am.
  8. Merry Christmas!

    Awesome, I'm glad to know someone qualified will be doing it. Although, I am still happy to help in any way I can Kimb, just let me know.
  9. Anything Significant Happened Lately?

    Has anything major happened since the derail crackdown? Also, I haven't been around much, and as such, neither has Sherlock. So there have not been any wacky misadventures to be had.
  10. Merry Christmas!

    Well, good to hear, if you need anything from me, just let me know. (Actually, on second thought, if Menoch is unable to do it, I could do some of the music. Menoch would surely do a better job, so if he's willing and able then he should certainly do it. But, I do know how to do this kind of stuff, I've taken classes along these lines all through high school and have most of the equipment needed (the important stuff at least, some bigger ticket things that aren't directly neccessary I have not acquired yet), and I think I could do some pretty cool stuff. So yeah, I'd be happy to help out with that if Menoch is unable to. But yeah, that's up to menoch, of course.)
  11. Merry Christmas!

    Woah, now that, is a throwback. Anyways, late merry Christmas and happy holidays! (Also, Menoch and Kimb (now that you're both in the same place, apparently you haven't seen my message), what is the status on the TFC short? Should I keep working on my part? Or have you forged on ahead, kimb?)
  12. Block Heads [0.79]

    I have invisible natural rock and dry waterways, and yes, I have the newest version. Also using Optifine 1.4.5 HD U D5. EDIT: I turned CTM off and that fixed the rock issue. But water is still very invisible...
  13. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Hey, watch it, that's getting dangerously close to infringing on my copyrights. I'm watching you, JAG...
  14. Game Crashes :(

    Welp, hide your kids, hide your wives, Biodigious has decided to go full on troll.
  15. Your gamer's obsession?

    I never said I was good at them XD I just love 'em to death.
  16. It's all wibbly wobbly, timey wimey! But really, just letting you know that double posts really aren't something we like, no hostility intended. It's awesome when people are friendly towards each other, especially on the internet, please try to keep that in mind here, and everyone will be happy.
  17. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    Woah, calm down there Anakin. But yeah, Bioxx went stompity stomp all over this idea and its entire extended family, so... yeah.
  18. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    (Guys, don't start a meme war off this, kay? Thanks.)
  19. Happy end of the world!! :D

    1. LordOfWolves



    2. Kimbblesrath


      No ending of the world. :P

    3. achartran


      Guess that the Mayans were just trolling us all along, but that means they must have predicted the internet too! :o

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. Your gamer's obsession?

    Iv'e been playing Civilization since Civ III, I believe. I love those games, one of my earliest gaming experiences actually. I love KSP, but I can't get the new update due to password issues, and the recovery emails aren't coming through... So I now have to deal with their support, which most likely won't be fun.
  21. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    Ores don't work like they do in VMC, especially regarding level, in TFC all that matters is stone type and if it is a surface layer or not. Essentially that means you won't find more native copper (or any other ore) at level 52 than at 98.
  22. Time traveling time! Just because your posts are 25 minutes apart and not related thoughts doesn't mean you can double post! Please use quotes to designate who you are talking to and to separate your ideas, that's how it works here, we like to keep things neat and organized so these suggestion threads are easy to read. So please, be kind and don't double post. Now, It seems there is a conundrum here, Bioxx said a tenative yes, and Dunk said a firm no. This could mean they talked and decided that it would not be happening, or that they are on different wavelengths. In any case, when a dev says no, don't argue and make a stink. If Bioxx comes in and says something else then great, but generally the IRC isn't the place that is considered canon, the forums are. So for now go by what dunk said, unless Bioxx comes here and says something different.
  23. Please don't double post Exanadu. Every time someone double posts I melt into a pitiful puddle of human goop, it's not a pretty sight.
  24. Great Suggestion, it would be nice to have something like this. But, in the future it's probably not a great idea to like your own post... It looks bad and doesn't do anything to get this seen more widely; essentially, this isn't reddit, a like means someone likes something, it doesn't determine if it is seen or not. And finally, since you haven't been officially welcomed yet... WELCOME TO THE TFC FORUMS!!! EDIT: Bioxx just said something like this is already in consideration in IRC, so that's good.
  25. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    Been sick all day, haven't done it yet. Maybe tomorrow, if not tonight. It isn't hard, I just don't feel like doing it atm :/