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Everything posted by achartran

  1. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    PLEASE DON'T JUST READ THE TL;DR!!!!! THERE IS WAY MORE INFORMATION HERE THAN CAN EASILY BE SUMMED UP!!! Hey guys, this is, believe it or not, the first thread I have ever started on these forums. I know, crazy, right? Anyways, if there is significant interest I think we should start some dedicated RP (role play) threads with various themes. Now, knowing this forum, they shouldn't be held to strict RP and if they devolve a little bit that shouldn't be an issue and people can bring it back "on topic" if they want to. These could possibly be stickied/pinned here in the Off Topic section if the staff is willing, so that they do not die off as quickly and could become the "official" RP threads. Here are just a few ideas for threads I've had... - Fantasy (like... LoTR, Game of Thrones, etc.) - Sci-Fi (Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.) - Historical Eras (Colonial, Victorian, Age of Exploration, etc.) - Misc. Fictional Characters and Universes (Sherlock Holmes, etc.) - Minecraft Adventures (maybe a few of these, they can go in so many directions. Also since this is the TFC forums, a few TFC ones as well.) - D&D (for those who play, I don't personally, but I know some people here do. This could also include other similar games if people want, I guess.) - TFC Forums Originals (Sherlock Holmes, stabbing people with spoons, etc. (anything that we often talk about here and use in our derails)) - Anime (Suggested by Killster, supported by Kimbbles) - I'll add more if I think of any, or if someone else has a good idea. So, let me know what you guys think and if you would like, and participate in, something like this. It could be really fun if people actually get in on it. Some new info, actually in a later post in this thread, but now it's spoilered for ease of reading. PLEASE DON'T JUST READ THE TL;DR!!!!! THERE IS WAY MORE INFORMATION HERE THAN CAN EASILY BE SUMMED UP!!! What I'm hoping for is to get staff approval of this so that I don't create a bunch of threads that get lost after 2 days because they weren't stickied. For these to be successful they need to be endorsed by the staff and stickied so that they server their purpose. So Dunk, please respond if you see this. A little bit more info: (basically, I (or someone else if you want) would write up the rules for the ones people want then they could be posted by either myself or a staff member to be stickied here in the off topic section) I think an ideal number of threads to start with could be 3 of the top picks. More could always be added. (Another option is to instead of stickie these in the off topic section, make a new Roleplay section (that is in the same category as the off topic section, just like the "Show Off" or "General" category has multiple sections, the Off Topic category would contain Off Topic and Roleplay) that contains the "official" threads stickied but allows users to post their own if the want, and if they become popular, get stickied. Or have two sub-sections in the Roleplay section, one for the official threads and popular user made threads that have been moved from the user threads sub-section of the Roleplay section.) This is kinda confusing... I'll try to condense it and show it through text. This is what home page of the forum would look like with an RP section General - Announcements - Bug Reports - Download Mod - Discussion - Support - Suggestions Show Off - Guides - Texture Packs - Let's Play ( and Live Stream) - Seeds -- Seed Request Off Topic - Off Topic - Roleplay -- Official and Popular (Endorsed Threads, Hot Threads, etc. whatever you want to call it. This section can only have threads posted/moved here by staff, but posts by members on established topics are enabled obviously.) -- User Threads (Threads posted by users, popular ones (maybe not to be determined just by a thread having the "hot" tag or not) are moved to the Official and Popular sub-section) Geral - Discussão Just something to consider if the staff thinks RP would be a good idea. TL;DR: I want to know if the staff is interested in this being official, and if so should there be a new sub-forum/section (whatever the right term is) dedicated to RP. IMPORTANT: Please Read the Following Spoiler It's about rating which threads you want to see most, so please take the time to go through and do that Also, if people could go through (shouldn't take long) and rate each idea on a 1-5 scale (5=I really want this! 4=I want this. 3=I don't care, but may participate 2=I won't participate, but not opposed to existence 1=I don't want this at all) I will organize them according to highest average rating. (A poll doesn't really work for this purpose ) To refresh you memories, the ideas as of now are... (examples and explanations are in the OP)( I will create new posts to ask for ratings on any new ideas that come after this.) - Fantasy - Sci-Fi - Historical Eras - Misc. Fictional Characters and Universes - Minecraft Adventures - Minecraft Adventures Other Mods - TFC Adventures - D&D - TFC Forums Originals TL;DR: Roleplay threads, for dedicated roleplay. Doesn't replace derails. Maybe a new sub-section dedicated to roleplay. EDIT: Holy shit, this is my 666th post D:
  2. Hey, I was whitelisted awhile back, but I can't join for some reason... Just wanted to check back and make sure I didn't get removed. D: Here is my original post and your reply Original: Reply: Done (I just got enough time to start playing on a server again, that's why I tried joining for the first time almost two months after I was whitelisted.)
  3. What build is this on? If it's still around, that is...
  4. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    GAH!! Sorry about the double post...
  5. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    The hope is to get this to be official, as in an entire sub-forum for roleplaying threads. It would make it a lot easier than trying to shift through Off-Topic for 10+ threads, and would keep the forums more organized.
  6. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    for all of them Ok, I'll average that in, thanks for the feedback (I'll post the current averages within the next few days)
  7. Chivalry in Minecraft?

    Well, because It is something I personally support, but I know Bioxx has stomped this. But I didn't realize how much I flip flopped there... I'll revisit that. EDIT: Changed it to reflect Dunk's point, it sadly would be a waste of time to suggest it, no matter how much anyone wants it. It runs perfectly fine for me... But then again, I do Skyrim on Ultra with tons of graphical mods
  8. They said they were going to fix it for 1.4, and that didn't happen. Mojang needs to learn not to make promises they can't keep
  9. the alpha caveman

    You get a shit ton if you do find it though... more than you will ever use, or even want to find a way to store.
  10. Chivalry in Minecraft?

    Not gonna happen, any sort of serious combat overhaul has been squishidy squashed by Bioxx, sorry. Although I love Chivalry's combat system, implementing in into TFC seems... difficult, at best. (And to be clear, I totally 100% support this notion, It's just that, well, Bioxx said no ) EDIT: Disregard my previous suggestion to officially suggest this. As dunk pointed out, it isn't worth suggesting. I wish it was, but that's the way it is, I guess.
  11. TFC Birthday Contest Discussion Thread

    Oh, this is going to be fun! Time to get to work. Also, happy birthday TFC! I got you a cake. :3 Jokes aside, here is the actual cake. Courtesy of Google images. Sadly, no one has posted pictures of a Terrafirmacraft cake, so this will have to do...
  12. Ugh, been trying to play build 71 all night, but stupid optifine won't work and I am getting shit performance without it... anyone care to help? And yeah, the new builds look awesome! So happy that wood is now chisle-able, and the boulders are amazing as well! Thanks Bioxx, This is an awesome update! Keep in mind it is 4 planks to make a plank block... and also 4 planks to make a plank face. So... no, they are the same cost, really. :/
  13. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    Yay! People actually used the rating system! (Other people, do it too, please! it will help me get a better suggestion together so that this can actually happen!) Anyways, adding anime thread to OP. Figured I should also do it myself... Fantasy - 5 Sci-fi - 4 Historical Eras - 4 Misc. Fictional Characters and Universes - 4 (Just because of Sherlock ) MC Adventures - 1 MC Modventures - 2 TFC Adventures - 3 D&D - 3 TFC Forums Originals - 5 (Sherlock could work here too) Anime - 2
  14. Then go to the thread in off-topic and use the rating system in the OP to help me put together a more complete and thought out suggestion that I'm working on. I just want some other people's input before I do that. And yeah, a start on the construction update seems likely, but I do hope there is some terrain gen in the mix
  15. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    Awesome, care to share which ones you are most interested in? There is a system for rating them somewhere in the OP. (The rating information is in a spoiler with big read text over it saying "IMPORTANT: PLease Read The Following Spoiler")
  16. The last post of THIS thread I didn't even know we had a thing called warning points. Worse, I don't remember if I participated in that derail or not, or even what it was about... :/ But yeah, I'm still really confused.
  17. Ok, done, thanks for the tip (Also, Wolf, RP is the abbreviation for Roleplaying, wikipedia article HERE if you need it. THIS one too, although I'm not only talking about things like Dungeons&Dragons.) EVERYONE! Please go to the original thread in Off-Topic and use the rating system to help me formulate a better suggestion! PLEASE RATE!!!!
  18. I started a thread in off topic earlier today, but as it is technically a suggestion I'm going to post it here as well. It also applies to many of the vets who enjoy derailing threads here in suggestions, but don't often look in the Off Topic section. Here is a link to the original thread, post relevant things there please: http://terrafirmacra...3200#entry43200 (Note: This isn't meant to replace derails, it would just add another way to have fun here on the TFC forums)
  19. I don't think I can change the title... :/ But that didn't even cross my mind, sorry. EDIT: I changed it, I hope it's less confusing now
  20. Ok, let me be clear, I'm not arguing against what the staff are doing, at all. And I can completely understand why these things are annoying, even from my point of view the NPC insanity had me very annoyed and derails aren't what they used to be, they have become meme wars. I was just seeking a little more information, because, as far as I know, there is only crysyn's post, which only made me confused. So yeah, what exactly is this new strike/warning system thing, and how does it work?
  21. I can see the derails part, kinda. But the whole NPC thing was a bunch of newcomers (and Menoch) that wasn't the entire community, a lot of us tried to solve the problem and fight against the whole NPC swarm thing...
  22. Why have you guys been cracking down so hard on anything off topic lately? (I'm just wondering, that's all, so please don't take this the wrong way. It just seems to have been such a dramatic and rapid shift that it seems a bit strange...) :/
  23. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    Sorry to bump, but... In light of things recently said by crysyn, this suggestion has become something that I think is necessary to continue the fun we have on these forums (the reason I come here to be honest, I only actually play TFC once or twice a week if that.), without pissing off the moderators. So, please, give this a look, a like if you want, and discuss. (also, would it be possible to get this thread merged into the one in suggestions? The suggestions forum is a better place for things of this nature.)
  24. Sorry to bump, but... In light of things recently said by crysyn, this suggestion has become something that I think is necessary to continue the fun we have on these forums (the reason I come here to be honest, I only actually play TFC once or twice a week if that.), without pissing off the moderators. So, please, give this a look, a like if you want, and discuss. (also, would it be possible to get the original thread in the off topic section merged into this one? The suggestions forum is a better place for things of this nature.)