Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by achartran

  1. Congrats on breaking 1,000 posts :)

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Thanks, i guess. :P

    2. Kimbblesrath


      Anyway, how do you do that, like direct a status to a member?

  2. Improved Inventory

    neither did I, but everyone keeps calling it that... And I think it would take up four slots horizontally, instead of 2x2.
  3. Improved Inventory

    It's a diablo style inventory,wolf. Isn't there still an active thread on this very subject going on right now? (Did you know about that topic?) While, I don't love the idea I don't hate it either, I am a fan of the current mechanics of the inventory we have now, but I support splitting that up so that a full inventory could only be achieved with craft-able backpacks, etc. I just don't really like how this makes your inventory looks, I guess. But yeah, I'm neutral on this one, I guess.
  4. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Spanish, French and Italian (Portuguese too, I think) are all based off of Latin, so it actually makes sense that they are so similar. However, English is a Germanic language, but has an insane amount of french in it, like, a shit ton. That's because when England was conquered by the Normans, who were French, starting in 1066, the Normans introduced French into the Saxon's language (I think English, but English back then was like a different language compared to today's English). So, the fusion of the two languages produced this weird Germanic-Latin hybrid language that somehow got popular, despite being such a convoluted mess. My point is, the Spanish didn't rip anyone off, it is just how Latin evolved in that particular region (after the Roman Empire collapsed the Latin normally spoken in the various regions just kinda morphed over time into what it is now, which is several distinct languages with lots of similarities.) Remember that "terra" is a direct latin word and the phrase "terra firma" is a latin phrase meaning "solid earth", the Spanish just added an "i" and the Italians didn't change a thing, but both languages are roughly the same age. I'm rambling now, so...
  5. D: Why did the kingdoms thread get unstuck?!?

    1. LordOfWolves
    2. Kimbblesrath


      Un-stickied. The thread used to be stickied, but now it isn't.

    3. LordOfWolves


      Full of new posts?

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  6. Kinda on topic question... (Ok, barely on topic.) Is it possible for TFC to fix that really, really, really annoying dark shadows bug? I know this is an issue with VMC and not TFC, but if this could be done I would be eternally grateful. Here's a few pictures to show what I'm talking about (I understand that this likely requires editing base classes, and I understand why that won't happen, I'm just kinda hoping that there is some way that new code can fix it... . I know nothing about coding, so I have no concept of the difficulty or possibility of what I just asked, but it was worth a shot, right?) If this isn't possible (or the devs just don't want to do it), does anyone know if there is a mod compatible with TFC that does this, it doesn't have to do only this, but this bug bugs (get it?), a lot.
  7. "Then Bioxx said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Well, there already was light, but he just made it better." Glad to see this is something you are going to be working on, can't wait to see what you come up with. (Before religion becomes an unwanted topic here: The quote is from the bible, yes. Does that mean I'm religious or promoting Christianity in any way? No, absolutely not, it is simply a joke. Please don't turn this into a religious discussion, we all know how that ends.)
  8. Rum really doesn't require steam power to make, and it is perfectly feasible in TFC's current timeframe. It just happens that the exact thing we call rum today developed on earth past the 1500s, but that was really only because Europe didn't start heavy colonization of the Americas until later than the 1500s, but Rum could have easily been around if the Americas became widely colonized in the 1300s. And since TFC isn't locked into Earth's history, there isn't really a good reason to not include it because of the time period. So, rum should definitely be in TFC if alcohol gets in. If it gets left out, how am I supposed to be a swashbuckling pirate?
  9. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    Minecraft doesn't render blocks that don't have at least one face bordering air, thus most ore deposits are not visible through methods like the one you mentioned.
  10. Tribes with A.I. Controlled Characters

    Don't call it an NPC, because you just described a mob. That was your first and fatal mistake with this... This needs to be derailed again, but I'm not up for it atm, any volunteers?
  11. The Hades Code

    It may not be hard, but this is like saying "here's a bunch of letters, now go have the whole internet in front of you and find exactly how to solve this thing I just made up." Well, I googled it, and guess what, nothing came up. It isn't morse, it isn't an anagram, if it's a Caesar cipher it would be damn hard to crack without a decoder. So what in bloody blazes is it?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and here are those numbers... T 20 H 8 E 5 F 6 I 9 G 7 U 21 R 18 F 6 W 23 L 12 K 11 G 7 D 4 O 15 V 22 H 8 R 18 U 21 P 16 V 22 I 9 I 9 G 7 M 13 Q 17 X 24 J 10 N 14 H 8 Y 25 B 2 W 23 J 10 S 19 C 3 O 15 E 5 L 12 P 16 K 11 N 14 X 24 Y 25 R 18 F 6 T 20 K 11 Q 17 M 13
  12. The Hades Code

    I'm now matching each of the reflected sequence's letters to their corresponding numerical position in the alphabet. I have no fucking clue what I'll do after that, but it seems like a good idea.
  13. The Hades Code

    THEFIGURFWLKGDOVHRUPVIIGMQXJNHYBWJSCOELPKNXYRFTKQM? I see a start with "THE FIGUR..." but then it becomes a random jumble of letters
  14. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    In the seeds section someone posted a seed that they had found a super cluster in. and they used some program to remove all the layers. But yeah, you are kinda ruining the fun for yourself if you actually do this, this mod is way more fun with some exploration and experimentation thrown in. This isn't vanilla, you will severely degraded your TFC experience if you do this kind of stuff. And also, if you do end up finding a way to do this, PLEASE do NOT post it anywhere, many people don't want this information and it makes it easier to avoid if it isn't there in the first place. The wiki really does have all you need to know, many parts are intentionally less informative than the VMC wiki, you aren't supposed to have all the answers.
  15. Animals!

    .O ... o.0 (I'm still soooooo confused right now?) ./|/ / | ./ /
  16. Scorched ground

    It's not that I don't like them, I have nothing against them and thought many were very cool. It's just that I can never keep going past the first few episodes, I don't have a lot of free time usually and I try and spread what I do get out over gaming, this forum, movies, tv shows, drawing, music (guitar), trying to learn java, and other hobbies. That means I usually am very picky about what I watch and when, and when there are a few hundred episodes for an anime to watch It would take me a year to just watch the first 50, where I can finish a season of Doctor who in 2 months if I'm lucky. Now add all of that up with a story line that Is (often) very complex and confusing and then add myself, who if more than a week has gone by will forget 65% of the story from the last time. So, it's less that I don't like anime, and more that anime doesn't like me.
  17. Scorched ground

    D: Well, on the bright side, I still have Sherlock to keep me company.
  18. Animals!

    ... 0.o
  19. Scorched ground

    Oh, I forgot about that thread. Dunk, if you see this go read the thread in Off Topic called "A Few RP Threads, Maybe?". It would be awesome if you and the rest of the staff at least thought about the idea. At least read it and see what you think, I mean, if you want to, I don't wanna pressure you to do anything.
  20. Mod combinations

    Ugh, I don't like using an installer, manual install is always the way to go, imo. But I will try it, I do seem have MultiMC for some reason... (Also, I edited my post, would you mind updating your quote so that it matches with the current version of the post? Sorry, it's bugging my OCD. )
  21. Mod combinations

    How do you have optifine working? What type are you using and what version? How did you install it? I need it to keep my fps from dropping from 150 to 2 every 10 seconds, and optifine the way I normally do it crashes TFC every 10 minutes. I don't know why my PC is doing this but it can run Skyrim, Sins of a solar empire and some other small-ish game all at the same time on high settings, but it can't run TFC (without optifine) and google chrome together...
  22. Always question things, if you don't you might end up with a doorknob through your face. Don't ask me how, but it could have been prevented if you questioned something.
  23. While that sounds amazing Dunk, what prompted you to tell us this? I must be missing something that happened, but I have read the whole thread an can't find a mention of any sort on the topic you just talked about. I'm just a bit confused is all. Yeeup, that's a new record, by a shit ton. That breaks the record previously set when I goaded like 3 people to keep giving me likes for no reason at all, Dunk's post deserves that title though.
  24. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    That mountain in the first picture is awesome, would you mind sharing the seed and coordinates of that mountain? It looks perfect for a build that I have been planning.
  25. Who actually suggested that? Sherlock is ready and waiting to bare knuckel box them to oblivion. But yeah, everyone here (I think) knows about these taboo subjects and that they aren't happening. Yep, it's a meme. Last one, I promise, ok guys? (If you start a meme thread here, Sherlock will kill you in your sleep. Because he is an assassin on the side now due to the fact that immortal detectives are not in demand at the moment.) EDIT: Woo! 800 posts!