Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by DoodTheDud

  1. Saplings

    What makes you say that?I'm no expert on plant biology, so I could be wrong, but I am fairly damn certain you can't take a single tree, rip apart its smaller branches and leaves, and plant another 8 trees from the meterial you collected. Most trees grow best from naturally distributing seeds around them after pollination from other nearby trees, no? I don't think it's realistic to create a forest from a larger tree you cut down. From a gameplay perspective, it stops trees being what they are now - insanely easy to get in ludicrously high amounts with absolutely no need to take any kind of steps to prevent overharvesting. Trees practically throw themselves at you in TFC. Ideally the tree would fall to the ground and require you to chop at the fallen trunk to obtain wood, but that might be a bit much to program. I did not know trees were a big WIP atm however, thanks for letting me know, and I do not mean to be argumentative. I just don't understand where you're coming from when you state that part of my idea makes no sense and give no reasonings for your statement.
  2. The TFC doors (sequoia door, etc) act oddly in multiplayer. When one player opens the door, the other player still sees it as closed until he opens it himself. He also cannot move through the door that he sees as closed. Me and my friend did further testing: My friend opened the door, and then I opened the door. He then closed his door, and while mine still appeared open, I could not walk through it. It's a difficult concept to explain, but basically, the doors don't act consistently for multiple players.
  3. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Of course not. They consider building adequate defenses to stop their stuff getting stolen as fun. Losing a game isn't fun, but playing is.
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    This isn't for the immediate future. This is a ways off.
  5. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Jebus, that's "short" for you? Quality post, however.
  6. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I meant the concept, not the fine-tuning. But yes, I agree.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    This is a good idea. The delay keeps them logging off when they sense defeat, but stops them losing everything while they're offline.
  8. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Stealing should exist, but ideally, you'd have to work even harder to successfully steal something without your identity being known than you would have to work to gain your items legitimately. Disallowing theft and vandalism greatly removes many fun possibilities from the game. The only thing that can make a real challenge for a human is another human. We're the only ones unpredictable enough.
  9. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I don't know about you, but I'm not talking about "griefing". I'm talking about thievery and raiding, which I believe should be a fun and interesting mechanic for both the owner of items and the thief/raider.I personally want to avoid having NPCs, but NPC guards that patrol the streets and confront strangers is, in my opinion, a FAR better option than protecting land. Perhaps there could be citizenship cards, and those who don't have them should try to avoid guard confrontations, which could lead to their death or imprisonment.
  10. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Anything that prevents people from freely altering blocks destroys all hope of PvP in SMP. It makes it impossibly boring. Make destruction something harder and more dangerous to do, and fighting cities is more than just stabbing at their inhabitants (which is very, very boring). Perhaps protect chests to some degree, for some sense of security, but making a huge square of a town into "protected land" that can only be altered by the tenants just kills any PvP aspect of the mod. Unless you were to add in siege equipment usable from afar to strike fear and damage structures from afar. I love this mod because it makes SMP more interesting. Tasks are difficult enough that people are motivated to band together. But once you get a little stick fence and some torches up, all danger is over. Forever. Allowing players to add to this danger adds fun. If everyone can close a door and ensure 100% safety for their equipment, why bother PvPing? There is no gain. Everyone just stashes their valuables the second a PvPer shows up, and then no-one loses anything. Sure, they lose their life, but people suicide just to get out of eating on Easy difficulty all the time. People don't value their life, they only fear dying because of losing their items and/or position. If you want to focus on SMP and communities, please try to avoid large swathes of protected land. Perhaps a town hall can be constructed around your "Home Stone" that is protected, and any structures beyond that are left open? Players should be building defenses (militias, arms and armor, etc) on their own. The most boring thing in any game is absolute safety and security.
  11. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    If you're going for SMP portions, there could be ways to set things on fire, and ways to fight that fire with water (No, not hoses per se, water buckets, fireproofing buildings beforehand, etc) Maybe fire wouldn't destroy blocks, but make "fire-damaged" blocks that are ugly, don't count as shelter, and are prone to collapse. Being close to a fire would cause mild heat damage (slow ticking), smoke could pool up in poorly-ventilated houses, fire could affect crops. What's the difficulty in holding a strong town together if raiders can just dig out some blocks? Also, I'd advise making creepers not drop explosives. Or reworking how they fight, even. Explosives make far too easy griefing tools and should be difficult to obtain. They also probably shouldn't stack, so if a group of raiders created enough gunpowder from sulfur and saltpetre, etc, they could have explosives, but in limited supply. I also feel like explosives in that situation could stand to have a little buff. Most types of stone make them near-useless, but they'd really do a number on bricks, since they're not solid stone. Of course, this is also based on having the Construction Update retool how buildings and such are made.
  12. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Honestly, you could get a flat rock and just dig through dirt like that.
  13. Animal mating

    Appreciated, thanks.
  14. Animal mating

    Not sure what you mean. This has been a consistent issue for all the players on my server on each version we've tried. Thank you for the rest of your response, however. We could breed them now if we knew what gender they were, but we're pretty sure all our animals are sterile hermaphrodites at the moment according to the debug feature
  15. Animal mating

    But how? The same as normal Minecraft? With Wheat? Do you just leave 'em near each other? Isn't there a mating season? Or is that a future plan? Also, why do some animals say "MaleFemale" when right-clicked, and vice-versa? Do I use the first one listed? I've literally never been able to click fast enough to get only one reading. It's either MaleMale, FemaleFemale, FemaleMale, or MaleFemale. It is extremely rare to find an animal that has the same gender listed twice.
  16. volcanic forgeing and smithing

    this sounds pretty awesome I like the idea of accidentally having lava melt your bucket
  17. suggestion: Zombie

    chances are you'll crush them with a cave-in before hitting them with sunlight
  18. Finish making minerals useful

    Depends. The propick itself is meant to simulate what? Very subtle signs that show a certain metal would be nearby. The shape of the rock, the past presence of water, slight mineral dust, etc. That's what I've always figured anyways. If someone was looking for certain ores, surely they could tell the signs of each ore? Or groups of ore?
  19. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Something should probably be lost in the process. Maybe like 10 ingots worth of metal back. if anything, fruit drops need to be nerfed. Even WITHOUT an orchard, the naturally-spawning fruit trees give way more food than 3-4 players on my server could possibly use. We're still using it a year later. I adore these two suggestions. This mod already makes caves a little more interesting, expanding on that would be amazing. Also rock transitions are very odd-looking at the moment. Redstone can pump bellows. Find some cinnabar Hope my feedback on your opinions doesn't annoy or offend you
  20. Enchantment system

    Dungeons should be ruined castles of some kind. Parts of the surface should be intact, but huge sections should be collapsed (and strewn all over the ground as cobble). Maybe throw a few vines on it. TerraFirma wouldn't really fit your standard ol' RPG dungeon. It's gotta feel real! It's gotta make you wonder what the surface used to be like. Hell, a castle alone might even be silly. I mean, castles were made to protect villages. Why not make an entire abandoned village? Chests could be hidden under rubble, in secret cellars of peasant houses, and hold things people might have hoarded or hidden. You could have a crypt on the end of town, a ruined city wall, mostly-overgrown farmland. It can't just be a dungeon for a dungeon's sake. Give it a backstory, even if a vague one. If you'd like, I can try to come up with something in Creative to try and inspire you. It might take a bit, though. I can make a whole village, and I can show it to you.
  21. Make beds buildable rather than craftable?

    This sounds like a good idea. Not any major mechanic, just "Well rested", "rested" and "tired" based on the quality of your bedding. Small factors on food and efficiency. Maybe tools break more easily when tired because you're sloppy. Maybe your aim with javelins and bows is a little less accurate, etc.
  22. Wheelbarrows - brainstorming

    making wheelbarrows of metal/wood, etc could add some fun to the mod. Perhaps you hold right-click to push it along. Adding metal wheels and such lets it go faster, making metal storage areas can maybe make it hold more. Give it an inventory similar to a chest. Then you can use it to help cart your finds home once you reach the surface. I'm open to brainstorming. This is a new, general idea and I just want to throw it out there.
  23. Animal meat / Drop Adjustment for decreased availability

    Is there any plans to have horses or some other work animal to pull carts and help you transport large amounts of items at once?
  24. Religion

    Exactly. Hence the "luck" thing I mentioned before. Honestly, I just want more themed decorations. I dunno about minecraft potions, but perhaps combining herbs and such could be added. Though shrubs and roots and such would need to be added to get anything realistic. Such as Aloe in desert biomes that can be used for slight healing/short regeneration boost.
  25. Water Barrel - metallurgy

    Fruit barrels could be neat. It feels so weird to store fruit in a chest, especially since its color isn't seen! (but also it would rot faster in a chest, wouldn't it?)