Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Berthjold

  1. Soil Nutrients

    What month is it in game? The only non-bug related reason I can think of for plants not working is that you are trying to plant them in winter.
  2. Agriculture (grains)

    As Gorni was trying to point out, only tomatoes have this function as of yet: when fully ripe, right-clicking will harvest tomatoes, but will revert the plant to an earlier stage.
  3. B64- Cannot make Copper tools- Intentional or Bug? You're right. While smithing copper ingots requires only a stone anvil, crafting a copper tool requires a copper anvil. Thank you!
  4. When inserting a copper ingot and a recipe into the anvil, the rules for smithing do not show to the right of the GUI, and the red and green indicators at the bottom of the GUI do not move from their idle position. Is the Wiki simply misleading in that one can create copper tools, or is this a bug. Thanks for the assistance!
  5. Latest Changes to Chests...

    Steve's a tough guy. He can take it. Also, I get the feeling that the addition of size limits for chests is probably a preliminary step to adding additional pile blocks (ala the log piles).
  6. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    All those little rocks you pick from the ground are cobblestone. Just right click on the ground with a rock piece.
  7. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    I haven't tried this, but couldn't fences be used to shore up the dirt?
  8. HELP, HELP, HELP!!!!!!!

    Also try deleting the config folder in your Minecraft directory, if deleting the META-INF alone does not work (I was having this problem with 49i).
  9. Chicken Eggs become Wheat when cooked

    As mentioned in the title, when I cook chicken eggs in the fire, they become wheat. While this is not a particularly bad thing, I'm curious as to what sick experiments have been to those chickens to convert their children into plant matter, and I'm curious as to whether this is a bug or a feature (I could easily imagine this as a place holder for wild grains). Has anyone else had this issue as well?
  10. Chicken Eggs become Wheat when cooked

    I haven't actually downloaded 48f, so I guess it must have been an issue with 48c. Cooking chicken eggs gives you cooked eggs, which are edible, and are a relatively good source of food until your crops grow. Assuming you have quite a few chickens, of course.
  11. Crop growth rate in 48(b)

    I thought the same at first, but then I realized you could stock up on fish if you catch a spider early on. Only catch is that I've been running around at night practically asking for something to jump at me and rip my face off, and haven't been able to find any hostile monsters. Is this just awfully bad luck, or have the hostile mobs gone on holiday and left me to starve to death?
  12. Missing Crop textures

    Perfect. Thanks!
  13. Missing Crop textures

    All of the crops I have planted seem to be non-descript white things. I'm not sure why this is the case, though, since the texture files are in their logical place within the archive. Is this a known problem, or is my computer finally rebelling against me and using mind tricks to drive me mad?
  14. Ore and world generation in 48b, back to 46?

    That is an awesome cave. If it's not in the change log, though, it might just be sheer luck.
  15. I haven't yet witnssed the changes to water (are there even any?), primarily since I haven't been able to craft a bucket yet, but I have been making due with aqueducts to irrigate my farms and power my sluices. I'm not sure if this is a completely useless request or not, but I was wondering whether it would be possible to increase the height range in which water can spawn. This could give the chance for players (especially on servers, where water demand would be higher) to construct aqueducts to transport water to perform all manner of existing and futre functions. Brilliant job on this mod so far Bioxx!
  16. Alright I give up

    I'm not sure about a feature which causes no charcoal to appear, but it could be a de-spawning issue, since the most recent versions cause the charcoal to appear as dropped iems. As for collapsing pits and destroying the firepit, I believe the firepits are now intended to vanish upon creation of the charcoal, since the new design possibilities for pits can create more charcoal than the firepit can hold. There are also several ways of making a charcoal pit to prevent it from caving in and destroying your charcoal: 1) Since grass grows quite fast in this mod, and does not suffer from physics unless you sprint over it (as far as I have observed), you can always make the shell of the pit from dirt first, and leave it to grow grass while you collect lumber. 2) If you have a chisel, you can create stone blocks, which currently refuse to obey the laws of physics, and so you can create permanent charcoal pit structures. I hope this helps with your questions!
  17. Finite Water and a Need for Aqueducts

    At the moment, a simple aqueduct can be made using wooden vertical and horizontal supports and cobblestone (although wood blocks would be equally simple. Although, the idea of having aqueduct blocks would be pretty neat as well. Edit. However, as far as I can tell, the heights at which one generally finds pools of water is not great enough to require transportation, and is best used locally.
  18. Saw + Plank block = 4 planks

    If the current plank blocks are implied to be piles of planks, perhaps they could be created in the same way as the log pile blocks?
  19. Chicken Eggs

    I love having cooked eggs in the mornings before checking my sluices, but I was wondering if there are any mechanics in place for egg incubation, or if this was slated for later?
  20. Minor Errors with Sluices

    Missed that. Thanks.
  21. Minor Errors with Sluices

    Has anyone else been having difficulty removing items from sluices? Here are two issues I have experienced: 1.Using Shift+click to remove items from the sluice inventory can make said items vanish. 2. Removing items from the sluice and attempting to stack them causes said items to vanish, but items stack perfectly well when being transfered from player inventory to a chest. Not a particularly big issue, but I'm curious if anyone else has experienced these issues.
  22. Bloomery Mold Patterns

    Besides tools and weapons, though, there are many things which can be made with cast metals. Although cast iron pots and pans aren't particularly necessary for Minecraft, items such as the cauldron and minecarts could potentially be made with a mold block which accepted molten metal. Other items of even greate size (which may or may not appear) could also be cast.
  23. Neolithic tools.

    After doing a little research to make sure this wouldn't sound like a foolish suggestion, I was wondering if it could be possible to add stone chisels and primitive scythes to the menagerie of tools already available? Their addition would certainly make constructing a starting (but lasting) shelter and starting a decent lumber farm before the monsters bite a little more economical, and perhaps allow more time to be dedicated to starting up a food industry.
  24. Neolithic tools.

    Not entirely true, although a good point. Chisels made of stone do exist, although they were made in the Neolithic, indicating they might have been more for minimum shaping than hewing massive blocks of stone. I know wikipedia is a dreadful reference, but here is a photo of some stone chisels (seemingly chert or flint): This is also a really good point. Perhaps, noting now the idea that stone chisels were probably used more for decoration purposes, stone chisels would be unable to make stone bricks, but rather only the smooth stone blocks? Unless the smooth stone blocks made by chisels can be used for anvils, of course. I'm so pleased this concept has received such great constructive criticism!