Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Scooterdanny

  1. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    I see no reason why he should magically be alive now, he died, that adds to server lore ECC. It's not like he lost a lvl 85 in WoW.
  2. useless bone meal

    This was part 1 of 2 i believe, i will throw a fit if we don't get Soy... as it is most of my diet lol.
  3. crops growth time

    Umm, go post this in that thread, rather than making a new topic man, this is silly.
  4. Fortification

    You could use cane, to make Punji, which was used quite frequently in Vietnam, also cane is much harder to come by (or will be) so it would be semi-balanced.
  5. Adjustable year length or tweaking crop growth

    I would really like this for more customization for SSP. good post Elustran.
  6. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    Mil just means thousand. Like a MILlennium, It comes from Latin Mile = thousand.
  7. food preservation

    Hey dazzer, just a heads up pal, if a topic is more than 7 days old, i would advise against posting things like "i like this" without a constructive comment. (People will get on ya for being a necromancer)
  8. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    I dunno, i think he did die, but let's see what jed says.
  9. Encumbrance

    Alright, to start with i always found it silly that in minecraft, one can be armored, and equipped like a walking tank, i think that there should be penalties to speed & buoyancy. so running around with a broad-axe, and full steel plate, should either/both Slow you down/Tire you more quickly. and also, the more you have equipped, the more wary you would have to be of deep water, as wearing 40 kilos of armor is difficult to float it. Also, this should pertain to bags (should they be added) when equipped. NOTE- I am note suggesting having the inventory items affect you an any way, merely the equipped armor and perhaps item in hand. I know that snips of this have been suggested before in threads, such as the believable inventory thread, but i wanted to give these ideas their own thread for convenience of Dunk and Bioxx.
  10. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    I included the fake one anyways in parenthesis.
  11. NEI plugin

    What is this... I don't even.... But i approve lol.
  12. Redstone

    Unless the target is not just you pal
  13. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    What would make the transition much smoother, is putting duplicate conversion as well as the original for a long time period, so as to let people easily, and naturally adjust.Ie, Sign says X Mph, and Y KPH
  14. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    By the way, at the top of the page, there is an add, Apply for a new Charictor... lol misspelled ads? And i guess i'll Re-apply during my psych Lecture tomorrow lol.
  15. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    Yup It's also like twice as sweet, And now, Off to Bio-engineering class, talk to you fellows later.
  16. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules] Pre-genning causes predictable lag when the server is not open, instead of having constant lag when everyone joins in, and starts exploring.
  17. NEI plugin

    The ratio needs to change, because from where the two lines match up, it's the same on every world.
  18. I have to say... While it looks interesting, it looks like everything is made from Legos, Any chance of maybe switching the style on some blocks? Because they all have that underlying theme (Could just be my preference however)
  19. I sense too much "Would you kindly" Next, you will be asking us to get stepped on by a Big Daddy...
  20. Joe Biden is coming to mine Wednesday.
  21. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    May i ask what it is a picture of? (try F5) it's cute though ~♪
  22. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Probably ignored for sanity, i would like to forget ever watching cupcakes.
  23. *gulps for air* Lb.... Lb photorealism for TFC.... my god, i love you now.
  24. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    You misunderstand, Sucralose, is a slightly modified Sucrose, in which, producers substitute three of the Hydroxyl groups with Chloride. This creates a chemical, that tastes like Sucrose, but isn't absorbed by the body. Ergo, Non-caloric. Sucrose is a disaccharide, that is what most companies call Sugar.
  25. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    The thing about Organic and natural... they have absolutely no controlled meaning, i could have a soft drink full of artificial preservatives, and Sucralose, and still call it both names...