Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Scooterdanny

  1. Organic Combat Programming

    Yeah, dunk made a really long post about this. all of those yes.
  2. Scorched ground

    Yeah, i really Prefer Python for scripting, and well said sir.
  3. The Craft.

    With the current voting system, it is impossible to have anything but a two party system, we need something like the alternative vote.
  4. The Craft.

    Lol, say goodbye to the democratic party then XD
  5. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    I believe Brony is Asexual, although pegasister does have a certain female part to it.
  6. Smithing

    You must be wayyy overestimating, i've never lost an ingot, 'cept due to heat, i would really look at a tutorial video.
  7. Glass Blowing

    Ahahaha, wow, it wasn't that good of a post was it? O.o
  8. Decaying Food Continued

  9. Scorched ground

    Nah, BLAST is simple as hell, i've been using a crap ton of programming related functionally, (i really dislike matlab on a side note, the scripting languages are bad imo)
  10. The Craft.

    Sigh... i'm out, some people just don't see how limiting availibility REDUCES usage, not eliminates it. It's a good thing that people don't have access to full auto guns (legally) otherwise, there would be many more homicides with assault rifles.
  11. Redstone

    Redstone is similar to a mineral only found in sweden, mojang is from sweden, ergo coincidence.
  12. Smithing

    Hmm? okay what i do in that circumstance, is just get the bar a little to the right of the goal, (like a cm) then use light hit twice, does that help?
  13. Organic Combat Programming

    Great post jed, however, what about explosions? Would those be considered Crushing damage?
  14. Smithing

    Then you would do something like any/hit, any/hit, hit. so the 3rd or 2nd has to be hit, as well as the last. so hit,draw, hit would work for that recipe. also, hit includes light and hard hit.
  15. Smithing

    Hit last means the very last move you make has to be hit, but hit not last, is the opposite, the rules track the last 3 moves you make, so Bend, draw, hit = hit last, and hit,draw, shrink =hit not last. so 2nd, or 3rd to last is the latter.
  16. Pre-Stone Age Weaponry

    Imma just wait and see other opinions, as i think a wooden sword is as much work, as a pointy rock on a stick is.
  17. Smithing

    What exactly are you having trouble with? overshooting, or just following the rules? maybe watch a video from Crysyn (the spotter's guide) or Heinrich, in the LP section of the forums.
  18. Pre-Stone Age Weaponry

    Well, i think dunk is interested in damages being different depending on the item, IE feathers suck, and a shovel is much better. Wooden swords, aside from maybe breaking bones, aren't quite leathal. (remember Kendo? those are training swords for a reason.) I agree javelins should require knapping, but really, knives were quite common pre-stone age. But atalattles (or however you spell it) and slings were quite common, depending on the location. But more importantly...
  19. Scorched ground

    Psh, bioinformatics wasn't that bad when i took a course on it XD But still, fire arrows-Bad, besides the fact that the range on them sucked balls, and took like 6 times longer to use. The complication of it is too much, unless the griefing potential is taken away, or an option added for it. But i think many people that contest the griefability of an addition, have yet to actually try multiplayer tfc seriously. It's way too easy to just waltz in and ruin days, and days of effort, in less than one minute.
  20. Little note about Farming

    I would like rain filling confined spaces with rain, so resevoirs would actually work, IE aqueducts would be possible with this. as well as damns and irrigation.
  21. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    You can define what damage values a recipe would accept, otherwise repair wouldn't work, for damaged axes, they just say IE 22:-1 for all values i believe
  22. Considering the fact that we have sulfur and charcoal, i think it only makes sense that we get gunpowder. And ergo, some form of explosives, or maybe fireworks. No idea.
  23. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Just a tip JAG, it's heard, for the simple past of hear, not heared.
  24. Scorched ground

    You realize, of course, there has to be Hooks to obtain that kind of information? That's why Sdbaynham was trying to upgrade to the latest forge with new hooks that would allow logging of what was taken from a chest. A hook would have to be made, that logs the trajectory, time, position of arrows, then with that, logging all fires started by that one item, so essentially, a new fire entity, with logging of all the affected blocks from that fire. It would be f***ing terrible, please don't say it's easy, because it really isn't.
  25. Indestructible Stone

    MFW this is just like that skyrim quest, where the servant of sheogorath is hearing him, and nobody else can.