Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TowerOfGlass

  1. Help. Animals don't drop anything.

    Yeah, looks like it was JAVA that crashed, rather than Minecraft specifically. Have you been able to run other java-based applications on your system, or is Minecraft the only one that you've tried?
  2. Disappearing ceramic vessels

    Yeah, it just happened to me as well . Just finished making up four non-terrible meals, placed them in a vessel, and the vessel promptly vanished along with the meals. (Actually, I'm not 100% sure whether it was the meals that vanished out of the vessel, or the vessel that vanished along with the meals, since I'm not sure how many empty vessels I had on me at the time. ) But the meals have completely vanished. Unlike the others, this happened entirely in my own inventory -- The vessel and the meals were in my inventory, I put the meals in the vessel. A moment later, and none of the vessels that I was holding had any meals in them. I'm pretty sure I used shift-click to move the meals from my inventory to the vessel, rather than drag-and-drop, if that helps to isolate the bug. If I find a way to repeat the bug reliably, I'll report back here with the info.
  3. Plate Tectonics WorldGen (co-programmer needed!)

    Doing something like this has been kicking around in the back of my head forever (since before Minecraft, just for generating realistic maps in general), but it's never gotten beyond the design stage. My C++ is a bit rusty, but it was solid back when I used it regularly, so I'm sure it will come back. I've never used C#. So, I'm interested in helping =^).
  4. Put the button back in, please.

    You could use a different texture pack, or install NEI (not enough items) and WAILA (What Am I Looking At, an NEI add-on)
  5. Question about salt

    Wait, you're claiming that (IRL) the average cubic meter of sea-water has 34 kilograms of salt? Citation please -- because that seems like a lot to me.
  6. Non-translucent doors and trapdoors

    Example: the blackout curtains from Extra Utilities.
  7. Throwing in my support; I'd like it if crafting four stones together gave a drystone construction block that behaves like cobble used to.
  8. Animals escape TFC enclosures

    In vanilla, i also use glass -- bevause it seems that if you use solid blicks other than glass or glowstone, animals will sometimes suffocate inside them rather than glitching to the other side like with fences.In tfc, i've been using a double-enclosure: fence, one block wide pth, another fence.
  9. world gen balanced?

    You have to be at least about 4000 away from the eequator before you start seeing any trees; in my experience you have to go considerably further before you start seein fruit trees (or any tree other than the kapok/acacia jungles)
  10. Open Air Latrine Design

    You... might want to look up "latrine" in a dictionary. Stikl, coil dwelling
  11. How do i gather drinking water?

    Salt water is not drinkable, won't restore thirst, and can't be put in a jug. You want fresh water -- which often has cattails growing in it to distinguish it from salt-water (Note that some costal pools may have both salt and fresh water blocks in the same body of water)

    AHA! This is very useful to know. A "terrible" combination will remain "terrible" regardless of my skill, but a "poor" recipie is a keeper, because it will improve with my skilk level.Figuring out the whole meal-prep thing feels less impissible now
  13. Greetings. I'm new to terrafirmacraft. After three games where I starved within the first two days, and a forth where I braved foraging at night to avoid starving and was slain by a horde of zombies, on my fifth try, I've finally made it to early autumn so far. Having played a little bit, I have a few questions. 1. The wiki says that chickens will drop eggs "fairly regularly", but I've never seen them do this. I think I've seen somewhere on these forums that hens dropping eggs has been disabled, and there is now no legit way to get eggs in-game. Is this the case? If so, can the wiki be updated to reflect this? 2. What effect does nutrition or the lack thereof have? Two of my bars are full, three are empty, but I haven't noticed any ill effects. 3. Speaking of nutrition, why is "dairy" a food category? Yes, I remember that as a child in the U.S. in the 1970's, it was one of the official USRDA "four food groups", but that was because of lobbying from the dairy industry. Since there is no in-game equivalent to the U.S. dairy industry lobby, why is "cheese" a separate category from the other proteins? Is there a nutritional/gameplay reason for it that I'm missing? 4. Does storing food too close to a pit kiln or cooking fire cause it to spoil faster from the heat, or is only the climate-based heat taken into account? Contrarily, does storing it underground or in a cave protected it from climate-based heat at all? 5. I couldn't find anything on the Wiki about winter. Is there information somewhere that I missed? I've been scrambling to save up food, but it would be nice to have a better idea what the effects of the winter season are. 6. Is there anything that can kill animals other than you killing them or falling off cliffs/into lava? (Oh, and other than wolves killing sheep?) Thanks! PS -- oh, forgot two: 7. The wiki lists "vegitables and grains" all in the same spoilage category. But are there differences within this category -- for instance would roots (carrots, potatos, onions, etc) spoil more slowly than, say, tomatos? 8. Speaking of nutrition, is there any way to get fruit in the winter, since there seems to be no way of preserving it? Or are you doomed to be nutritionally dieficient in the fruit category through much of the winter? PPS -- ack, another one: 9. Does whether or not you refine the grain first affect it's spoilage rate?
  14. Questions from a n00b (Nutrition, spoilage, winter)

    Ah, thank you both! I think it was pheasents after all -- they looked like pheasents, but when I didn't see anything that looked like a vanilla chicken after a lot of exploring, and there was no mention of pheasants on the wiki, I thought the chickens just got a cool re-model. 9 -- no, I was asking if the crop as-harvested, vs. as refined with a knife into grains, had different decay rates. (I'm sure that once I have a quern, I'll also wonder if bread is the same rate). I was just wondering if I should process my cereals into grains before I put them in storaege or just before I use them. Are bears stopped by fences? Or is more of a defense needed for my livestock?