Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Xechon

  1. [0.77.12] No Cheese for me

    The emptying glitch has been reported already, and will hopefully have a fix soon. However, your issue is probably that you filled the barrel to the top with milk. The vinegar actually counts as one unit in the recipie, turning the 7 other units of milk and the 1 unit of vinegar into 8 units of curdled milk (max). That is then sealed, and then - voila! Missing texture .
  2. Beds, healing, risk, and something new?

    Wow. This is really simple, and really elegant. I like it.However, I do not think that we even need to remove the spawn-setting capability of the bed. Firstly, if the issue is people waking up and healing from death sickness right away, removing bed-spawning won't help that. People will simply put their spawn next to their bed. Secondly, easy spawn devices lead to the ability for people to just throw one together in a pinch to beat up the baddie and grab their stuff, instantly. Beds, at least, take up an inventory slot, and take a few seconds to set spawn. They would be a good way to keep tabs on a long course, but beds work just as well as that for all intents and purposes. Lastly, it would be adding a redundant feature into the game, something that makes sense as it is, put into something else for it's own sake. Successfully sleeping in a bed to skip the night already (seems to) heal you rapidly, and consumes a portion of your hunger to do so. However, people cannot always skip the night on servers, so a simple thing like bedrest (at any time) more rapidly increases health would make a large difference. I am still in favor of debuffs for lack of sleep also, and the quality of the bed could simply determine the rate at which one heals (also compensating for increased hp due to levels). One possible issue (that I can think of right now), though: Can we limit it in such a way that a bed must be established to work, so that people don't just carry a bed around and plop it down for a quick fix-up? Of course, this is discouraged by spawn points in some situations, but bedrest should be a thing that happens (at least) primarily in a controlled environment. Maybe the bed can be linked to the decreased spawn rates in a chunk?
  3. Armor Stands

    Try using item frames, if they are still craftable with the new TFC leather.
  4. Early Game Overhaul

    Since this thread is now about stamina, my personal stance is: Why? Humans may be squishy, have no natural weapons, and terrible senses to protect from predators and get their prey, but along with large socially-oriented brains and fine manipulators (opposable thumbs FTW!), we are naturally better in endurance. This is largely due to our shedding of fur and starting to use the more efficient sweat glands instead, because before bows and stone-pointed spears, our ancestors would pick up a big stick or stone and chase the animal to exhaustion, club it to death, then drag it back to his clan. All of this is to say, along with the other points made by myself and others, there is no real point to make a stamina system, and to have one would be more limiting than real life in these situations. Since so many people are intent on calling this mod a 'game'( ), it follows that things should be as hard or easier for the sake of not being frustrated out of your mind, not pointlessly harder. But hey, that's just my opinion.
  5. Early Game Overhaul

    I think you mean "poultry"
  6. Early Game Overhaul

    All of this is really good, except I really do not want a stamina mechanic. Stamina can be a skill, fine, but I love the way minecraft currently makes food (and tfcraft thirst) your stamina. It just doesn't make much sense to try to track a person's fatigue over a day because the limitations are very temporary, and with the 24 hour to ~20 minute time conversion in the game and the current system which actually requires input and no wasted time (the aforementioned hunger and thirst), adding fatigue would be redundant and either be unrealistic in time scale, or be extremely limiting. Regarding the hunting bit, seeing endurance hunting implemented would be amazing, and really any type of animal reaction would be very nice. I am tired of fenced pens being useless, as animals just sit there and eat anyway, and they just sit there and watch while you kill some of their kind. I know animals are planned to have wild counterparts that are potentially violent (and carcasses!) but I really hope this gets done well. Also, I love the implementation of skills, but I want to just say, please be careful. Skills should be treated like rpg's treat ability scores, and the actual skill should still be left up to the player. Speed, stamina, and yield seems like putting a lot of emphasis on the skills, so although it is pretty consistent with my general idea of how this would all work, we should maybe see if there is another way to handle some of those variables.
  7. Advancing Ages : Making it Harder

    I love the meat packages idea, gatts205. It goes really well with the feature I've been violently hoping for, carcasses. I have also had an idea that may fix the stacking issue, but being a complete novice in java and minecraft modding in general, I'm not sure if it would work, or even help a great deal. What if, at creation, an item or item stack does the normal calculations for their change of state (cooling, decaying, etc.) and stores that metadata as a time stamp, instead of constantly doing the calculations and timing down. My reasoning for this is that in the normal time that these processes occur, there would be very little significant change in the environment that will alter the general time of (cooling, decay, etc.). For example, you make some bronze on your metallurgy table, and at that time the calculations run and store the metadata for what hour/date/year the items will be at the individual temperature states. The items should still be able to stack, but still not with ones created at a significant time interval from themselves. This could also work by the day or so for decay, so that a single harvest will always stack. Change in state, like turning the unshaped metals into ingots, would simply redo the calculations based on it's current state, as with cooking/preserving foods, and everything should (in theory) still stack from the same general origin time. The process of metals cooling and food spoiling is like that object 'normalizing', and steps could also occur to help or hinder that process. For metalworking, putting an ingot in a water barrel helps the normalizing of the metal, cooling them off so they retain ambient temperature. Preserving foods in any way (cooling, salting, drying, etc.) would be a counter-normalizing process that causes their time to decay to increase, or erase all chance of decay, whichever is most favorable to the devs. Getting stacking and inventory management sorted out is pivotal to my next suggestion idea, so what do you guys think? Is this possible? Is it helpful in any meaningful way?

    Eh, I think not. So get this: TFCraft is a game, and games are about fun. This game in particular is also about verisimilitude, but then again all features are time-mapped from our 24-hour scale to a ~20 minute scale, which means that we can just assume that there has been downtime to rest anyway, and not be confined to the monotony of doing so ourselves. Now I think that the way a player's function and their health, hunger, and thirst affect each other should be altered, but as a no-imput system I would wholly expect player 'fatigue' to be based off of the previously mentioned three statistics. Bedrest, however, is a different topic - but a very controversial one, as there is no obvious good way to implement it. The best way I can think of to implement a better rest mechanic is to allow anyone to sleep anywhere, but the conditions of their rest location affects their stat usage/regen and afflictions upon waking. However, there is still the matter of enforcing sleep, although that could be made with a simple 'encouragement' feature that makes lack of rest (especially when injured) reduces performance to the point mention in the OP. As for furniture, use planks and microblocks. I have seen some amazing creations utilizing these features, and while I'm presently no good at it, I'm sure a little practice and design method research would go a long way. As a final note, be careful with that r word around these parts, there are many people who would be glad to correct you. This mod is strictly about believability, not realism.
  9. Really, halfmaster1 ? That's not what he is saying at all, and I believe Wheaton's Law applies here on the forums too. He is just having troubles finding iron, and noticed some possible improvements on the randomization processes currently in place. Now, I disagree about the propick thing, and would like to point out that if iron is too much, you won't have fun finding nickel or gold. Mining in it's very nature is a trial and error process, and I don't think it would be fun if it were that easy. However, that doesn't give anyone an excuse for such a childish, ignorant response. Come on people. Honestly, the best solution to your problem is as stated above; join a public server, or just try and be prepared to fail. If surface tunneling isn't your cup of tea, there is also the hallway method, where you dig down to the second layer hotspot and just dig until you hit the proper stone type, then branch off and prospect, and move on if all fails. Or maybe you would more appreciate caving, a less reliable and thorough method, but much more entertaining for some. I found my first hematite vein by prospecting the far reaches of the cave that was my home (turned out to be exposed above too, but I missed it ). You should get used to the ins and outs of TerraFirma mining soon enough, it a learned process, exactly as intended .
  10. Okay, okay. Methinks everyone should calm down a bit. I both agree and disagree, from a science enthusiast's perspective, with some of the points made here, and although my own personal dreams for this mod have been proven to be a bit different than the overall consensus, I believe a lot of this is stemming from misinterpretation. To me it seems ToySoldierAlan is simply stating that there are things that are not made known on the wiki which are pivotal to advancing in the game. However, he clearly still appreciates the unknown in tasks in which he has the information to complete, regardless of the difficulty or arduousness of the task. I appreciate that, and totally agree that the random tasks should be random within a world too (although it is still way more exiting than vanilla or any of those menial tech mods), however that is a suggestion, not a discussion topic. I would however like to know which information you feel you are starved of, ToySoldierAlan, as the wiki tells what stones an ore may spawn in, and it seems you are already armed with the knowledge that iron spawns in the second layer of stone. The only real way to do it is just dig down and take a peek. On the topic of discovery, I personally want to see this mod at a point where you look at the wiki to see what is possible, and then Wikipedia to see how it's done. I know, it's far-fetched, but as with science, I love discovery, and currently, TFC's 'embargo' on hard numbers has provided that a great deal. Of course, I had to read the wiki to make stone tools, to find ore deposits, to make the next alloys - and honestly, if there were numbers there I would have read them and despised myself for doing so. It is still an adventure discovering the best methods for mining, smithing, discovering the ins and outs of farming, et cetera. Finding the iron with the knowledge you have is the adventure, the part of the sandbox building and mining game you all know and love that separates survival from creative. Now, I'm not saying you asked for this information, ToySoldierAlan. On the topic of Entropy, I agree that it could use a bit of an upgrade, from simply seed based to including outside factors. However, I definitely do not want to see random recipes, for meals, smithing, or what have you. That would simply rid us of the discovery of method, which is just as important to the entertainment of this game, at least from my perspective. However, I could see the changing of the meal system such that the results, as in the results of smithing, are not completely random for each world, but personal player experience may lead to the intended result, but the getting there is different each time. I'll end with this: Science gives us answers, and they are universal. The goal of the mod being verisimilitude - and fun every time you play it - randomness should be handled with extreme care. The mining process describes it nicely, as does the land generation and several other features of this mod. You don't know where it is, but you know how to find it. You don't know what it will be like, but you know how to go about it. You don't know what may occur, but you know how to prepare for the worst. P.S.) I lied, it doesn't end yet . I hope I have not offended, or misinterpreted anyone in this post, and if I have, I am sorry. My views are extremely biased from a ridiculous simulationism ideology. Also, I recommend this topic be further discussed in a different post, in the suggestions forum, as I am now thoroughly intrigued. Have a wonderful (insert general time of reading). And as always, welcome to the forums.
  11. Revamp: "Treecapitator" effect on trees

    Oh, the floating blocks are a bug, that happens with all large trees to some extent in TFC. I do not have any experience with other tree-felling mods but this has been a problem for as long as I remember, and with all of the "fixes" that were released in it's direction it seems to be a difficult problem to tackle. I'm pretty sure you can still craft a flint and steel though...
  12. Revamp: "Treecapitator" effect on trees

    Honestly, if we are redoing trees I wanna see roots, stumps, boughs, branches, twigs, better (not necessarily 1m cubes) trunk and leaf models (including tree dimensions, aging, and growth stages) and felled trees becoming a felled tree entity which you can push or drag around with effort, and you must break off the bits of the tree that you want. However, I really cannot see any of that happening. TFC doesn't need auto-gathering twigs, especially as much as it needs combat and ceramic age updates . The feature of having to collect sticks manually is very much intentional, adding more of the 'Stone age tedium -> Metal age simplicity' dynamic to the game. Sorry if I came off as a jerk, rereading that it kinda sounded that way .
  13. I am incapable of placing ingots, in SMP and SSP on both creative and survival, with TFC ingots. Right click on the top of a block, nothing happens in survival, with dirt and smooth stone. Same thing in creative, and it swings at the block as if I hit it, but it doesn't place anything and doesn't subtract from my inventory. Lastest hotfix (14). Everything else works fine, aside from increased lag (which I can handle). Tried on the launcher and a regular load of the mod. Please help!
  14. Okay, so I can't do anything with these ingots.

    Ah, thank you! I feel dumb now
  15. A few things are broken.

    This report is for Beta Build 76 Hotfix 7. It was also a build 75 world converted, but I'm pretty sure I didn't screw anything up with the server. Ingots cannot be placed in the world, and do not fit into chests. In survival, right clicking with an ingot in your hand does nothing, in creative it "hits" the target block but does not place the ingot. It doesn't make a difference whether they are spawned in or not.Flowing water looks still, but still effects the player normally. Finite water still levels off fine.Individual planks turned into handstones, plans turned into spindles, small ore chunks turned into blue steel buckets (Lava). Something that stacks at least to 8 turned into chestnut doors. Glass bottles (empty) are missing texture.New worlds load sometimes, crash sometimes, and pretend to load perpetually sometimes. FPS reduced dramatically, although that may just be the launcher.All previously existing animals have disappeared, but all other creatures seem to be working now. I'll post more if I find them. I just wanna say, THANK YOU DUNK! I wasn't here for the mad quick fix frenzy, but it must have been hectic.
  16. Missing Chunks When Cutting Willows

    I can reinforce this too, I kept falling in . Although I'm not sure it was caused by willows, because there were several chunks missing elsewhere, and glitched chunks in the fruit tree orchard. Might've been a problem with the server. Also, hello tree!
  17. Trees models

    I don't mean to be mean, making you all do the research yourself, but I really don't think I can explain this well enough for everyone to understand, so: Paper defining factors and methods of tree growth; Definition of systems used to randomly generate realistic plants and trees from a set of rules and a base code; (Needs environmental factors during life cycle) How trees are structured and forests around them, fractally; Something I found that describes how to generate fractal trees in java; Fractal trees that grow over time, please. You could make it start out as a sapling, then grow slowly over time, increasing height and thickness. Also, tiers of tree wood; stick, branch, bough, log. Please don't keep logs a meter wide, either. Also, roots, stumps, tree felling (not just dropping logs), cut it up, drag it around, cut into planks, voila. It's a bit choppy, sorry. Post and run, y'know?
  18. Suggestions for um... Suggestions forum

    Well, whenever spAnser sees it we should know if it would work . I obviously think it's worth a try.
  19. I've noticed, too many times, good threads derailed, old topics usurped by younger clones, and necromancy of the highest degree. Yet, worst of all is the sayings, repeated by veterans and lively new ones quick and eager to learn. These are, but are not limited to: "Lurk Moar" "Just click the like button" "Thread necro" "This has been suggested many times before" " Bioxx/dunkleosteus has rejected/accepted this already" "This is a planned feature" Now, I know it is good intent, and has gotten better since Dunk's revelation (tell newbs to lurk moar, bash when they necro == bad). However, I am still disappointed in the direction many posts head. Even then, some good ideas are flooded and intimidating to onlookers, not wanting to surf through 16 pages to make sure they aren't reposting or necroing for no good reason. Therefore, I suggest a change, to how we suggest changes. There could be a few feeds per post, all accessible from a bar at the top of any entry, below the post's title. These feeds would be off-topic (because it is going to happen), amendments, counter-suggestions, discussion, regular (as it is now), and on-topic (everything except off-topic and regular). Instead of excessive quoting for replies, they could be structured into "comments" in all but the regular mode, branching off of another post. These would be spoilered so that one can easily see that something is there, and choose to read or not, and keep going along. Quotes would still be available but a lot less necessary for how they are used. When someone makes a thread, everything is normal. Replies to the original post of the thread are made as comments under the original post, and further replies choose which post then to comment under, forming a long, branching tree of posts. These can be sorted through methodically by readers, and those reading will be asked to take the time to click a button a the bottom of the post, specifying whether that particular post is off-topic, an amendment, or a counter-suggestion. The poster may also vote which category it belongs to, but once there are 2 or more votes, the thread is moved into that category, and any further votes are still tallied, just in case people are attempting to troll. Also, to see what a particular person has to say on the entire topic (through all posts), and to easily view if they have been misbehaving with the system, clicking on a button on the person's identifying sidebar would bring up an account of everything they have done on that post, and the time. A new suggestion forum sorting option (recently updated, start date, etc.) would be tags. As of now, we can add one tag to suggestion topics: suggestion. New tag groups and a good system for proposing new tag groups would be nice, so that one can easily search for accepted, rejected, magic, basket-weaving, etc. threads, and less reposts should be made that way, yet all ideas currently held here can be preserved (albeit only in regular mode). To prevent anger over necroing, users subscribe to each individual part of a thread separately, and can change an option on their preferences to have subscriptions expire after x amount of time. People are still encouraged to hit the like button, instead of saying "I really like this". There it is. It's not perfect, but it seems better to me at least. Please, make amendments and counter suggestions to help with this.
  20. Suggestions for um... Suggestions forum

    Sorry . Fixed it. I have to say that was very quick. What are your thoughts?
  21. falling sand

    Are you talking about the little glitch hits when dirt falls beneath you? I agree that should be fixed, but falling prone would be a good alternative... Also, why are you trying to pillar in the first place? That's a no-no in this mod, you should know better.
  22. falling sand

    Well yes, it is a cubed meter technically, however until scale in both space and time get fixed I don't think we can use that as an accurate approximation. And inventory size. I believe that if one's head space is covered, your breath bar should start depleting and you take damage from suffocation the same way as drowning. Once all objects have a weight, if they drop on a player or mob, they would take damage based on the weight and the speed (usually the acceleration of gravity until terminal velocity) and be pinned until someone else comes and helps them or they die; either naturally, from lack of sustenance, or by choosing to "opt out". That is, until possible support for losing limbs . However, it should apply the damage once. A possible solution for the tremendous scales of each block is to make all "loose" blocks (sand, dirt, gravel, cobble) have layers like charcoal, and make each layer behave the same way dirt does now (including charcoal). This would not only help with the scale and make it such that a normal dirt slump wouldn't kill or trap you instantly (weight for each layer), but it would finally rid us the need to jump continuously up 1 meter increments to scale a gentle hill, visit the beach, or traverse the nearly flat plains. A win-win, if you ask me .
  23. Magic

    Voodoo system, with main themes such as ugly, transforming, nearly invincible witches, brewing, voodoo dolls, and sometimes blood magic. This can be derived from my arcane system, using quantum entanglement to justify indirect interactions. Also, as I said, this system would not be able to work in TFCraft, but amendments and simplifications can be made to my suggested version, or it could be just thrown out, but this is how I see a believable scientific magic system, and because they follow the same restrictions as everything else our physics covers (plus more, just in case), it should be more or less balanced with the rest of the mod.
  24. Magic

    Good, someone has mentioned a pseudo-chemistry wordcasting system. BTW, I love the inheritance series. However, even the books address how horribly unbalanced the system is with the mundane, even though it has rules in it that should technically balance the magical and the mundane. A couple things you could add to this type of system (what I simply define as arcane magic) is failure chance and consequences, material components (and how to get around them), the act of learning and difficulty of training, and the effects on the caster's surroundings and his self. NOTE- Red text is to be defined as the individual wishes; there are several believable ways to interpret them. Firstly, I'd like to point out that all energy, and all matter, is the same. Chemical energy is kinetic energy found in bonds between molecules, kind of like loaded springs. Potential energy is gravitational energy. Heat energy is kinetic energy in the direction of a particle's natural movement (they always vibrate, seemingly randomly; no absolute zero). Electromagnetic energy is the kinetic exchange of electrons, photons, and their virtual counterparts. All are the same thing, and all matter is simply compressed energy (E=mc^2); therefore, everything that we know of are made of energy, of movement. Energy can come from one's self, matter, or the environment. In one day, the sun shoots off enough unused energy at the earth to power all of our electronics for a year. So energy availability isn't a problem. But how do we access it? (Storing/Accessing, Drawing/Charging) Next, we need to channel this energy into doing whatever it is we would like. This means we need a way to interact with the energy, to form it and to compress it. Light is a good example of energy we would have ready access to, so what does light interact with? It turns out, photons interact with all matter (leptons and quarks, all fermions), themselves(double-slit experiment), and the W boson (weak interaction, beta decay and quark "flavour changing"). They are also affected by gravity (gravitational lensing and general relativity), but not very much on such a small scale. Knowing this, how does one manipulate the energy? (Smoke and Mirrors, Sound and Motion) That may seem like everything you need, to have access to the energy and to make it obey your will. However, what if you don't have the materials at hand to create the reaction you wish for? I mean, sure you can create a fireball and launch it at a foe, even make it explode on contact. However, you can't do that from just light. One has to have fuel, access to oxygen, access to the energy needed to start the reaction (combustion), knowledge and ability to do the required spell (in this case, increase heat), and some way to contain the process so you do not harm yourself with the flames (optional). To make it explode on contact, you also need a means to add the trigger 'on x force', and have that cause a secondary contained combustion (boom). If you don't have that special type of fuel, you will have to obtain it somehow. How does one obtain the materials alternatively, if at all? (Conjuring/Summoning, Creating/Transmuting) Finally, repercussions must be taken into account. All of this energy, and the compressing, altering, and obtaining of such, would not be very healthy for the caster or the environment. The environment would grow lazier and weaker, yet more efficient, as the plants struggle, and wildlife in turn. In addition, life becomes more rare, materials useful for the reactions become scarce, and mutation occurs more frequently. Much of the same happens to the caster, yet every error causes him more aging, less effective and efficient bodily processes (moving, digestion, sleep, etc.) invariably. How does one reduce their magical "footprint" on themselves and their environment? (Balancing energy sources, Casting carefully, Protective gear) This is the basics of my arcane system of magic, the Chaos element in the equilibrium of energy. The others are Divine Order, where the power is given to you under contract, and Psionic Harmony, where by attuning one's mind and body to each other, enlightenment is found and nearly unlimited potential is unlocked, in a very limited set. I know that a lot of this is ridiculous in respect to practicality and possibility for this mod, but my ideas are presented so that maybe a healthy derivative can be created and implemented. tldr? Just read the first paragraph and the red text to get the idea. I should write a book.
  25. Magic

    While I cannot boast being a practitioner of Wicca, I have independently studied the basics of particle physics, and am a huge knowledge junkie. I also play various RPG's, so I have put a lot of thought into believable magic systems. However, for the time being, I believe that the general opinion of the devs is "no", or at least "wait until we have real things finished". Plus there is the fact that it is 1 in the morning, and company tomorrow, so I cannot justify typing them out right now. Maybe later, if people can stand it.