Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by munin295

  1. (Solved)Thatch Roof Help

    While I might argue about whether it's "interesting", fixing leaves spawning would also solve this:
  2. Stair(mode) vs Slabs

    1.8 added the BlockEntityTag which allows you to specify the tile/block entity tags that should be applied when the item is placed as a block. Mostly used for banners, I think, as well as for pick-blocking blocks with block entities (command blocks, chests, etc.). (not that I really understand how this will help mod compatibility)
  3. Entryways

    TFC metal trapdoors can be placed so that they open sideways. Perhaps such trapdoors on top of each other could open and close as a unit, allowing any-height doors. With commands in 1.8 you can make it so vanilla chests only open for people who are holding an item with a specific name (a "key"). It probably wouldn't be too hard to implement an interface to allow someone to specify the name in-game.
  4. [Solved] 79.9.357 Floating Trees in Worldgen

    <pinksugarfrosting> I'm not seeing any more floating trees (yay!), but all the generated sequoias are doing this (, leaves removed for visibility): The tree narrows down to 1x1 as soon as the leaves start, always in the -X,-Z direction, with leaves replacing wood. Reverting back to, I don't see this happening </pinksugarfrosting>
  5. (Solved)Thatch Roof Help

    While I agree that mobs shouldn't spawn in thatch, spawning in leaves seems interesting and atmospheric?
  6. [Solved] Height Restriction on Ore Spawning

    Surface ores can spawn up to 240: bismuthinite, cassiterite, native copper, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite.
  7. [Solved] Why Can't I Find Clay!?!? 1.7.10

    In the code, there seems to be a connection between peat and cloudberries and possibly cranberries as well, but I'm not sure if I'm reading it right, or if it's actually getting called, etc.
  8. My photo

    Don't crop and don't squish (by which I assume you mean distort), just add whitespace to both sides to make it square.
  9. Clay refining

    Yes, I was thinking leather being pre-clay (leather bags being a prerequisite to processing clay). I was thinking paleolithic vs. mesolithic, but stone-age vs. clay-age makes sense too (some regions got ceramics before microliths, so it's not like there is an exact tech path). Extending the stone age is fanciful thinking, just exploring ideas.
  10. Maps and Cartography Skill

    Vanilla maps support untitled waypoints. If you place a vanilla map in an item frame it will create a waypoint in any copy of the map that was placed. Seems to work in TFC (creative test only). That's not great waypoint support -- you'll need eight paper, four wrought iron ingots, one redstone, one leather, and eight sticks for every waypoint -- but it's something.
  11. Clay refining

    I'm not really interested in a ubiquitous clay layer, but I am vaguely interested in ideas that would extend the stone age longer (making the acquisition of metal more of an achievement) or more, um, realistic. In real-life, leather came long before ceramics, so I enjoy thinking about how this might be accomplished in TFC.

 All you really need to do with an animal skin/fur is scrape it, to get the easily-rottable gunk off of it, making rawhide. Without initial treatment with brains (yah, not happening), salt, or a lime solution, it will be more prone to rotting which can be represented with a lower durability value. Without tanning it won't be as flexible -- it might be suitable for a helmet, but not leggings, etc.

 But still, fully-processed leather was well in evidence in the paleolithic era, before earthenware generally in the mesolithic (note: I am a wikipedia-level expert in this subject matter). Can we process leather with primitive materials? 

If we need to make some sort of soaking container, what if we used cobblestone (made from loose rocks) to surround a fresh water block on four sides and bottom, representing blocking off part of a water body as a work area. Then we can sneak-right-click the water block (or, specifically, the cobblestone under the water) with flux, scraped hide, or a log to create the appropriate soaking "container" (since coding with water is difficult, it would probably be the cobblestone under the water that is transformed into a processing container, but it might render materials above it in the water). Maybe leather made in this way takes longer, or produces fewer pieces of leather, so metal-age barrels will still be desired (in addition to their portability).

 Now we can create leather in the stone age pre-clay which allows leather bags and leather cordage which we can use to process clay (in this scenario, clay requires processing with leather bags, extending the tech tree). Leather bags might have the same slots as ceramic vessels but wouldn't preserve food (maybe only allow lighter objects too?). Maybe leather cordage can also be used to tie dogs up to something (…, a tree?) but not to pull heavier beasts. We could also have leather waterskins to help hydration before ceramics are achieved (leather waterskins are much more believable than insanely heavy ceramic water jugs -- frankly, all ceramic containers should probably be back slot items).

 While leather in the stone age might be believable, would it adversely affect TFC gameplay? It would allow leather armor at an earlier stage, which allows you to take an extra hit or two. But it still takes some time and effort to reach leather, so I think that's fair (and leather armor in the stone age seems appropriate since the metal age allows metal armor). Quivers are useful, but not exactly game-changers. Saddles, though, I'm not sure about, since horses weren't really domesticated in the stone age, I think. Perhaps saddles might require an additional manufacturing step in a 3x3 crafting grid.

 Going even futher, clay might also require appropriate sizing (material added to stiffen the clay so it doesn't slump when fired). Sand is an early sizing, but sand seems trivial to find now with the Build 79 beaches. Maybe when a new world is created, a few random sand types are chosen as "appropriate" sizing, so you have to experiment with different sands to find ones which work, and possibly explore for new sands to find one that will enable ceramics (I actually think it might be interesting to randomize ores too so that you have to experiment to figure out which ores are "the copper", which are the "bronze additives", etc. -- I wouldn't mind the first few months being a nomad looking for new sands/ores/etc., with a lot of experimental failures trying to figure out which materials will get us to the metal age -- that's a stone age). 

Well, I've rambled on, so that's it.
  12. B79 Food Preservation

    It just says the proportion of food to liquid needs to be less than or equal to the proportion of a full food stack to a full barrel.(and the food must be brined, can't be already pickled, the barrel has to be sealed, and have been sealed for four hours)
  13. B79 Food Preservation

    Dried fruit too, maybe? (and tomatoes…) It turns out that pickled cheese is an actual real-life food. You learn something new every day…
  14. Maybe if you could make maps with just paper and markings, that would be make them possible in early days. Waypoints would still have to wait for metal though.
  15. [Solved] 79.9.357 Floating Trees in Worldgen

    I'm still seeing a few, but not as many? And so far only on 2x2 trees. 1.7.10-Forge10.13.2.1236 [1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- fastcraft-1.9.jar MapWriter-Mod-1.7.10.jar If something causes the dirt under a 1x1 tree to be removed (collapse, or just player digging, etc.), the tree trunk will slowly disappear from the bottom up, eventually leaving only a canopy of leaves which will disappear when updated.
  16. Replace Fire Pit with Campfire

    Like. It would have to be a sneak-right-click with rocks on the ground so as not to collide with the knapping mechanic. Personally I build my fires log-cabin style (two pieces parallel, two pieces perpendicular on top, repeat) and I think that would be more in keeping with Minecraft's rendering style than the diagonals of a teepee. Four sticks enough? It would be nice if there was a bed of coals that stayed lit for a while after the last log was consumed, gradually cooling.
  17. Floating leaves

    For extra fun, remove the dirt beneath a tree and stare at the tree for a few minutes.
  18. THE forest

    Bioxx said this is a "79 quirk": Bug Report: [79.6] World generation lines & straight jungle
  19. I use MapWriter because it allows me to zoom out as much as I want. Its waypoint support could use some improvement though. When I tried to install this (5.0.0RC4 Unlimited) it said it needed Forge minimum (TFC uses
  20. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    The Minecraft Wiki is in pretty good shape because literally thousands of people have contributed to it, and it has dozens or hundreds of people watching over recent changes to some degree or other (I only "watch" a few hundred articles myself). And yet even just today I added redirect links for "redstone tick" and "quasi-connectivity" which apparently didn't exist before (so a search for those terms would have required you to read down a list of search results). It's an on-going process and the current dozen or so trusted editors will surely update the TFC wiki when they get a chance.
  21. The search for Gneiss!!

    Almost twice as fast, and half as many ladders to get out: Dig down two blocks and place a ladder in the bottom block. Repeat in a spiral (zig-zag will work too but I find a spiral requires less thinking). Stand on top of a ladder when digging down to avoid falls and the mining slowdown of sneaking on a ladder. You can exit the hole by jump-climbing. If the hole was a bust, you might be able to recover some ladders by turning rocks into cobblestone and jump-stacking at the bottom.
  22. early structures for latest builds?

    This guy did. I just went to Peaceful. : )
  23. early structures for latest builds?

    In the first world I generated in B79 I didn't find trees or clay until the third day. I turned the difficulty down to Peaceful that first night, but since then I've had some thoughts and seen some ideas in videos. Dig into a clay cliff. Clay won't burn and won't fall down on you. Thatch can be used as a bracing material for gravity blocks. So, for example, you can build a 7x7 house of thatch blocks, then build a 5x5 house of dirt walls inside that by placing the dirt first at the inside corners where it's "braced" by two thatch blocks, then working towards the middle. This leaves you with non-flammable blocks on the interior wall. Dig your pit kiln deep. If your roof is seven blocks above the pit kiln (i.e., six blocks above the pit kiln's fire) in the 3x3 area around it, then you can build it out of anything. For example, this pit kiln is three blocks deeper than normal, with a dirt staircase, and the roof a little higher in the 3x3 area around the pit kiln (not all shown): Be careful of placing other flammable blocks in the house though. But yeah, building a pit kiln is basically building a small bonfire -- not something you usually do inside your house.
  24. Slowed movment from tall grass

    I'ts "believable" and I could live with it, but I'm not excited by it. : ) Maybe only half the slowdown of leaves though (pushing through meter-tall grass is easier than pushing through branches).
  25. Vary casting quantities

    A knife uses much less metal than a sword, so casting tool heads should use different quantities of metal for each tool. The simplest implementation would be to just say sword and mace casting consumes 200 units, putting them in-line with forging quantities. A more complex implementation would use different quantities for each tool head. Based on like 3 minutes of googling modern average/typical weights (of tool heads, not entire tools) and guestimating that 100 units is about 1 kg, some suggestions: 50 units: chisel, javelin, knife, propick100 units: hoe, saw, scythe, shovel150 units: axe, hammer1200 units: mace, pickaxe, sword1 specifically, blacksmith hammer, which is what the TFC hammer is mostly used for When it comes to forging, the heaviest five tools might all use double ingots, and any half-ingots "wasted" on 50/150-unit tools is just gone "in the process".