Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Owl

  1. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    is the ftb version updated I want to take a crack at it again Edit: It works but it's really laggy which is either my computer or the particle effects or the weather mod unless that's already disabled.
  2. A story of an empire

    I am considering writing a story of sorts about a civilization's rise and fall, talking place within terrafirmacraft. I would like input from anyone who would provide it, including actual in game photos of approximations of buildings/architectural styles.
  3. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    I hope someone does a playthrough (written or video) of this seeing as my computer isn't powerful enough to play it.
  4. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Eventually whenever I get a better computer or graphics card I will hopefully dive head first into this interesting mod, maybe even use it to make a post apocalyptic adventure/server map.
  5. Ceramic bowls - another tedium

    I assume this is how it originally was supposed to be, aside from the stacking part.
  6. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Whenever I put the code in additional parameters it makes it worse. splitting the tiny screen up. I really wanted to play this modpack but for now it looks like I just can't. It could also be I'm using the wrong argument Nope exact same arugment I used in multi mc, odd how it's not working here.
  7. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    This probably isn't the right place, but how do I access the jvm arguments in the launcher, I need to add a line of code to prevent the forge shrunken menu bug.
  8. Surgar cane growth in the cold

    Well considering in real life deriving sugar from cane was, for most of history, a thoroughly unpleasant and horrific affair, sometimes even lethal as people would get caught in machinery (said people often being slaves). So i'd say that simply having to keep the sugar cane warm and then magically grinding it into a fine powder with your hands is a pretty good deail. (why am I preaching about this after the problem has been resolved, well why not).
  9. Surgar cane growth in the cold

    The crop sugarcane and the wild waterside plant reed are different things now, as far as I can tell you can only get sugar from sugarcane and paper from reeds
  10. [b79.6] Another mountain seed, aesthetic

    What shader and resource packs are you using?
  11. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Can't get on, have you fixed my name on the whitelist or is it not up yet.
  12. Gathering people for build 79 server

    my ingame name is Owl8.
  13. Map addon with TFC 79

    After installing a prerequisite mod called liteloader voxelmap works too.
  14. What have you played while you waited for b79?

    Crusader kings two LOTS of crusader kings 2.
  15. A story of an empire

    I'm currently basing it on what many western fantasy empires are based on, the Roman empire, although this may change or be lost as I go on. This would probably be like a documentary of sorts, starting at the empires beginning, detailing major conflicts, and changes in society and government. I currently have a idea how it would go through the capital's founding, their first war with a tribe that constantly raids, expansion, their first "real" war, and then further expansion, with intermissions detailing the time in-between and short stories from the point of view of people belonging to said civilization or people they're involved with interspersed throughout.
  16. This may not be the right place, but when i try to start mutli mc after installing everything (after i've installed forge even) I get this. Can anyone help me with this Edit: Nevermind, went through the motions again and it worked
  17. A story of an empire

    I have literally zero talent in regards to video editing At the same time I think you may be overestimating how far i want to go. @hector grumble
  18. Not my problem, but...

    "The prospecting pick's detection range is WAAAAY to fucking far for it to be useful it also follows no discernible rules, so it's less prospecting and more "there might be something in this way maybe!" It's fucking bullshit, really. Everyone on the TFC forums says to prospect the sides of mountains; I've never found a single vein of metal like that. The only (non-surface) metal I've ever found was by stumbling into a cave. TFC's prospecting system is notoriously broken. Everyone I've ever spoken with on the subject who isn't a rabid fanboy of the mod has agreed with me on that. I'd be fine with it if those who ARE rabid fanboys of the mod would stop defending it as if it's a useful, sensible system. Finding ore IRL isn't even this hard." I have no idea how to help this guy. I'm fine playing without the prospector pick, but apparently he isn't If anyone could help me so I can help him, it would be nice. This started from him asking if the ore generation would be "fixed" in tfc II by the way
  19. Not my problem, but...

    No I am not.
  20. Not my problem, but...

    It has been done.Thanks for the link to the post treyflix, I'll try that next time I play. Now that I look at it, it seems to that he just hopped to whatever part of the argument he felt he could prove, and jumped ship whilst attempting to unsettle me when he felt he could no longer sustain his end of the argument. Oh well, at least I will learn what he refused to.
  21. Not my problem, but...

    I suppose so. I just felt severely aggravated because of the way he talked, plus the "the mod developers have a responsibility to make the playable" bit seemed to imply that they were beholden to make the mod exactly how someone else wanted, even though the devs made the mod for their own satisfaction. They may take input from the mod's player base, but ultimately they don't have to. I suppose I made this thread for support in the argument, not for problems with the mod, which isn't the purpose of this section of the forum. Sorry for that.
  22. Not my problem, but...

    I wasn't asking to change the propick, I was asking how to use it. The accusation that it was broken came from this other guy that trolled me on another forums.
  23. Leaving TFcraft

    You can't use both separately?
  24. Leaving TFcraft

    *waves hankerchief* Do what you gotta.