Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Maga

  1. Ranching: tending to your animals

    Righto, I'm still thinking about how people will end up with only one pig of one gender and have to go find another... But the more I think about it, the less of a worry it is. If they're in singleplayer then w/e, let the idiots suffer. If it's SMP then I usually run 10k from the madness and set up a town on my own then invite only the intelligent ones over who hopefully won't keep them crammed in a 1x1 hole. On a related note, here's my pigpen on rhodance's server after my latest breed job :3 Yeah... something needs to be done about this. PS. Hoping animal products will have more uses when body temperature comes into play with things like insulated armor and heavy coats/pants/hats/boots that take a LOT of leather, wool and feathers. True or false?
  2. Did the research I should have done at the beginning and promptly changed the op. Even though wool is still useless I'm way more happy with this version... It just feels so much better. Thanks for the knock on the head Dunk. I needed it.
  3. :/ yeah Dunk made a comment on my tudor-style white building block thread that was brought up in the 3rd or 4th post. I guess he's reading the ops and then maybe skimming after that. In other news I enjoy your choice of words.
  4. Transportation Infrastructure

    Acquiring enough cobble to build a road of usable size for carts is practically impossible for most players. Since mining stone takes so long (which, btw, I don't mind) I would probably have red steel and not need anything else by the time I had enough cobble to build a decent road network, therefore making the road useless because there's nothing left for me to mine or transport. I think it would be appropriate to add a chisel-like feature to the shovel where right-clicking turns dirt into "packed dirt" similar to farmland in appearance and having a cart-speed in between dirt and cobble. Any right-clicks after that would remove 1/8 of packed dirt blocks, allowing for road creation, still using up a tool and not punishing players who don't have 3 double chests of cobblestone just to get to the neighboring biome.
  5. Ranching: tending to your animals

    Very valid point. I believe I might have a solution. Once the animal becomes sickly it waits a week then does a check for the animals of the same gender and species in a 30 block radius. If there is another animal of the same gender and species then the sickly animal dies. If it's the only one of it's kind in a 60 block diameter circle I think it's safe to say that this would be enough grazing room for the animal to survive until a player gives it some love and attention. The circle size could be configured for different animals (obviously cows need more room than chickens) Eventually you would end up with a thin and sickly breeding pair or you would need to give your animals PLENTY of grazing room and separate them so they would have enough grass to eat to stay alive. This way sick herds would die off until players had just enough left to re-breed. Getting a healthy herd back from 2 sick animals (sickly animals should not breed, would need weeks of feeding first) would be punishment enough and the server wouldn't be mob-free in 10 years. Hopefully this satisfies our shared desire to punish players who neglect their animals while keeping worlds safe from irreversible population decay.
  6. You're a busy guy, and one of the admins, so instead of wagging my finger for not reading the entire thread I'll just catch you up on it. That's been brought up in this thread already. In response to said concerns I proposed that if we insisted on realistic crafting we could craft a frame block (that could also act as scaffolding, see scaffolding mod for details) and then apply a ball of clay to it which would dry white after a few hours. If realistic crafting isn't priority #1 then the crafting recipe that uses a plank block, cloth and sticks would be useful because it gives a great use to both cloth and sticks, 2 previously useless items. Either way, adding scaffolding that can be covered with clay or planks that are stretched with wool would both be great additions in my opinion.
  7. Ranching: tending to your animals

    Survive and thrive are two different things with VERY different applications. I'm afraid if you make death the immediate outcome you'll end up with the situation I described a few posts up. Any word on this?
  8. More stable straw

    Not referring to sapling farms where you place and wait. I mean the generation of fresh saplings based on grass blocks ticking in loaded chunks that you mentioned will work in B79 Probably best to take this one elsewhere as it has little to do with the OP.
  9. Transportation Infrastructure

    For goodness sake, you've been posting old-hat all over the place for the past 9 hours non-stop. Not cool. Straight talk, no-nonsense time. The faster you get this the better off you'll be: Try doing more reading and thinking before you do your talking or you risk sounding foolish.
  10. More stable straw

    The exact same problem exists with tree re-growth. You have to sit around in a forest you logged waiting for saplings to generate or build in the forest of the wood type you want. Players who want to build on the plains or use many different log types are left high and dry. It's sad, but it's also off-topic. I just hate it and wish that there was a good fix added.
  11. Tool right-click info

    You're argument invalidates itself. Like you said, there are already ways of identifying everything with very little effort. If this is how you want to play just go in creative and cheat in one of every item to stash in a chest and read the names to yourself. I assure you that no-one else in their right mind thinks that this is a valuable or necessary addition to the game.
  12. Ranching: tending to your animals

    I'm completely in favor of having animals become thin instead of dying. Over time on a server everyone would eventually let their animals die one way or another. Then they would need to find wild ones and before too long there wouldn't be a pig or chicken to be seen for miles. Making animals straight-up die when they don't eat enough sounds realistic but doesn't bode well for continuous game play. The best way to do it is let them survive but drop next to no usable meat when killed (an for each species be un-milkable... un-shearable... un-pluckable/no egg-laying...etc). If I neglect my cows I should have to get them nice and fat (via feed trough or hand-feeding) over the course of at least a month or two before I get a good load of meat. Letting them die would basically ruin the game to a point where servers would be forced to generate new maps due to the complete lack of animals over time as players accidentally let their entire herd perish and replace them with the increasingly fewer wild counterparts.
  13. Tool right-click info

    Yup. When I first started playing, half the fun was the mystery of finding a new rock on the ground, or ore in a cliff... running over and picking it up to see what it was and how I could use it. The same goes for fruit trees... every new one was an exiting moment as I chopped branches to see if a sapling would drop so I could identify it. Forest trees and berry bushes likewise. After just a few days of installing TFC I could recognize the things common to my area and after a few weeks there isn't much I can't glance at and instantly know what it is. Even if I forget what type of tree I'm looking at why should there be a tool that I right click the truck with when it's just as easy to chop one down and have a gander at the logs that fall? I don't understand why you want to take all the fun away from new players who have a chance to discover everything on their own.
  14. Armor Compatibility

    I love using smart moving in conjunction with TFC, the two go together so well but like you said, the rendering for armor is bugged out. Is there any way this could be fixed on TFC's side or is it something the other guys would need to do?
  15. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    I was just reading though this thread and this was something that struck me. Perhaps name tags could be used to keep track of animal traits? Made by crafting a brass sheet and string (or jute fibers) it would allow for right-clicking the animal to bring up a GUI of the tag that displays all useful information instead of simply giving the gender in chat. Right clicking a tame animal with tag in hand would apply the tag, in the tag GUI there would be an option to remove it from the animal.
  16. Braziers -heating (and cooking)

    I did my research before I posted, clearly you did not. In real life copper melts at 1085 degrees Celsius, bronze at around 1000, depending on the alloy used. In the world of terrafirmacraft, copper turns liquid at orange****, bronze at orange, bismuth bronze atorange* and black bronze atorange**** Since I clearly stated that copper and bronze braziers would only use logs as fuel and no log burns hotter thanBright red that is not going to be a problem. Now before you start spouting illogical comments about wrought iron and steel I'll cover those too, just for the sake of being thorough. Bellows would not affect braziers, and since without the use of bellows in a forge burning coal/charcoal you can't get wrought iron or steel to melt. Bottom line: these two metals would be fine for the fuels they can use as braziers. There was good reason I said copper/bronze braziers would only burn logs, both for progression and because it makes sense. And even after all that, I really don't care. I've lost track of how many times the admins have had to point out once again that the order of importance when designing TFC is good game-play > believability > realism. Even if my suggestion wasn't realistic (and it was) it's still believable and good.
  17. Braziers -heating (and cooking)

    Now I've seen everything xD
  18. Braziers -heating (and cooking)

    Thanks... edited OP to include lower tier metal braziers that only burn logs so players still starting out can stay warm. Cooking pot and range still restricted to wrought iron for the sake of progression.
  19. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Excellent, I love this... I don't mean to sound arrogant but this is written like you pulled it straight from my brainstorming... except better articulated and I had not considered that you could duplicate the scribes. I had thought about making it a mini-biome and bringing along some sort of paper/pen/ink but you covered it better than I could have. Also I love that it's reflected in the skill tab. +1
  20. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I for one immediately saw what he meant by the tnt comment. I just don't really think this is in the scope of TFC's future so there isn't much point beating people around with tiny details.
  21. If people don't want their buildings to have that block then they simply don't use it, simple as that. I don't understand why you are so objective towards a little more variety... no one is forcing you to use a block you don't want to.
  22. Buckets and fishing

    I don't think any sensible people mind playing on an older version, after all, TFC on 1.6.4 is loads more fun than vanilla on the latest snapshot. Just so long as in the next build has working flatland worlds for testing builds in creative mode I'll be happy. Of course, adding some other stuff like braziers, scaffolding, aqueducts etc would make me even happier, but good things take time, and I digress...
  23. From a builder's perspective that makes a nightmare. Because the wool would then take up the block it was placedin, noton... Adding detail and structure around those wool covered blocks is near-impossible :/ To be effective the block itself would need the texture. Some people might just say make a resource pack and paint a block to look like that but TFC is meant for SMP and ideally buildings look good regardless of texture packs.
  24. Gold Coins and Coin Stamps

    Old topic, doesn't need to be necro'd any time soon. The fact is that gold coins are useless. People only give away goods for a currency if the currency has value. Bartering is the way it is now and it works just fine.
  25. Plaster would be more historically accurate... something like carpenter's blocks where you build a frame then apply a ball of clay to it, then after a day in the sun it turns white would be more realistic and I'm not totally opposed to that notion. The reason I chose a wool-covered plank concept for the OP was because wool is currently useless and I wanted to have both a nice new block and a reason to keep sheep all in one.