Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Maga

  1. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    In case just adding skills left and right for everything isn't what the devs have in mind... I don't know this language at all so I'll use layman's terms but here is just what came to mind first. currently you say it is this (event.amount)(max health/1000)(80) adding a small bit of math could change it so that it is this (event.amount)(max health/1000)(80)/(0.002<experience level>^2)+1) round up the answer to nearest decimal and put a cap on around level 40 Assuming player has 1000 max health, here are some examples of the output of a 4 block fall at level: 0 = 80 10 = 73 20 = 58 30 = 43 40 = 31 Obviously this doesn't help a whole lot because it does not include a way to have larger falls give damaged based more on height and less on player level. For example, the damage from a fall of 8 blocks at level: 0 = 80x5 = 400 10 = 73x5 = 365 20 = 58x5 = 290 30 = 43x5 = 215 40 = 31x5 = 105 It's still linear Solution one: Make it a piece-wise function so that once the default damage goes above 4 it uses a different multiplier, if it goes above 10 use no multiplier. Solution two: Add a bit of math to the current equation that incorporates the fall height It would need to make this value (0.002<experience level>^2)+1) quickly approach 1 at the correct rateas the event.amount value increased It's a little late for me and I don't trust myself to come up with the perfect equation for doing that in a well-scaled manner. Probably give it a go tomorrow when my eyes stop trying to shut themselves. EDIT: CHANGES MADE IN FUTURE POST BELOW
  2. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    I didn't think It would be too hard to check what the damage would be and then multiply it down by a factor influenced by the level. I'm not fluent in code though, so if I am wrong on that front I apologize. I still think it would be better than the current system.
  3. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    My point... It's right there... you just said it... If I can (theoretically) get experience in fighting bears why can't I get experience in tucking and rolling. I have said, over and over and over and over again, that the damage reduction at higher level should ONLY affect SHORT falls. Yes, with practice you can tuck and roll from a fall twice or even 3 times your height and be fine (I jump off the trampoline, my toes 6 feet off the ground and land no problem without a roll every time) Direct quote from op: "After a 6-7 meter fall I think it should be devastating" I completely agree that long falls should be just as deadly as they are now. I made sure to repeat this several times in my second post just to make sure it was noted. The inconsistency I refer to is NOT the difference in the damage value number itself (why would I complain about that)... It's the lack of ability to "learn" how to fall better, just as you "learn" to fight mobs better. I feel as though you are bringing up issues with my OP that I not only addressed, but offered the same opinion as you did. There are things that I addressed 2-3, 4 times (multiple times per post) that are still being brought up as though my previous comments towards them were never made, and it's a little frustrating. I'll try to remain as polite as possible but I am now forced to be blunt in hopes that it will not be misunderstood. You are correct about the 13 times. That was a mistake on my part. I suppose after falling off my house I was getting annoyed by the mechanic and exaggerated the damage in my OP. The fact remains that a fall from 6 feet (my height) is absolutely nothing to me, a fall from 12 feet is something (An experienced gymnast be able to roll from) and a fall from 24 feet is certainly more than twice as bad as 12. The linear progression currently used is neither realistic nor believable. The lack of ability to learn how to take the short falls over time is again, neither realistic nor believable as well as being inconsistent with learning how to fight better (what is already in the game). I really hope this was clear.
  4. Fall-Damage Inconsistency

    I'm aware of the 50% bug and I observed that even at level 21 the drop from 4 blocks took my health bar back the same amount of pixels. The problem I see (and it is clearly in the title) is theInconsistency,I don't understand why I can get repeatedly mauled by a bear without much of a problem but if I fall off my 4-high wall 6 times in a row I'm practically dead. Either make bears (and other things) much more deadly at all levels along with falls or stop the silly business of lethal 4 block drops. I'm NOT suggesting that someone at a high level doesn't have to worry about falling... I just wan't the scaling to be tweaked. On top of this I would like to see a MINOR reduction to the X% Max Health of 4-7 block falls that comes with being a higher level. Nothing game-breaking, just a tiny perk for not dying all the time. It kinda hurts that you guys think I'm one of those people demanding god-mode endgame silly business. That ain't me. I just like believably. As I previously mentioned, the contrast between mauled by a grizzly and falling a few times once you get up there in levels is a little ridiculous and still serves as a good example for the issue as I see it. Please don't assume I'm hysterically demanding that we be able to Featherfall IV off mountains. Also, I like the slowness from broken legs/bruised ankles. Fantastic idea.
  5. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    @_@ Well... I won't stay up playing TFC late at night... Ever. Uh... to go back to what some of the twisted freaks should look like I would suggest doing a Google image search (or YouTube) "the thing horror" EDIT: "the thing transformation" gives way better results... especially on YouTube I would link pictures but they aren't family friendly, little too much blood and slimy bits. And to suggest a new mob... Make it like a spider but smaller, with longer thin legs. It would be EXACTLY the same texture as the environment and able to curl in its legs and hold still to look EXACTLY like a block. When you a- walk too close to one and then b- are not currently looking at it You hear a rasping, clicking sound as it slowly unfolds it's limbs. A moment later ...soft scuttling getting louder as it rushes for the back of your neck.
  6. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    First house on Rhodance's server. Not sure where I first saw the idea for connecting a mini-stable to your home but I love it.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    The following is directed at Bioxx. I will try to be thorough and as brief as possible. In regards to the concept of a "Home Stone"... The idea of a home stone is a massive redundancy. Towns already exit. People set up and invite friends, build houses and cultivate the land already. The players of a server don't need a block to define a town. They do that themselves. Houses, tools, farms, metal workshops allready provide the pre-requisit of obtaining resources to build a thriving town. Crafting a block is again, redundant. If players want protection from mobs they light up the place (more lighting options please) and set up a fence/wall. Spawn protection from a magic block is again, redundant. This idea of a magic block is just as contrary (if not more so) to the nature of TFC than typing */town create* to arbitrarily define a town. The fact of the matter is it's a magic block, you can't pretend it's anything believable or realistic. To quote Tywin Lannister "Power resides where people think it resides." The same goes for towns. Mutual consensus is the base for all political and economic environments. When you say "Don't force Moderators to solve problems that can be taken care of by the game code." I would propose that this mentality should be extended to include... "Do not force game code to solve problems that can be taken care of by the regular players themselves.) Players can make towns, secure them against mobs, declare war, make alliances ...etc just fine on their own. In reading this thread it has become clear to me that the problem you face with a push towards fostering towns and cooperation is very specific; Being able to secure your valuables once you have more than just your 4 close friends living near-by. If you can solve this problem then people will no longer have to worry about getting together in larger groups where not everyone is close friends with everyone else. The rest falls into place. If a server wants to have COMPLETE security (unbreakable blocks, unopenable chests...etc) then they would be better off getting a plugin. I don't think TFC needs to be towny or factions or lockette. It just needs a way to allow people to join a town knowing they have a way to protect against thieves with x-ray texture packs. I have been brainstorming a possible solution for this and will link it here as well as create a separate thread for it in the near future when I have it all organized and in writing. In regards to a currency... For much of history, currency was what people needed. Salt when people wanted salt. Spices when people wanted spices. Metal when people wanted metal. As I'm sure you well know, what gave coins their value was the fact that they were made of a useful metal. Perhaps there is a place for a "gold coin" but if it is added with current ore generation then someone either has no money... or they find a big vein and then 3 hours later they possess a King's ransom. Regardless of whether or not a currency is added, people need a way to do business when they aren't online. In real life there are hundreds of people buying and selling at the same time in the same place but on the majority of servers 100 players at once in the same area is not going to happen. Having a sort of "trade booth" block (part of the idea I will post later) would provide the needed boost to allow people to really start doing business with the entire community and would propel the creation of a thriving economy far more than simply adding a coin and saying "This is now worth something!" People need a METHOD to buy and sell more than they need a currency. (though if this is added a currency would probably be the next logical addition)
  8. Username: magaminer Age: 19 Location: Canada! Why do you like to play TFC? Because it's a great balance between surviving and being creative. Why do you want to join? Looking for an SMP server that feels alive and busy. What will you add to the server? A guy with goggles and a sweet mustache who likes to build quaint little cottages and tiny castles on mountains...
  9. I haven't used this addon but looking at the list of features it's like you pulled half of it right off my wish-list. 2 things I absolutely love are the tallow candles and the metal lanterns. I was just building my house and wishing I could get a better feel with the lighting, in minecraft you either have brightest lights possible or no lights at all... kinda sad. My idea is to add an empty-fist right-click feature to lanterns that adjusts the light level down each time. I think it's both realistic and beleivable since lanterns can do this by allowing more or less of the wick to be exposed to air. It would allow people to get just the right amount of light to make the inside of a house visible but still kinda rustic and moody, instead of using torches that end up being points of overpowering blindness. Great work on this, love what you've done with the mod and I hope to see much of this added in some way or another to the original.
  10. Sensible Crucibles (RESOLVED) <3

    Gosh darn it. My thread about crucible GUI turned into the ol' re-forge/sharpen/smelt tools and such. As if that topic hasn't been discussed to smithereens already... Requesting lock if it keeps going in that direction.
  11. Sensible Crucibles (RESOLVED) <3

    I'm aware that you can melt anvils. I know tools have been discussed. I wanted to know what people thought about more slots for crucible input. ;_;
  12. Useful lava

    This is not a massive, detailed suggestion that aims to overhaul an aspect of the game. Whenever I'm exploring I see all these beautiful hot-springs and lava-pools, and I think to myself.... "Wow, that place looks so cool, too bad there is no point building here since hot-springs and lava-pools don't help me in any way other than aesthetics." I'm aware that regenerative effects are planned for hot-springs and I think that's great. Problem is, lava is still basically useless even at the end-game when you can actually move it. I would like to see a feature added where lava is useful the entire game. My idea is this: Make building a forge over/near lava blocks allows the forge to reach slightly hotter temperatures on its own without consuming extra fuel. Make building a bloomery/blast furnace over/near lava work faster and perhaps allow the player to add more ores and a little less charcoal and still get a result. Is it realistic? Not really. Is it believeable? I think so. Do I think it would be sweet to have a fantasy dwarf style forge room where lava and metallurgy go hand in hand? Absolutely. When body temperature gets implemented you could obviously make building and using these devices near lava more dangerous so that it remains balanced.
  13. Ideas about food preservation.

    It doesn't feel right. The devs agree. That is and always will be the deciding factor. I don't hate jam. It simply has no place in this mod at this time. I would ask that for the sake of productivity and out of respect for the thread, the pointless back and forth arguing over jams and such be put to rest. There are many other useful things that we could be discussing here. My personal favorites being smokehouses for meats and drying produce. Because I feel I should add something here (otherwise I'm just contributing to the jam fiasco) I would suggest that refrigeration involve a method similar to what took place in the past. A large block of ice would be covered in an enourmous pile of straw, insulating it from the heat of summer and keeping food inside it cold and fresh. We have ice, we have thatch... Multi-block structure anyone?
  14. Ideas about food preservation.

    You seem to be under the impression that because salt and sugar look the same they do the same thing. You clearly don't understand decay. That's a problem seeing as this thread deals with food and decay. Bacteria don't like salt. Adding salt to meat keeps the bacteria away. Bacteria love sugar. Adding sugar to fruit pulp does nothing to slow bacterial growth. The process that keeps it fresh is sealing in a sterile, airtight container and then heating it past boiling temperature. I highly recommend you do research BEFORE you start talking. If you don't, someone else will come along, do research, and then tell you why you are wrong.
  15. Ideas about food preservation.

    All this talk of jams and jellies is getting repetitive and a little annoying. It's been discussed. The answer is no. Those are both very modern inventions. If fruit is going to be a preservable item the ONLY logical way to do it is drying. My grandparents live in British Columbia and they make dried pears, apricots, apples and plums. Those things taste great. They'll make you thirsty but you can leave them on the counter for days with no worries. Please, If you insist on bringing up the same exact idea over and over and over again, at least make sure it's a good idea. No. Jams.
  16. Archery Overhaul

    Great comments. Stuff like this though is largely dependent on bioxx and dunk being willing to add these additional skills. I'm not sure that's the direction they want to take though, so my challenge is to keep the archery rewrite within the current boundaries as much as possible. It would be great to hear from the devs what their stance is on having a larger list of skills. Whatever the answer is it would make this a lot easier for the people proposing ideas if they knew what side of the fence the creators are on.
  17. Press

    After thinking about this idea I did my due diligence in the search box and found that a fair amount of these ideas have been brought up in passing, though not to a level that I think adequately addresses their merits. (please understand that I thought of all these myself, then searched to see if anyone else had as well. Not trying to discredit anyone here.) The quern is useful and realistic but I'm surprised there is still no press in the game. Stone presses have been in use for thousands of years for a variety of applications. Here is a list of my preliminary ideas. Olive oil. Eat a fresh raw olive and tell me if that's how we should be eating them in TFC. Since olives are in the game it's kind of a no-brainier. Olive oil predates bronze by ~1000 years, (some peoples had it at 4000BC or earlier!) Olive oil has potential uses in cooking ranging from preserving food, making more nutritious bread, oil lamps and more (clay lamps please, pottery is kinda restrictive atm) Applications in medicine (If oil is added I would like to see it used in my suggestions for archery overhaul, namely making higher level bows. A little selfish maybe but meh) Better alcohol production Process fruits into juices to be drunk immediately or fermented Honey Harvesting combs from wild bees at risk to ones health and safety and then pressing the combs for honey and wax would be great fun Honey used in cooking and foods Wax used for candles & sealing clay vessels. (again with a new light source... torches are basically all we get right now seeing as glowing pumpkins are ugly, not to mention utterly out of place in a historical setting) Pemmican Some Native American tribes would grind dried meat and berries then mix it with animal fat to produce a food-paste that would not spoil quickly and was extremely nourishing for long voyages, migrations, hunting trips and the like. When drying meats (and I hope also fruits) gets added in B79 I think this would be a logical co-addition to the game. (To be fair grinding dried meats and berries would be better done in the quern, I just wanted to put this idea out there because I like it so much) Cassava Also called manioc, yuca and other names in different cultures, this hardy plant produces a starchy root that is a staple in much of the developing world and was used historically for thousands of years. Grinding the root, soaking in water for 12+ hours, applying extreme pressure to the pulp and then cooking the result eliminates a poisonous compound from the root and makes it safe for consumption. The pressing process could also yield the poisonous compound as a by-product that might be used in hunting (again plugging my archery overhaul thread, lol) to bring down or weaken large game at range (poison arrows) once they become faster and more dangerous. If I think of more I'll post those too. Constructive criticism is welcome, along with any additions you would like me to make to the list.
  18. Archery Overhaul

    1) Seems alright. I should probably do some more research on horseback archery before I start passing serious judgement. 2) The cooldown between nocking arrows and higher archery skill meaning faster reload times is something I had included word for word in my original post. Seems I forgot to include it when writing verison 2.0 Though I'm not sure it'll make a big difference the code would be easy so I'll add it back in where it should be. Thanks for pointing out it's absence. 3) In regards to using individual small ingots. Imagine trying to craft a quiver of 128 arrow heads... Hammering out each arrowhead at a time. That's enough hammering to create a bloomery four times over. Please no. Hammering out arrowheads should be done with a pile of small ingots (single item) and yield 8 arrowheads The only way small ingots could be reasonable would be to work the pile of small ingots again in order to make individual small ingots and even then, only if they had good uses (like making jewelry?But that's another conversation...) 4) Finally, one mold being able to cast only one arrowhead would be a nightmare. That means in the copper/bronze age, casting a full quiver would take 640 clay balls worth of molds. That's 256 straw and 256 logs for pit kilns. That's excessive. Simply because archery requires so many arrows they need to be made a little faster than one at a time.
  19. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    Sorry to go back a few posts but the pyramids (the famous ones at Giza) were constructed around 2500BC. Woolly mammoths still walked around as late as 1700BC. On the other hand, saber toothed cats (or the genusSimilodon)died out around 10 000BC Rabbits, squirrels, birds, etc... are all fine and dandy, I have no problems with those. But when everyone says they want more wildlife just how far back in time are you suggesting we go? I agree with WIldSpirits. We should keep the ancient history out of this, otherwiseprogressingto an age where we're working high-carbon steel while we still have Manny, Diego and Sid the Sloth running around in the background makes no sense. The two just don't go together.
  20. Press

    Realistically a primitive stone press was not a storage tank as well. You would simply have the left-overs in the press and a drain where liquid could exit. I envision the press with one input slot and two output slots oriented one on top the another. The top slot (output 1) would contain what ever solid product the pressing process might create. A barrel could be placed under the press to collect the liquid product. The lower slot (output 2)COULD be filled with the appropriate empty container for the liquid product. If a container is present in output slot two then if there is enough liquid product to fill the container it first fills that and the rest goes to the barrel. If there is not enough liquid product to fill the container then all liquid product goes to the barrel. No barrel or container present would result in the liquid product being wasted on the ground. This system should be able to handle pretty much any reasonable thing you throw into it. Example 1: Pressing a single honeycomb with an empty vessel in output slot 2 and no barrel under the press would yield 2oz of wax in output slot 1 and no honey in the vessel since a single comb is not enough to fill the vessel and no barrel was present to catch the small amount of honey created. Example 2: Pressing 160oz of cassava pulp with a glass bottle in output slot 2 and a barrel under the press could result in 80oz of pressed cassava, a bottle of poison in output slot 2 and enough poison in the barrel to fill 2 more bottles. SIDE NOTE: A mechanic for distilling liquids being added could further enhance/complicate the process by yielding dilute poison that requires concentration (in addition to it's obvious uses regarding alcohol)
  21. Squeezer.

    Before anyone thinks otherwise I would just say that I had no intention of ripping of ziat007. From the moment I harvested my first olive tree perhaps 2 weeks ago I thought there should be a way to make oil along with subsequent uses for it. A few days before I created my thread I started seriously wondering why a press had not been added and what potential benefits it would have. I slept on the idea, bouncing ideas off myself until I thought I had a viable suggestion. Before I posted I found to my dismay that ziat had made a thread about the same mechanic whilst I was debating the idea. Despite this I decided to make my thread because while the idea had already been presented I felt it was not articulated fully or in a manner that really conveyed the quality of the suggestion. My hat goes off to ziat for having the same (what i think is a great) idea. I see no reason why you shouldn't have credit seeing as your thread was created first.
  22. Squeezer.

    At the time I make this post you only need to look down 4 threads and there is this. plz.
  23. Archery Overhaul

    In my original post the certain bows could not be shot while on horseback, I plan to keep this as a recommendation. For practical reasons the longbow is just too massive to wield on horseback. Historically speaking composite bows were definitely used on horses (Genghis Khan's army employed this and as a result became one of the largest empires in the history of the world). As for the beginner bows I don't think anyone using them would be experienced enough to practice archery on horseback. I'm tired and suspect I'm rambling but here's the short version: I think horseback archery should be restricted to the short bow and the composite bow. There. Said it. That took way too long :_: As for a disadvantage I would suggest the obvious cross-hair jitter but that's already been put to rest, not exactly sure what to do to people shooting while riding... Open to ideas on that one.
  24. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    There is a thread about realistic wildlife behaviors and it is the one you are reading right now. My post was about wildlife following game trails and being scared out of an area by high levels of human activity. This is completely relevant and has every right to be in this thread. I mentioned trapping because "game trail" behavior has implications in that area as well. Please don't beat down my post if it's not out of line.